Pastoral Associate Application

Please review and respond to the following items and email your completed application to by 5:00pm on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

What is a pastoral associate?

UBC’s Pastoral Associate Program seeks to provide a 13-month opportunity for two committed Ubcers to gain practical experience serving in a church. These two individuals will provide meaningful contributions to the life of the church through close work with the full and part time staff. Needs of the church will be identified and reviewed on a yearly basis through input from Leadership Team, Staff, and Congregants. Associates will be selected based on their ability to contribute to these particular needs and to the life of the church as a whole and their willingness to be formed through this opportunity.


  • Responsible for developing and carrying out tasks related to formation, ministry outreach, or other programs within the life of the church

  • Help provide communication between congregants, staff, Leadership Team, HR Team, and Finance Team

  • Build relationships with congregational leaders (Mi Casa leaders, Sunday School teachers, volunteers, etc.) by being present at services, Town Halls, Love Feasts, and other community events.

  • Develop a measurable list of goals for personal development (ex: preaching, leading meetings, leading communion, time management, Sabbath, fun, enneagram engagement).

Associates should expect:

  • to attend and participate in weekly staff meetings (currently Mondays from 1:30-3pm, but we reassess the meeting time each semester to work with everyone’s schedule)

  • to meet weekly with staff supervisor

  • to fulfill 5-10 hour per week commitment during times when the church is open and staff is present

  • to take part in a mid-year review and an end-of-year review

If an Associate is interested in incorporating their Truett Mentoring or some other internship type experience into the same year it is expected that they would meet requirements of the Associateship and any outside obligations would be an addition (where elements do not overlap).

Please copy and paste the following information into an email and fill it out.  Once completed please email your answers to





Phone Number:


Can you commit to serving 5-10 hours per week from June 1st, 2023 to June 30th, 2024?

Please describe how you seek to be formed more fully in the way of Christ in your daily practice:


What you do in Waco (school, job, volunteering, etc.):


When working as a part of a team, which role(s) do you typically find yourself filling?

How long have you attended UBC? What makes you stay?


Please list your past and current involvement within the life of ubc:

What are your hopes for the future of ubc? Are there any ideas for evolutions/reimaginings of aspects of ubc that excite you?


What passions and skills can you offer to the position of Pastoral Associate if selected?


If selected as a Pastoral Associate where would you like to serve within the life of the church?


What interests you most about this opportunity?

Please list and explain three areas you hope to grow as a result of being a Pastoral Associate if selected: