When we gather on Sundays, we immerse ourselves in the story of God. This involves looking back at who God has been and what God has done in the distant past, and learning to look for what God is doing/will do. As we locate ourselves in this story, we carry the question of what it means to be the people of God in our particular time and place. We do this in (at least) four ways: reading Scripture, singing songs, praying, and following the liturgical calendar.
Scripture: We hear texts from the Hebrew bible and the New Testament each week, maintaining some kind of contact with the breadth of the biblical narrative. As we do this, we seek to take up the vantage point of the people in the text alongside our own here in the future, hoping to allow the text to shape our imaginations and our lives.
Songs: We use songs to grasp for language to proclaim who God is and to express/process our experience of God. The songs we sing are primarily drawn from hymns and original material. You can learn more about ubcmusic here.
Prayers: In our praying together, we seek out language of thanks, praise, lament, and petition. Our prayers are drawn from Psalms, Church history, other cultures, and our own congregation.
Liturgical Calendar: Our services are ordered around a lived-in annual retelling of the story of God and the people of God, which is broken up into several chapters, or seasons. You can learn about these seasons here.
Our hope is that these components work together to immerse us in God’s story, and form us more fully in the way of Christ.