Newsletter 3-4-2025


Greetings. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the gateway into Lent, and our built-in annual reminder that we are all going to die one day.

I’ve come to be quite appreciative of such a reminder, prone as I have been in the past to characterize life as a thing that will begin later, after meeting such and such goal or crossing some benchmark or another. Life is not a thing that happens later. Life is happening now; always now. And it is a gift. A gift that, in its own strange way, is enhanced by the fact that it doesn’t last forever.

Ash Wednesday finds us again each year wandering through the clutter of our days to shake us awake and reignite the fires of our intention in the time we share with one another, in the way we make meaning, and in the way we love.

I hope to see you tomorrow at 7am or 5:30pm, but in case I don’t: remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.


Ash Wednesday Liturgy- 7am or 5:30pm

Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm

Sign up to bring dinner!

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesdays, Pinewood Public House, 6pm

Ubckids Fundraiser at Freddy’s in Hewitt- Thursday, March 6th, 4-8pm

Wheel of Awareness Group- Sunday- 9:30am

If you haven’t signed up, just email


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for Lee and Norm

Lee recently had foot surgery and is unable to put any weight on it. We have the chance to support her while she recovers and Norm while he cares for Lee. Sign up here.

Mealtrain for the Lemmons

NEW BABY ON THE LOOSE. Austin and Nikki welcomed baby Crosby last week. Sign up here to shower them with food.

Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!


ALERT. We’ve got a veritable gaggle of babies on the way this year, and are in search of a group of volunteers who will help support the new families and little nUBCers by organizing meal trains, postpartum support, etc! Email if you're interested on serving on this team.

Are you one of our soon-to-be baby having families? Take a moment to fill out this form so we can prepare to support you and your nUBCer!

Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

March/April Dinner Clubs

Are you looking for a way to get to know other UBC’ers?  Do you eat dinner?  March/April dinner clubs are getting together, and you can sign-up in the foyer or email  You will be placed with 4-6 other people, and your commitment will be for everyone to find a time to grab a meal together 1-2 times in March or April.  If you have any questions, please contact Toph.

Wheel of Awareness Meditation Group (beginning March 9th)

Greetings, this is Jamie. If you didn’t know, I’m in school to be a therapist (no, I’m not leaving ubc). Last semester, I did a deep dive into Interpersonal Neurobiology and came out with training in a science-y meditation that I’d like to share. It’s called the Wheel of Awareness, and I’m going to be running a group during Lent for us to practice together. We did a one-off during Advent for the Peace formation workshop, and I’d like to do it several weeks in a row and talk about it together. Starting March 9th, we’ll be meeting on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and Wednesday evenings (5:30pm) for 45 minute sessions. Those sessions will include a check-in, a 20 minute meditation, and a debrief. If you’d like to come, but haven’t signed up, just email


Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP! 


Ubckids Meetup and Play- Sunday, March 16th-noon, Whitehall Park (weather permitting)

Pack a lunch or pick something up and meet us at Whitehall Park in Woodway for a picnic and some playtime. UBC will provide sodas and juice.

St. Patrick’s Day Liturgy- Monday, March 17th, 5:30pm

Test Your Luck at a St. Patrick's Day Game Night!
March 17th 6pm-8ish

*Insert every St. Patrick's/four leaf clover/gold coin stereotype here* because we are having an all-church game night!  Immediately following the St. Patrick's Day liturgy, you are invited to stay and play board games, eat snacks, and spend time connecting with other UBCers.  Bring a snack to share and your favorite (reasonably lengthed) board game; we'll provide the beverages.  Sign up in the lobby or email andie@ubcwaco to register! 

Town Hall- March 23rd, after church

n’UBC’ers Luncheon - March 30th - noon

Are you new to UBC in the last 6 months?  If so, we would love to have you stay for lunch after church on March 30th.  The luncheon is a time to learn more about UBC’s history, and how you can get involved.  If you have any questions, contact Toph.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


3/9- Andie

3/16- Craig

3/23- Andie



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 2-25-2025


Spring is Springing, but am I?

I love this time of year in Texas (said the brand new Texan), because there are the most beautiful, bright days interspersed with cozy grey.  All of a sudden, my laundry is folded, I'm cooking more, and oh wait, what's that?  I worked out?!  As the slump and seasonal depression melts, I am faced with a bit of a dilemma: How do I embody the joy and renewal of a new season when the pain and fear of our previous season have followed me in?  I consistently wrestle with the tension between being a source of hope and holding space to weather the evils and realities we are watching unfold.  I saw someone on Instagram refer to the Queer community with the letters LGBQ, embracing the anti-Trans rhetoric that is working its way through our nation. I fear for our national parks.  I mourn for the loss of jobs and the threat of job loss.  And also, two UBCers want me to baptize them.  And also, new UBCers are rooting into our church community left and right.  And also, I'm planning a sabbath retreat for my MiCasa.  And also, my daughter stood up for her and her friends at school yesterday.  My precious church, I love you, and I say this with love (and not with any intention to foster avoidance): Lean into the And Alsos.  That is where the life comes from.  That is where we are refreshed.  That is how we embody the love of the God who was embodied in Jesus.  It is a beautiful thing to be alive, and as we move into the Lenten season, we are reminded, with gratitude, of just how short that existence really is.  I find myself longing to be together with you all in new and fresh ways that reflect the grace of spring, and I am excited about what God is resurrecting in our life and midst.  


Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm

Sign up to bring dinner!

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesdays, Pinewood Public House, 6pm

Spring Story and Tea Time -  March 2 - noon

Join us for a brand new event on Sunday, March 2 after church.  We are going to gather together and hear stories either told or read.  The theme of this Spring Story Time is “new life.”  Do you have a favorite story you would like to read or tell about new life?  This open to all ages, and kids are encouraged to participate and read or share their own stories.  You can sign-up in the lobby if you want to share a story, or email  UBC will provide small sandwiches and chips and drinks.  We would like you to bring some tea to share and exchange with others.  If you have any questions, contact


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!


ALERT. We’ve got a veritable gaggle of babies on the way this year, and are in search of a group of volunteers who will help support the new families and little nUBCers by organizing meal trains, postpartum support, etc! Email if you're interested on serving on this team.

Are you one of our soon-to-be baby having families? Take a moment to fill out this form so we can prepare to support you and your nUBCer!

Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

**UPCOMING**: Wheel of Awareness Meditation Group (beginning March 9th)

Greetings, this is Jamie. If you didn’t know, I’m in school to be a therapist (no, I’m not leaving ubc). Last semester, I did a deep dive into Interpersonal Neurobiology and came out with training in a science-y meditation that I’d like to share. It’s called the Wheel of Awareness, and I’m going to be running a group during Lent for us to practice together. We did a one-off during Advent for the Peace formation workshop, and I’d like to do it several weeks in a row and talk about it together. Starting March 9th, we’ll be meeting on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and Wednesday evenings (5:30pm) for 45 minute sessions. Those sessions will include a check-in, a 20 minute meditation, and a debrief. We’ll have official sign ups closer to time, but I wanted to get it on your radar. If you have further questions or just can’t contain your excitement and want to sign up now, email


Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP! 


Ash Wednesday Liturgy- March 5th, 7am or 5:30pm

Ubckids Fundraiser at Freddy’s in Hewitt- March 6th, 4-8pm

Ubckids Meetup and Play- Sunday, March 16th-noon, Whitehall Park (weather permitting)

Pack a lunch or pick something up and meet us at Whitehall Park in Woodway for a picnic and some playtime. UBC will provide sodas and juice.

St. Patrick’s Day Liturgy- Monday, March 17th, 5:30pm

Test Your Luck at a St. Patrick's Day Game Night!
March 17th 6pm-8ish

*Insert every St. Patrick's/four leaf clover/gold coin stereotype here* because we are having an all-church game night!  Immediately following the St. Patrick's Day liturgy, you are invited to stay and play board games, eat snacks, and spend time connecting with other UBCers.  Bring a snack to share and your favorite (reasonably lengthed) board game; we'll provide the beverages.  Sign up in the lobby or email andie@ubcwaco to register! 

Town Hall- March 23rd, after church

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


2/28- Andie

3/2- Andie

3/9- Andie



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 2-18-2025


I thought a lot about what to write today, because the truth is, the world feels really disorienting right now. I wanted to find a poem or thoughtful reflection by another author to share, but nothing felt quite right. 

So instead, I give you my own reflection: 

The world is really bleak right now, and my two-year old niece told me she loves me. 
The world is really bleak right now, and I had delicious pad Thai a few weeks ago. 
The world is really bleak right now, and I finally feel like my antidepressants are working. 
The world is really bleak right now, and my friend is getting gender affirming surgery. 
The world is really bleak right now, and my girlfriend told me she loves me. 
The world is really bleak right now, and I love the new season of Severance. 
The world is really bleak right now, and women's sports are the most popular they've ever been. 
The world is really bleak right now, and I got a great tax return. 
The world is really bleak right now, and my soccer team plays this week. 
The world is really bleak right now, and Andie told me she loves me. 
The world is really bleak right now, and I slept well last night. 
The world is really bleak right now, and the barista gave me my drink for free this morning. 
The world is really bleak right now, and my queer group chat told me they love me. 
The world is really bleak right now, and


Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm

Sign up to bring dinner!

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesdays, Pinewood Public House, 6pm

UBCYP and College Hangout - February 20th - 6:30pm

Join us for our next UBCYP and College Hangout at Toph’s Casa on Thursday evening, February 20th.  We will be having dinner together and playing some games.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church, or email to sign-up or with questions.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!

Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

**UPCOMING**: Wheel of Awareness Meditation Group (beginning March 9th)

Greetings, this is Jamie. If you didn’t know, I’m in school to be a therapist (no, I’m not leaving ubc). Last semester, I did a deep dive into Interpersonal Neurobiology and came out with training in a science-y meditation that I’d like to share. It’s called the Wheel of Awareness, and I’m going to be running a group during Lent for us to practice together. We did a one-off during Advent for the Peace formation workshop, and I’d like to do it several weeks in a row and talk about it together. Starting March 9th, we’ll be meeting on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and Wednesday evenings (5:30pm) for 45 minute sessions. Those sessions will include a check-in, a 20 minute meditation, and a debrief. We’ll have official sign ups closer to time, but I wanted to get it on your radar. If you have further questions or just can’t contain your excitement and want to sign up now, email


Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP! 


Spring Story and Tea Time -  March 2 - noon

Join us for a brand new event on Sunday, March 2 after church.  We are going to gather together and hear stories either told or read.  The theme of this Spring Story Time is “new life.”  Do you have a favorite story you would like to read or tell about new life?  This open to all ages, and kids are encouraged to participate and read or share their own stories.  You can sign-up in the lobby if you want to share a story, or email  UBC will provide small sandwiches and chips and drinks.  We would like you to bring some tea to share and exchange with others.  If you have any questions, contact

Ash Wednesday Liturgy- March 5th, 7am or 5:30pm

Ubckids Fundraiser at Freddy’s in Hewitt- March 6th, 4-8pm

Ubckids Meetup and Play- Sunday, March 16th-noon, Whitehall Park (weather permitting)

Pack a lunch or pick something up and meet us at Whitehall Park in Woodway for a picnic and some playtime. UBC will provide sodas and juice.

Town Hall- March 23rd, after church

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


2/23- Andie

2/28- Andie



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 2-11-2025


Toph Taco Tuesday - 6:30pm - Maria Mezcals

Join for us a special evening Toph Taco Tuesday downtown at Maria Mezcal’s.  See you there at 6:30pm on Tuesday, February 11.


Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm

Sign up to bring dinner!

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesdays, Pinewood Public House, 6pm

Galentine’s Day- Thursday, 6-8pm

Email to sign up!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!

Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

**UPCOMING**: Wheel of Awareness Meditation Group (beginning March 9th)

Greetings, this is Jamie. If you didn’t know, I’m in school to be a therapist (no, I’m not leaving ubc). Last semester, I did a deep dive into Interpersonal Neurobiology and came out with training in a science-y meditation that I’d like to share. It’s called the Wheel of Awareness, and I’m going to be running a group during Lent for us to practice together. We did a one-off during Advent for the Peace formation workshop, and I’d like to do it several weeks in a row and talk about it together. Starting March 9th, we’ll be meeting on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and Wednesday evenings (5:30pm) for 45 minute sessions. Those sessions will include a check-in, a 20 minute meditation, and a debrief. We’ll have official sign ups closer to time, but I wanted to get it on your radar. If you have further questions or just can’t contain your excitement and want to sign up now, email


Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP! 


UBCYP and College Hangout - February 20th - 6:30pm

Join us for our next UBCYP and College Hangout at Toph’s Casa on Thursday evening, February 20th.  We will be having dinner together and playing some games.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church, or email to sign-up or with questions.

Ubckids Meetup and Play- Sunday, February 23rd-noon, Whitehall Park (weather permitting)

Pack a lunch or pick something up and meet us at Whitehall Park in Woodway for a picnic and some playtime. UBC will provide sodas and juice.

Spring Story and Tea Time -  March 2 - noon

Join us for a brand new event on Sunday, March 2 after church.  We are going to gather together and hear stories either told or read.  The theme of this Spring Story Time is “new life.”  Do you have a favorite story you would like to read or tell about new life?  This open to all ages, and kids are encouraged to participate and read or share their own stories.  You can sign-up in the lobby if you want to share a story, or email  UBC will provide small sandwiches and chips and drinks.  We would like you to bring some tea to share and exchange with others.  If you have any questions, contact

Ash Wednesday Liturgy- March 5th, 7am or 5:30pm

Border Immersion Trip - March 9-12, 2025

We are taking our first trip to the border as a community to learn more about the immigration crisis and learn first hand about the migrants’ experience seeking asylum in the US.  Spots are limited to 8 people, and there will be more trips later in the year.  If you would like more information, please sign-up in the foyer or email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


2/16- Andie

2/23- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 2-4-2025


One day [Jesus] got into a boat with his disciples, and he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.” So they put out, and while they were sailing he fell asleep. A windstorm swept down on the lake, and the boat was filling with water, and they were in danger.  They went to him and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And waking up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they ceased, and there was a calm.  Then he said to them, “Where is your faith?” They were terrified and amazed and said to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even the winds and the water and they obey him?” Luke 8:22-25 NRSV(UE)

The world's on fire, how 'bout yours?  Except unlike Smash Mouth, this is decidedly not how I like it.  I've seen responses to the rapid-fire executive orders from all over the spectrum: "Fight, fight, fight!" "Joy is resistance!"  "Avoid the overwhelm." "Unplug; take care of you."  All of those seem like really good options, which in of itself is overwhelming.  So I did what I do when I've run out of my own good ideas: I tune into my 90's middle school bracelet wearing self and wonder WWJD: What would Jesus do?  The story above is one of the few that appears in all three synoptic gospels, and you can take it a hundred different directions.  For me, I find within it some key elements that will hopefully give us some insight into what 2025 can look like.  First of note: Jesus was among friends.  He got into a boat filled with his companions; fellow sojourners on a walk of faith.  Second, he rested.  He felt safe enough to take a pause and let the lake lull him to sleep.  Third, when things hit a tipping point, he was ready and able to act.  He said what needed to be said, both to the elements and to his brothers.  He calmed the wind and waves and then asked the disciples a pointed question: "Where is your faith?"  Why didn't you calm the storm?  Why didn't you believe that I would?  I say to you, my precious UBCers, go and do the same.  Be among one another.  Come to a movie night or game night or special liturgy or start a MiCasa.  Come to Sunday mornings.  Be among friends.  Next, rest when you need it so that you are ready to act.  Act when the time comes.  Act, and be ready to call those around you to action who are too scared or feel too alone to speak up themselves.  We need each other today and always, and remember that the one who calms the storms is in your boat.


Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm

Sign up to bring dinner!

PINTS WITHOUT TOPH (w/ Jamie)- Wednesday, February 5th, Pinewood Public House, 6pm

Parents Night Out is this Friday from 6-8 pm!

We are looking for some extra hands to help pack Pack of Hope bags with the kids during this time. If you want to volunteer, reach out to Nicole at

SOUPer Bowl Lovefeast - February 9th - noon

It is one of the best times of the year, it is time for another Lovefeast at UBC.  This year, in honor of the Super Bowl, we are having a Souper Bowl Lovefeast after church on February 9th.  Please bring your favorite soup or stew to share (we can plug crockpots in during the service in the backside).  UBC will provide the drinks and bread, but we need you to bring your favorite soup or stew.  We will hang out, eat some good food, and debate who will the game that night.  This is another great chance to engage with your UBC community.  If you have any questions, please contact


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for Alice and Ceci

We can help support Alice and Ceci while Alice is recovering from the hospital. Ceci could use quick, easy meals she can also pack for lunch for work. Sign up here.

Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!

Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

**UPCOMING**: Wheel of Awareness Meditation Group (beginning March 9th)

Greetings, this is Jamie. If you didn’t know, I’m in school to be a therapist (no, I’m not leaving ubc). Last semester, I did a deep dive into Interpersonal Neurobiology and came out with training in a science-y meditation that I’d like to share. It’s called the Wheel of Awareness, and I’m going to be running a group during Lent for us to practice together. We did a one-off during Advent for the Peace formation workshop, and I’d like to do it several weeks in a row and talk about it together. Starting March 9th, we’ll be meeting on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and Wednesday evenings (6pm) for 45 minute sessions. Those sessions will include a check-in, a 20 minute meditation, and a debrief. We’ll have official sign ups closer to time, but I wanted to get it on your radar. If you have further questions or just can’t contain your excitement and want to sign up now, email


Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP! 


Toph Taco Tuesday EVENING EDITION- Tuesday, February 11th, 6:30pm, Maria Mezcaleria

Ubckids Meetup and Play- Sunday, February 23rd-noon, Whitehall Park (weather permitting)

Pack a lunch or pick something up and meet us at Whitehall Park in Woodway for a picnic and some playtime. UBC will provide sodas and juice.

Border Immersion Trip - March 9-12, 2025

We are taking our first trip to the border as a community to learn more about the immigration crisis and learn first hand about the migrants’ experience seeking asylum in the US.  Spots are limited to 8 people, and there will be more trips later in the year.  If you would like more information, please sign-up in the foyer or email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


2/9- Andie

2/16- Andie

2/23- Andie



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 1-28-2025


I have been thinking hard about how I’d like to include our UBC kids in our efforts to engage with and better our community and world around us. UBC is a special place that fosters inclusivity and belonging, and even our youngest little church goers feel the comfort and safety that goes with that. If you look out in the halls of the elementary Sunday school rooms, you can see the types of things the older kids came up with that make UBC special, and a common theme you’ll read is that “everyone belongs”. What a special gift we get to give these kids. This is a gift that I’d like to reach outside of the walls of our church, and be able to give to as many children as we can. 

One of the ways I’d like to engage our kids ministry with the church is doing things like our food drive for Pack of Hope. This organization ensures that local children facing food insecurity have enough to eat over weekends and breaks when school-provided meals aren’t available. Food insecurity affects almost 25% of kids in McLennan County. A quarter of children in our community- church, schools, friends- don’t know where their next meal is coming from. I want to fix it, yet I know I can’t cure it all. I’d like to start somewhere, though. 

At our Parent(s) Night Out on February 7th, the kids will assist in packing bags filled with food for those in need. It’s a tangible way for them to understand that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference. 

My hope is that by involving our youngest members in conversations like this, we’re showing them they have the power to contribute. That we can see a problem, and start somewhere at trying to fix it. That no act is too small. I am so grateful for the opportunity to participate with the kids, and welcome any ideas you may have for future ways to involve our UBC kids in serving our church and greater Waco community! Send me an email at to chat. :) 


Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm

Sign up to bring dinner!

Pints with Toph- Wednesday, 6pm- Pinewood Public House

UBCYP Hangout - Janaury 30th

Come join us for our first UBCYP hangout of the year in downtown Waco!  We will start at Southern Roots, then make our way over to Waco Ale.  You can sign-up by emailing or in the foyer at church.  If you have any questions, contact Toph.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the Chandler Family

You can sign up to help support the Chandlers as they carry the loss of Jeremy’s dad here.

Mealtrain for the Duke Family

You can sign up to help support the Dukes as they carry the loss of Holly’s mom here.

Food Drive for Pack of Hope

We are collecting food for Pack of Hope, an organization benefiting students in and around Waco that provides non-perishable, easy to cook food items over weekends and school breaks to kids who have food insecurity. We will be collecting food until Feb 2nd! Items include:

Mac n cheese cups 

Chef boyardee cans 

Applesauce pouches 

Fruit snacks

Breakfast bars 

Cereal- boxes or single serve cups 

Juice boxes 

Pudding cups 

Pop tarts 

Cookie packs 

Cheese crackers 

Slim Jim’s

Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!

Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

**UPCOMING**: Wheel of Awareness Meditation Group (beginning March 9th)

Greetings, this is Jamie. If you didn’t know, I’m in school to be a therapist (no, I’m not leaving ubc). Last semester, I did a deep dive into Interpersonal Neurobiology and came out with training in a science-y meditation that I’d like to share. It’s called the Wheel of Awareness, and I’m going to be running a group during Lent for us to practice together. We did a one-off during Advent for the Peace formation workshop, and I’d like to do it several weeks in a row and talk about it together. Starting March 9th, we’ll be meeting on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and Wednesday evenings (6pm) for 45 minute sessions. Those sessions will include a check-in, a 20 minute meditation, and a debrief. We’ll have official sign ups closer to time, but I wanted to get it on your radar. If you have further questions or just can’t contain your excitement and want to sign up now, email


Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP! 


PINTS WITHOUT TOPH (w/ Jamie)- Wednesday, February 5th, Pinewood Public House, 6pm

Parents Night Out- Friday, February 7th, 6-8pm

For kids age 3-6th grade. They’ll help pack bags for the Pack of Hope food drive, have pizza, and watch a movie! 

Souper Bowl Lovefeast - February 9th - noon

It is one of the best times of the year, it is time for another Lovefeast at UBC.  This year, in honor of the Super Bowl, we are having a Souper Bowl Lovefeast after church on February 9th.  Please bring your favorite soup or stew to share (we can plug crockpots in during the service in the backside).  UBC will provide the drinks and bread, but we need you to bring your favorite soup or stew.  We will hang out, eat some good food, and debate who will the game that night.  This is another great chance to engage with your UBC community.  If you have any questions, please contact

Border Immersion Trip - March 9-12, 2025

We are taking our first trip to the border as a community to learn more about the immigration crisis and learn first hand about the migrants’ experience seeking asylum in the US.  Spots are limited to 8 people, and there will be more trips later in the year.  If you would like more information, please sign-up in the foyer or email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


2/2- Kerri

2/9- Andie

2/16- Andie

2/23- Andie



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 1-21-2025


A Prayer for When You Wake Up and Everything's Changed:

Lord, I woke up this morning like every morning
Two of my kids went to school

Two of my kids crawled into bed for warmth and kisses
My thoughts wandered to you, tried to find you, but they were too loud

What now?

Why now?
Not another one! 

What about our earth? WHAT ABOUT OUR NEIGHBORS?!

Lord, when I woke up, my fridge was full, my dogs were whining, and the laundry still needed folded
Teach me how to live and love when everything's the same, but everything has changed


Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm

Sign up to bring dinner!

Pints with Toph- Wednesday, 6pm- Pinewood Public House

UBC’s 30th Birthday Party - January 26th - noon

UBC is turning 30 this month, and we would love to celebrate with you.  We are going to be throwing a party after church on the 26th of this month, and we want you to come and invite your friends.  We will have food, drinks, games, party favors, and epic playlist to get us in the spirit.  UBC will cover everything for the party, we just want you to show up!  We will also have a slideshow of UBC through the years, so if you have any pictures please send them to before Thursday, January 23rd.  If you have any questions, contact Toph.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the Pryor Family

Jessica is home from Colorado after a cancer reoccurrence and surgery. They would appreciate support from their friends at UBC during a rough recovery! Sign up here.

Food Drive for Pack of Hope

We are collecting food for Pack of Hope, an organization benefiting students in and around Waco that provides non-perishable, easy to cook food items over weekends and school breaks to kids who have food insecurity. We will be collecting food until Feb 2nd! Items include:

Mac n cheese cups 

Chef boyardee cans 

Applesauce pouches 

Fruit snacks

Breakfast bars 

Cereal- boxes or single serve cups 

Juice boxes 

Pudding cups 

Pop tarts 

Cookie packs 

Cheese crackers 

Slim Jim’s

Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!

Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP! 


Toph Taco Tuesday- Veronica’s Restaurant- January 28th- noon

UBCYP Hangout - Janaury 30th

Come join us for our first UBCYP hangout of the year in downtown Waco!  We will start at Southern Roots, then make our way over to Waco Ale.  You can sign-up by emailing or in the foyer at church.  If you have any questions, contact Toph.

Parents Night Out- Friday, February 7th, 6-8pm

For kids age 3-6th grade. They’ll help pack bags for the Pack of Hope food drive, have pizza, and watch a movie! 

Souper Bowl Lovefeast - February 9th - noon

It is one of the best times of the year, it is time for another Lovefeast at UBC.  This year, in honor of the Super Bowl, we are having a Souper Bowl Lovefeast after church on February 9th.  Please bring your favorite soup or stew to share (we can plug crockpots in during the service in the backside).  UBC will provide the drinks and bread, but we need you to bring your favorite soup or stew.  We will hang out, eat some good food, and debate who will the game that night.  This is another great chance to engage with your UBC community.  If you have any questions, please contact

Border Immersion Trip - March 9-12, 2025

We are taking our first trip to the border as a community to learn more about the immigration crisis and learn first hand about the migrants’ experience seeking asylum in the US.  Spots are limited to 8 people, and there will be more trips later in the year.  If you would like more information, please sign-up in the foyer or email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


1/26- Andie

2/2- Kerri

2/9- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 1-14-2025


New Beginnings

We are 13 days into 2025, and I still must remind myself what year it is when I am writing down the date on something, and this isn’t something new, I struggle with it every year.  At the start of each year, I wade through the first few weeks looking forward to the new year, while still feeling like I am living the previous year.  It takes some time to adjust to the newness, to let it sink it, to turn the page. 
I have been thinking about fresh starts this year, and all the ways new beginnings happen in life, the ones we choose, and the ones thrust upon us by life.  New beginnings can be exciting, anxiety producing, full of grief, full of anticipation and wonder, challenging, comforting, scary, hopeful, and a myriad of other things.  The start of a new year often brings a chance to reflect on the year before and anticipate the year to come, to set new intentions for what you want this next season of life to hold.  Over the last 6 weeks I have been thinking about new beginnings, the ones I chose in 2024 and the ones which were thrust upon me, and the ones I anticipate in 2025.  I have been reflecting on a part of a poem I came across recently: 

I’m seeking to focus the frame
Of what and whom I want to be
Of how and whom I want to love
Guiding Love find me again
Give me grace upon grace for who I am

Here at the start of 2025, maybe you are at a new beginning, whether it’s one you chose and or one that was chosen for you.  As you enter this year my prayer for you is one of clarity: clarity of who you are and who you want to be, clarity of how you want to show up in the world and how immensely loved you are, and clarity of what you need from yourself and others in this coming year.  My prayer is when you find this clarity, you will find Love and Light have been with you all along, helping you to focus the frame, guiding and leading you into the all-inclusive love of Jesus which can transform the world.


Youth Group- Wednesday, 6pm

Youth group is back this week! Not a youth or the caregiver of a youth but still want to support the youth group? Sign up to bring dinner!

Pints with Toph- Wednesday, 6pm- Pinewood Public House


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the Pryor Family

Jessica is home from Colorado after a cancer reoccurrence and surgery. They would appreciate support from their friends at UBC during a rough recovery! Sign up here.

Food Drive for Pack of Hope

We are collecting food for Pack of Hope, an organization benefiting students in and around Waco that provides non-perishable, easy to cook food items over weekends and school breaks to kids who have food insecurity. We will be collecting food until Feb 2nd! Items include:

Mac n cheese cups 

Chef boyardee cans 

Applesauce pouches 

Fruit snacks

Breakfast bars 

Cereal- boxes or single serve cups 

Juice boxes 

Pudding cups 

Pop tarts 

Cookie packs 

Cheese crackers 

Slim Jim’s

Bring Food for Youth Group
Part of our youth group’s weekly gathering is sharing a meal together. You can be a part of making that possible. Sign up to bring dinner here!

Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Kids camp will be July 20-23 at Glen Lake Camp in Glenrose for kids who have completed 3rd grade-6th grade. We have 10 spots. Cost is $438/camper, reach out to to secure a spot ASAP! 


UBC’s 30th Birthday Party - January 26th - noon

UBC is turning 30 this month, and we would love to celebrate with you.  We are going to be throwing a party after church on the 26th of this month, and we want you to come and invite your friends.  We will have food, drinks, games, party favors, and epic playlist to get us in the spirit.  UBC will cover everything for the party, we just want you to show up!  We will also have a slideshow of UBC through the years, so if you have any pictures please send them to before Thursday, January 23rd.  If you have any questions, contact Toph.

Toph Taco Tuesday- Veronica’s Restaurant- January 28th- noon

UBCYP Hangout - Janaury 30th

Come join us for our first UBCYP hangout of the year in downtown Waco!  We will start at Southern Roots, then make our way over to Waco Ale.  You can sign-up by emailing or in the foyer at church.  If you have any questions, contact Toph.

Parents Night Out- Friday, February 7th, 6-8pm

For kids age 3-6th grade. They’ll help pack bags for the Pack of Hope food drive, have pizza, and watch a movie! 

Souper Bowl Lovefeast - February 9th - noon

It is one of the best times of the year, it is time for another Lovefeast at UBC.  This year, in honor of the Super Bowl, we are having a Souper Bowl Lovefeast after church on February 9th.  Please bring your favorite soup or stew to share (we can plug crockpots in during the service in the backside).  UBC will provide the drinks and bread, but we need you to bring your favorite soup or stew.  We will hang out, eat some good food, and debate who will the game that night.  This is another great chance to engage with your UBC community.  If you have any questions, please contact

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


1/19- Andie

1/26- Andie

2/2- Kerri

2/9- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 12-31-2024


New Year, Same You

Wherever you go, there you are.  Isn't that the saying?  No matter where you roam, you bring you with you.  You bring the sum of your experiences, your joys, your traumas, your fears, failures, and hopes for the future.  You are your own constant companion.   We spend so much time in absent-minded, disembodied distraction that we forget how important it is to sit with ourselves.  We forget to listen to the stirrings in our soul that bring us to the places and purposes that God has written for us.  Our lectionary text this week comes from John 1, and it is one of my absolute favorite passages in the whole of scripture. It is poetic and moving and raw.  The Word preexisted, the Word gave birth to the world, and the Word, filled with life and light, took on a body to better experience all that has been made.  This week, find a few moments to bring your attention to your breath, your heart beat, and the way you exist in the world.  Put on the new socks you got for Christmas, bundle up in a soft blanket, hug someone you love.  Remember that you, like the Word who dwelt among us, have been gifted a body that contains multitudes.  You have a mind that is creative and elastic.  You have beautiful memories to replay and to make.  Sit with the layers of who you are, because wherever you go, my friend, there you are.  What a gift, indeed!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


13 Going on 30 Movie Night- Monday, January 13th, 5:30pm
We are turning 30 in January, and are going to watch 13 going on 30 on the 13th as part of our celebration.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


1/5- Andie

1/12- Andie

1/19- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 12-24-2024


In the Morning, In the Evening

Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at suppertime. When pizza’s on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime.

The immortal words of this ancient poem have been on my mind this week as I turn my attention toward Sunday.

As you know, Sunday is our third annual Brunch Church, where we traverse the liminal space between the hanging over of the previous year and the dawning of the next by eating Brunch, just as God intended.

Ubc will provide coffee, mimosas, alcohol-free mimosas, and a pile of scrambled eggs.

We ask that you would bring a brunch dish to share. Something that one might eat at breakfast, or lunch, or perhaps anytime.

Something that transcends the imaginary borders we place around the temporal propriety of consumption.

Like a dish that is simultaneously pizza and bagel. Three years in, and no one has yet had the courage.

Anyway, see you Sunday and don’t forget about the Christmas Eve liturgy at 5:30pm tonight.


Ubckids will be among us as we eat Brunch this Sunday.


Christmas Eve Liturgy- Tuesday, December 24th, 5:30pm

Brunch Church- Sunday, January 29th, 10:45am
We’ll close out the year by having a brunch potluck for our Sunday liturgy. It’s not before church or after church—it IS church. Ubc will provide coffee, mimosas, and scrambled eggs—bring a dish to share!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


13 Going on 30 Movie Night- Monday, January 13th, 5:30pm
We are turning 30 in January, and are going to watch 13 going on 30 on the 13th as part of our celebration.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


12/29- Brunch Church

1/5- Andie

1/12- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 12-17-2024


You are Cordially Invited

I love the concept of rhythms.  I wasn't a lectionary girlie before coming to UBC, but in my second year, I have found an ease and comfort in returning to the seasonal events I experienced last year.  One of the most magical for me was our Christmas Eve service.  There are a couple of ways churches approach Christmas Eve.  Some make a big push: Extra marketing, bigger billboards, more door-to-dooring.  Some skip it all together with the thought that people would want to be home.  Our approach occupies the space in-between: Come if it will be meaningful to you.  Come if you need somewhere to be.  Come if you want a tangible reminder of why we gather on Sundays, turn our attention to Jesus throughout the week, and try to live lives of purpose and impact.  I had tears in my eyes as I surveyed our sanctuary last year, and anticipate taking it all in with awe and wonder again this year.  People who were strangers just a few months prior had already become the people I trusted, relied on, and loved.  If that is not the embodiment of the Church I don't know what is.  I said this on Sunday, and would like to say it again (and again and again!): You bring me joy.  You, my church, my tiny corner of the world, make me happy.  If you are looking for somewhere to be on Christmas Eve, I would be honored to spend it together.  If you need a reminder that cuts through the stress, overwhelm, and consumption that December can bring, we will offer that, too.  I can't wait to join our voices to sing to and about the One who brings light into our lives and into this weary world.


Ubckids will be in the service with the adults this Sunday (12/22), as well as the following Sunday for Brunch Church.


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 19th- 6pm (Childcare Available)


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 5th, 12th, and 19th, 6pm (Childcare Available)

Christmas Eve Liturgy- Tuesday, December 24th, 5:30pm

Brunch Church- Sunday, January 29th, 10:45am
We’ll close out the year by having a brunch potluck for our Sunday liturgy. Ubc will provide coffee, mimosas, and scrambled eggs—bring a dish to share!

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


12/22- Andie

12/29- Brunch Church

1/5- Andie

1/12- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 12-10-2024


If you’ve been to any of Waco’s coffee shops lately, you know that the students are out in full force. Finals are looming and papers are due. This season is truly living up to its “hustle and bustle.” 

I’ve worked at Pinewood, a favorite local coffee spot, for about a year now. And like many service workers - I can at times be jaded about customer service and the varying interactions I have with people. 

But today I’d like to tell you about a good one I had. A few weeks ago, a newer regular came in during election week. He asked me how I was doing. Customers ask me this every day, and I generally give a one word answer of “fine, good, or well.” But I could tell he was genuinely asking and had time to listen. And so I said, ya know? I’m not really doing that great. He looked back and said “to be honest, me neither. I’m really scared.” I looked back at him and said, “I’m really scared, too.”

And then I charged him for his americano with room for cream, and we went about our days. But that moment has stayed with me. 

I am never one to find good in situations; in fact, if anything I find he bad, to my detriment. So I am certainly not writing to gloss over the deadly ramifications that another Trump presidency could have on the lives of many folks. 

Here’s what I am writing about today: to remind you that we take care of us. At the end of the day, we are the ones who look out for each other. But this is more than a reminder to check on your people. This is me saying, UBC, the closest thing we have to sitting down in a room with Jesus the Christ is sitting down with another human. For me, this is the most critical message of Advent. Jesus may have come into the world as a baby. I wasn’t there; I can’t say for sure. But I can tell you that I have seen Jesus and felt His care when my customer looked at me in the eyes and said, “I’m scared, too.” 

I’ve felt the presence of the human incarnate God when I wept with my therapist about the most private pains. 

I’ve felt the nearness and farness of God as I’ve journeyed with a church that I loved but that eventually stopped loving me. And I’ve felt that same nearness and farness as I returned to a church that loved me implicitly before I loved it (that’s UBC, if you wondered).

Anyways, what’s the point of all this? What am I saying? I hope for us to remember that a critical way that God takes care of us is in the ways that we take care of each other. At the end of the day, we take care of us. So UBC: this Advent, may we be a people who lean in, share sorrow and joy, and who care for each other. And there - in the places of our deepest humanity - is where we find God, incarnate amongst us. 


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm- Pinewood Public House

Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 12th- 6pm (Childcare Available)


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 5th, 12th, and 19th, 6pm (Childcare Available)

Christmas Eve Liturgy- Tuesday, December 24th, 5:30pm

Brunch Church- Sunday, January 29th, 10:45am

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


12/15- Andie

12/22- Andie

12/29- Brunch Church

1/5- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 12-3-2024


Tending our Values

Three things: 
One: I hate talking about money in church.  You may not know this about my history, but I attended a church early on in my faith where the lead pastor embezzled thousands of dollars of tithe money.  This was followed by a massive exodus from the congregation and an overwhelming push by the elders to give more.  My trust was shattered, and I felt betrayed by my pastor, church, and God.
Two: In my church history, giving has always been tied to my faith.  DIRECTLY.  I have been told from the pulpit that if I trust God with little, God will bless me with much, and if I can't (translation: won't) give ten percent of our income, I do not take God at God's word.  Though I don't agree with a word of that now, it felt really awful when I did.

Three: Despite my past experiences, I am still going to talk about money with you, because the conversation is important and deserves to be reframed.  Today is Giving Tuesday, a chance to take what we have and invest in organizations that are meaningful to us.  UBC's budget rises and falls on congregational support.  Though we are working on grant opportunities, our spending outpaces our giving.  In 2025, we are facing a budget disparity of roughly $150,000.  While that might feel pretty insurmountable, I unabashedly believe that Waco and the world need UBC.  We must find creative ways to keep loving and serving people with marginalized identities, more progressive theology, and the kind of expansive love that Christ represents, and that takes financial resources.  So here's my request: If you have ongoing giving set up, would you take a minute and consider adjusting it?  Even $20 a month can make an impact!  If you value the work of UBC and can support it financially but haven't yet, please think about starting.  Last, if you'd like to give a one time gift on Giving Tuesday, it will help us close out the year with a hopeful eye to the future.  For our family, we've considered what it would mean to UBC to skip the extra DoorDash once or twice a month or to thrift some of the items we usually buy new.  It might not be a lot, but if we make changes together, the impact will multiply.  My hope as your pastor is that we let our values guide every aspect of our lives, and that includes our spending. Out of 325 churches in Waco, UBC is one of seven affirming churches and one of four churches with a female senior pastor.  Our ministry matters and can change the lives of those who need a safe, inclusive community where they belong.  Thank you for your openness and the care you show for UBC; as always, I'm available to answer any questions or to chat!


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm- Pinewood Public House

Liturgy of Mourning- Thursday, December 5th, 5:30pm (Childcare Available)

Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 5th- 6pm (Childcare Available)

College and UBCYP Christmas Party - Sunday - 6pm

Tis the season to celebrate!  We will be having a Christmas party at Toph’s Casa this Sunday night, at 6pm.  There will be Christmas trivia, beverages, and appetizers to share.  You can sign-up on Sunday morning, or email

Please bring an appetizer to share.  If you have any questions, contact 


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 5th, 12th, and 19th, 6pm (Childcare Available)

Christmas Eve Liturgy- Tuesday, December 24th, 5:30pm

Brunch Church- Sunday, January 29th, 10:45am

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


12/8- Sharyl

12/15- Andie

12/22- Andie

12/29- Brunch Church



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 11-26-2024


This Sunday evening at 5pm, we will gather for our annual yuletide rager: Carols, Cocktails, and Cookies. There will be:

1) Carol-oke (feel free to go ahead and seek out your preferred versions of songs on YouTube)

2) Batch-made cocktails and mocktails

3) Cookies—copious amounts of cookies.

Or at least I hope there are copious amounts of cookies—that part is really up to you: we are asking everyone to bring cookies to share. They needn’t be homemade. They needn’t be explicitly Christmas-themed. They needn’t even embody the dislocated longing of Advent. They can be any cookies you want. Even Oreos. Maybe even especially Oreos. The choice is yours.

If you have any questions, feel free to email any of the pastoral staff. Personally, I’d email But anyone you want.

See you there



We are partnering with Arrow Child and Family ministries this year to buy gifts for foster care kids and their siblings.  We have agreed to get 2 gifts each for 30 kids.  We ask that you keep the gifts under $20, and they are due at UBC by the first Sunday in December.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church or email   Contact Toph with any questions. 


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm- Pinewood Public House

Carols, Cocktails, and Cookies- Sunday, December 1st, 5pm


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Christmas Gifts for Arrow

We are partnering with Arrow Child and Family ministries this year to buy gifts for foster care kids and their siblings.  We have agreed to get 2 gifts each for 30 kids.  We ask that you keep the gifts under $20, and they are due at UBC by the first Sunday in December.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church or email   Contact Toph with any questions. 

Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Liturgy of Mourning- Thursday, December 5th, 5:30pm (Childcare Available)

Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 5th, 12th, and 19th, 6pm (Childcare Available)

Christmas Eve Liturgy- Tuesday, December 24th, 5:30pm

Brunch Church- Sunday, January 29th, 10:45am

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


12/1- Andie

12/8- TBD

12/15- Andie

12/22- Andie

12/29- Brunch Church



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 11-19-2024


The Lesson in Love Feast

Last Sunday was our Thanksgiving Love Feast, and once again, I was blown away by the connections within our church.  It was so fun to sit back and watch conversations happen, and to spend more time with the people we see in passing on Sunday mornings.  One thing in particular struck me this year, and I wanted to share some thoughts about it.  We had several tables set up and ready to go, but as more UBCers came, it turned out we needed more space.  People moved quickly to set up additional tables so that everyone who needed a seat had one.  It reminded me of that old saying, "When you have more than you need, don't build a taller fence, build a longer table."  As I think forward to engaging, our 2025 theme, I think about what it would look like if we committed to engage more fully at UBC and in our larger community.  How many tables would we have to add this time next year if we prioritize our presence at UBC?  How many more conversations will take place if we are willing to show up, grow deeper, build new relationships, and root with abandon?  So many of us have been harmed by a narrative of mandatory church attendance; that is not what I am suggesting.  Instead, I invite us to consider who we want to be when looking back over 2025, or even at the end of 2024, and how intentional and consistent engagement at UBC might support that vision.  2025 will hold more church-wide events and opportunities to care for the community of Waco.  My hope is that we are open to the ways in which we can further the important work of UBC in our own lives and in the lives of our neighbors.  If we want to feel connected to the life of the church, we need to show up, and I am so grateful that I got to see that firsthand at Love Feast. 


We are partnering with Arrow Child and Family ministries this year to buy gifts for foster care kids and their siblings.  We have agreed to get 2 gifts each for 30 kids.  We ask that you keep the gifts under $20, and they are due at UBC by the first Sunday in December.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church or email   Contact Toph with any questions. 


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm- Pinewood Public House

UBCKids Shorty’s Pizza (Hewitt Location) Lunch and Play-Sunday, Nov 24 after church
UBCKids will buy some cheese and pepperoni pizzas for the kids- adults responsible for their meals! Please RSVP here, or email to let her know you plan on coming!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the VerPloegs!

Sweet baby Robin made her debut on October 18th! Please help Sarah and Eric transition to a family of 3 with meals or gift cards!

Christmas Gifts for Arrow

We are partnering with Arrow Child and Family ministries this year to buy gifts for foster care kids and their siblings.  We have agreed to get 2 gifts each for 30 kids.  We ask that you keep the gifts under $20, and they are due at UBC by the first Sunday in December.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church or email   Contact Toph with any questions. 

Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Taco Tuesday With Toph- November 26th, noon, Maria Mezcaleria

Carols, Cocktails, and Cookies- Sunday, December 1st, 5pm

Liturgy of Mourning- Thursday, December 5th, 5:30pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


11/24- Andie

12/1- Andie



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor ( [on sabbatical]
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose


Newsletter 11-12-2024


My four year old son, Marko, was accidentally profound this week, and gave me some words I had been searching for. 

Marko: Mommy, I don’t want to be an astronaut when I grow up anymore.

Me: Oh really? Why the change?

Marko: I like the Earth so much! I don’t want to blast off from it.

I, also, like the Earth so much. Sometimes, when we love something deeply, it also can result in deep heartbreak when we feel it isn’t loving us back. 

I offer this prayer for us this week:

Dear God, thank you for creating an Earth that is so lovable. Filled with people of all different races, backgrounds, beliefs, families. Help us process the heartbreak we may feel this week; the fear we may have for ourselves or for our neighbors; the disappointment we may feel when what we picture our Earth being doesn’t always align to what it is. May we continue to be an advocate for everyone You have created, and believe that together, we can be a picture of your limitless love and grace. Amen.


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

No Pints w/ Toph this week!

Thanksgiving Lovefeast- Sunday, November 17th, 5:30pm
Ubc will provide turkey and ham—you bring a side or dessert to share!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the VerPloegs!

Sweet baby Robin made her debut on October 18th! Please help Sarah and Eric transition to a family of 3 with meals or gift cards!

Christmas Gifts for Arrow

We are partnering with Arrow Child and Family ministries this year to buy gifts for foster care kids and their siblings.  We have agreed to get 2 gifts each for 30 kids.  We ask that you keep the gifts under $20, and they are due at UBC by the first Sunday in December.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church or email   Contact Toph with any questions. 

Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


UBCKids Shorty’s Pizza (Hewitt Location) Lunch and Play-Sunday, Nov 24 after church
UBCKids will buy some cheese and pepperoni pizzas for the kids- adults responsible for their meals! Please RSVP here, or email to let her know you plan on coming!

Carols, Cocktails, and Cookies- Sunday, December 1st, 5pm

Liturgy of Mourning- Thursday, December 5th, 5:30pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


11/17- Andie

11/24- Andie

12/1- Andie



Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor ( [on sabbatical]
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill


Newsletter 11-5-2024


Holding Space

Breathe in.
Breathe out.


I want to acknowledge the weight that many (if not all!) of us are feeling as we prepare to receive election results.  It makes me miss the days of a simpler faith; one that allowed me the leeway to flippantly declare, "Jesus is on the throne" and move on with my day.  The ability to "Let go and Let God" seems so far away, and yet I am longing for it in profound ways.  Regardless of the results, some will celebrate and some will grieve.  Families will be impacted.  Friendships will be tested.  Anxiety will creep in at 3 in the morning.  If you'll allow me to share a bit of pastoral care with you, please receive this blessing that I sent to the rest of the staff this morning:

May our fears invite us into deeper empathy for the marginalized. May our hopes remind us that we do not exist for ourselves alone. May our peace be found in the One who sides with the vulnerable.

My friends, it might be trite to look at what is at stake and say, "Jesus is on the throne."  Still I find myself returning there with a fresh conviction that the work of loving the world in the name of Christ is one of the only constants this life affords.  Regardless of who sits in the Oval Office, our call is to welcome the stranger, set free the prisoner, care for the vulnerable, and shine a light in the darkness because our Light has not been overcome.  I am with you in this space of inbetween, and my hope is that we all find the fortitude to care for those in our midst whose burden of dread seems all-consuming. The beauty of the body of Christ is that when we care for each other, no one is left out of the cold.  May you feel the warmth of the Light of the world and of one another today and in these impending days.  With love, Andie.


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

No Pints w/ Toph this week!

Liturgy of Gratitude- November 7th- 5:30pm

Bonfire - November 8th - 6-8pm

We are gathering for our annual fall Bonfire at the Blaire’s ranch!  UBC will be providing smore’s and water, please bring whatever else you would like to drink. The bonfire will be from 6-8pm.  You can sign-up by emailing by Wednesday at 5pm.  We will send out direction to the ranch on Thursday.  


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the VerPloegs!

Sweet baby Robin made her debut on October 18th! Please help Sarah and Eric transition to a family of 3 with meals or gift cards!

Christmas Gifts for Arrow

We are partnering with Arrow Child and Family ministries this year to buy gifts for foster care kids and their siblings.  We have agreed to get 2 gifts each for 30 kids.  We ask that you keep the gifts under $20, and they are due at UBC by the first Sunday in December.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church or email   Contact Toph with any questions. 

Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Thanksgiving Lovefeast- Sunday, November 17th

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


11/10- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor ( [on sabbatical]
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill


Newsletter 10-29-2024


Election Season

The UBCYP crew gathered at my place last week, and we had a civil discussion around the upcoming election.  I only proposed one question for our conversation: what is one of the driving issues in this election that is guiding the way you will vote?   The answers varied from immigration to reproductive rights, to the economy/taxes, and a general concern for democracy to name a few.  I’d be interested, for each of you reading this article, to know what are the issues you care most deeply about in this season that are guiding your vote?  
In full transparency, one of the main driving issues I am concerned with is immigration.  I’ve been thinking a lot about immigration recently, particularly in preparation for Andie and I’s trip to the southern border with Fellowship Southwest.  While we were along the US/Mexico border, in Brownsville, McAllen, and Reynosa, we had the opportunity to learn from different organizations and pastors about the immigration crisis and the US’s complicity in creating the crisis.  One partner said something that stuck with me: immigration policy is literally life and death.  

In the Gospel of Luke, in chapter 4, Jesus announces his “ministry plan” to the religious leaders in his hometown when he reads from the Isaiah 61: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God repeatedly directs God’s people to take care of the alien and foreigner among them, to love our neighbors as ourselves, to care for the most vulnerable in our society with a self-sacrificial love.  Recently I have been reflecting on a question I read many years ago: would you rather vote for someone who benefits you more than the rest of society, or vote for someone who benefits the rest of society more than you?  The second greatest commandment, according to Jesus, is to love our neighbor, and if we are willing to vote for the candidate that benefits ourselves more than the rest of the society, we are no longer following the inclusive love of Jesus, rather we are worshiping capitalism.  

Over the next week, as you think about whom you will vote for, my hope is you will spend time reflecting on the most vulnerable in our society, reflecting on those who are on the margins, and in doing so you will find Jesus among them calling us to join him.


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Public House

All Saints Liturgy- November 1st- 5:30pm

UBC Tailgate - 4-7pm - this Saturday

We will be tailgating this Saturday from 4-7pm, and we will have hotdogs and beer for you to enjoy!  Our tailgate spot is near the law school, on the main walkway to bridge.  If you are coming, we would love to know so we know how many hot dogs to buy, you can email if you didn’t sign-up in the foyer.  Right now there is a strong chance of thunderstorms, so we will make the call on whether the tailgate is happening or not at noon on Friday.  Please check our social for the update.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the VerPloegs!

Sweet baby Robin made her debut on October 18th! Please help Sarah and Eric transition to a family of 3 with meals or gift cards!

Christmas Gifts for Arrow

We are partnering with Arrow Child and Family ministries this year to buy gifts for foster care kids and their siblings.  We have agreed to get 2 gifts each for 30 kids.  We ask that you keep the gifts under $20, and they are due at UBC by the first Sunday in December.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church or email   Contact Toph with any questions. 

Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Liturgy of Gratitude- November 7th- 5:30pm

Bonfire - November 9th - 6-8pm

We are gathering for our annual fall Bonfire at the Blaire’s ranch!  UBC will be providing smore’s and water, please bring whatever else you would like to drink.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email to sign-up.  We will send out direction to the ranch next week!

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


11/3- Andie

11/10- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor ( [on sabbatical]
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill


Newsletter 10-22-2024


Hocus Pocus it's Hard to Focus!

If you have spent more than five minutes in a room with me, you are probably aware of my affinity for all things spooky.  I loved trick-or-treating as a kid, even though my costumes were always underneath a snow suit in snowy Alaska.  I liked the silly little ghost that oooOOOoooed at me from its string in my childhood living room, and I frequently stole the spider rings from the cotton cobwebs in our hallway.  Much to my sadness, though, I spent a chunk of my adult life fearing SpookySzn.  What if the devil was somehow more active in October?  What if I was dabbling in darkness?  That anxiety eventually extended to Easter.  After all, the "secular" celebration of the Big Bunny was rooted in fertility. Was I somehow glorifying the temple prostitution of old?  While I write this with a wink and a nod, the reality is that I allowed legalism masquerading as obedience to steal the joy of finding Jesus in creative and quirky places.  What if there truly is no separation between the lives we live and the God we worship?  What if instead of fearing that we might accidentally wander out of God's presence we remember that every step we take is within the love and nearness of the Spirit?  I have spent too much time with a split focus: one eye on Jesus and the other on the potential spiritual hazards of this life.  I've left that road behind, and am happy to report that the view from here is marvelous.  In place of fear, I choose to embrace fun.  Instead of perfectionism, I choose to embrace playfulness.  Instead of giving one more thought to the stress and anxiety of driving God away, I am confidently leaning into the reality that She likes me too much to leave.  Happy Halloween, my friends, may your candy bags overflow with more treats than tricks!


We’ve agreed to help with a teacher appreciation at Waco High to thank them for all their hard work.  Would you be willing to buy a $10 gift card to somewhere you think a teacher would love? (think Starbucks, Pinewood, ChickFila, Target, etc…).  You can drop your gift cards in the offering box in the foyer over the next few Sundays.  We will collect gifts cards till October 27th.  If you have any questions, contact


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Public House


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the HIlls
Please help support Jonathan, Erin, and Jameson Hill during their time of grief with the recent death of Jonathan's mom:

Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Dinner Clubs 

Dinner Clubs are back, and you can sign-up in the foyer at UBC.  Do you like eating dinner? Do you like getting to know new people?  If so, sign-up for our October/November Dinner Clubs.  You will be placed with 2-3 other households, and you all will schedule a time between now and Thanksgiving to have dinner 1-2times.  If you have any questions, please contact


All Saints Liturgy- November 1st- 5:30pm

Ubc Tailgate- Saturday, November 2nd, 4-7pm

Liturgy of Gratitude- November 7th- 5:30pm

BONFIRE NIGHT- November 9th

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


10/27- Andie

11/3- Andie


The Cove Goes to Paris

Every day, the Cove offers sanctuary to teens in our community who need a place of rest. This fall, Waco Civic Theatre is presenting Victor Hugo’s classic The Hunchback of Notre Dame, featuring music from the Walt Disney film. The story explores how the church offers protection for those who are hurting from the cruelties of the world outside, echoing the Cove’s mission here in Waco. Featuring a live orchestra and partnering with Central Texas Choral Society for a full choir, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to support two local non-profits in our community and see an absolute masterpiece of theatre art! Go to for tickets and use the code COVE24 so that 10% of the proceeds will be donated to The Cove.


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor ( [on sabbatical]
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill


Newsletter 10-16-2024


Tonight’s the night! Join us at 6pm in the sanctuary to watch the beloved autumnal hallowtastic classic film Hocus Pocus. We’ll be serving pizza and punch and making friendship bracelets for Out on the Brazos! See you tonight!


We’ve agreed to help with a teacher appreciation at Waco High to thank them for all their hard work.  Would you be willing to buy a $10 gift card to somewhere you think a teacher would love? (think Starbucks, Pinewood, ChickFila, Target, etc…).  You can drop your gift cards in the offering box in the foyer over the next few Sundays.  We will collect gifts cards till October 27th.  If you have any questions, contact


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Public House

College Hangout - October 17th - 6pm - Toph’s Casa

Out on the Brazos - October 19th

Out on the Brazos is coming up, and UBC will have a table at the event.  If you would like to come and share with people why you love UBC, please contact or sign-up in the foyer at church.  You can find more information about the festival here:

UBCYP Hangout - October 20th - 7pm - Toph’s Casa


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Mealtrain for the HIlls
Please help support Jonathan, Erin, and Jameson Hill during their time of grief with the recent death of Jonathan's mom:

Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Dinner Clubs 

Dinner Clubs are back, and you can sign-up in the foyer at UBC.  Do you like eating dinner? Do you like getting to know new people?  If so, sign-up for our October/November Dinner Clubs.  You will be placed with 2-3 other households, and you all will schedule a time between now and Thanksgiving to have dinner 1-2times.  If you have any questions, please contact


Arrow Child and Family Ministries Lunch and Learn- October 27th - noon

Arrow is one of UBC’s community partners, and Hope Middlebrook will be joining us and sharing more about how you can get involved with foster care and adoption in McLennan County.  If you would like to learn more about Arrow, please sign-up in the foyer, or email to sign-up.

All Saints Liturgy- November 1st- 5:30pm

Ubc Tailgate- Saturday, November 2nd

Liturgy of Gratitude- November 7th- 5:30pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


10/20- Andie

10/27- Andie

11/3- Andie


The Cove Goes to Paris

Every day, the Cove offers sanctuary to teens in our community who need a place of rest. This fall, Waco Civic Theatre is presenting Victor Hugo’s classic The Hunchback of Notre Dame, featuring music from the Walt Disney film. The story explores how the church offers protection for those who are hurting from the cruelties of the world outside, echoing the Cove’s mission here in Waco. Featuring a live orchestra and partnering with Central Texas Choral Society for a full choir, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to support two local non-profits in our community and see an absolute masterpiece of theatre art! Go to for tickets and use the code COVE24 so that 10% of the proceeds will be donated to The Cove.


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor ( [on sabbatical]
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill