I have been thinking hard about how I’d like to include our UBC kids in our efforts to engage with and better our community and world around us. UBC is a special place that fosters inclusivity and belonging, and even our youngest little church goers feel the comfort and safety that goes with that. If you look out in the halls of the elementary Sunday school rooms, you can see the types of things the older kids came up with that make UBC special, and a common theme you’ll read is that “everyone belongs”. What a special gift we get to give these kids. This is a gift that I’d like to reach outside of the walls of our church, and be able to give to as many children as we can.
One of the ways I’d like to engage our kids ministry with the church is doing things like our food drive for Pack of Hope. This organization ensures that local children facing food insecurity have enough to eat over weekends and breaks when school-provided meals aren’t available. Food insecurity affects almost 25% of kids in McLennan County. A quarter of children in our community- church, schools, friends- don’t know where their next meal is coming from. I want to fix it, yet I know I can’t cure it all. I’d like to start somewhere, though.
At our Parent(s) Night Out on February 7th, the kids will assist in packing bags filled with food for those in need. It’s a tangible way for them to understand that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
My hope is that by involving our youngest members in conversations like this, we’re showing them they have the power to contribute. That we can see a problem, and start somewhere at trying to fix it. That no act is too small. I am so grateful for the opportunity to participate with the kids, and welcome any ideas you may have for future ways to involve our UBC kids in serving our church and greater Waco community! Send me an email at to chat. :)
Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm
Pints with Toph- Wednesday, 6pm- Pinewood Public House
UBCYP Hangout - Janaury 30th
Come join us for our first UBCYP hangout of the year in downtown Waco! We will start at Southern Roots, then make our way over to Waco Ale. You can sign-up by emailing or in the foyer at church. If you have any questions, contact Toph.
UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.
You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.
If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email
Mealtrain for the Chandler Family
You can sign up to help support the Chandlers as they carry the loss of Jeremy’s dad here.
Mealtrain for the Duke Family
You can sign up to help support the Dukes as they carry the loss of Holly’s mom here.
Food Drive for Pack of Hope
We are collecting food for Pack of Hope, an organization benefiting students in and around Waco that provides non-perishable, easy to cook food items over weekends and school breaks to kids who have food insecurity. We will be collecting food until Feb 2nd! Items include:
Mac n cheese cups
Chef boyardee cans
Applesauce pouches
Fruit snacks
Breakfast bars
Cereal- boxes or single serve cups
Juice boxes
Pudding cups
Pop tarts
Cookie packs
Cheese crackers
Slim Jim’s
Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!
Kid’s Volunteers
SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.
Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC. They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night. If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.
**UPCOMING**: Wheel of Awareness Meditation Group (beginning March 9th)
Greetings, this is Jamie. If you didn’t know, I’m in school to be a therapist (no, I’m not leaving ubc). Last semester, I did a deep dive into Interpersonal Neurobiology and came out with training in a science-y meditation that I’d like to share. It’s called the Wheel of Awareness, and I’m going to be running a group during Lent for us to practice together. We did a one-off during Advent for the Peace formation workshop, and I’d like to do it several weeks in a row and talk about it together. Starting March 9th, we’ll be meeting on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and Wednesday evenings (6pm) for 45 minute sessions. Those sessions will include a check-in, a 20 minute meditation, and a debrief. We’ll have official sign ups closer to time, but I wanted to get it on your radar. If you have further questions or just can’t contain your excitement and want to sign up now, email
Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP!
PINTS WITHOUT TOPH (w/ Jamie)- Wednesday, February 5th, Pinewood Public House, 6pm
Parents Night Out- Friday, February 7th, 6-8pm
For kids age 3-6th grade. They’ll help pack bags for the Pack of Hope food drive, have pizza, and watch a movie!
Souper Bowl Lovefeast - February 9th - noon
It is one of the best times of the year, it is time for another Lovefeast at UBC. This year, in honor of the Super Bowl, we are having a Souper Bowl Lovefeast after church on February 9th. Please bring your favorite soup or stew to share (we can plug crockpots in during the service in the backside). UBC will provide the drinks and bread, but we need you to bring your favorite soup or stew. We will hang out, eat some good food, and debate who will the game that night. This is another great chance to engage with your UBC community. If you have any questions, please contact
Border Immersion Trip - March 9-12, 2025
We are taking our first trip to the border as a community to learn more about the immigration crisis and learn first hand about the migrants’ experience seeking asylum in the US. Spots are limited to 8 people, and there will be more trips later in the year. If you would like more information, please sign-up in the foyer or email
Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!
2/2- Kerri
2/9- Andie
2/16- Andie
2/23- Andie
Pastoral Staff
Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor
Leadership Team (
Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks
Staff Support Team (
Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken
Finance Team (
Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose