Getting to Know You(bc): Chad Conine...

We are reviving our "Getting to Know You(bc)" series by featuring people in our congregation and letting you get to know them just a little bit.  If you would like to participate in this, or if you know someone you'd like to know more about, email __________

chad conine

Name? Chad Conine

Age: 36

Where do you call home? Waco.

What do you do in Waco? Run WacoFork and write for several sports media outlets.

What's the best press box you've ever worked in? 

The Alamodome because it's open air and at the top of the lower bowl, so the view of the field and the atmosphere of being in the crowd is the best. and it has all the other bells and whistles like comfortable chairs and plenty of space and all that.

What do you love most about UBC? That seems like a loaded question.

It is.  What do you love the least about UBC?

Ok, I was really just trying to avoid a long, complicated, borderline cliche answer to the "what do yo love the most about UBC" question. To be concise, I feel really comfortable at UBC because of its transitional nature. People come in and come go out and it's there for a specific time of life. It just so happens that I've been in that time of life for about 15 years. I was a member at (another church in town,) but came to the realization that it is way too focused on helping young families raise young children for me to really have a place there. I most like that UBC is accommodating to people outside the standard blueprint for life.

I couldn't answer what I love the least about UBC without first saying why I'm there in the first place. That stated, I would really have to nit pick to define what I love the least. I don't have any better answer than to say I preferred the Sunday night service after Thanksgiving when it was very much like the usual Sunday morning, just at a different time of day.

Favorite Movie? The Outlaw Josey Wales.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A sportswriter.

What do you want to be now when you grow up? A sportswriter or possibly the road manager for a rock n' roll band or a spy.

Favorite artist/band/musician? The Drive-By Truckers.

 Best Burger in Waco? Cafe Homestead South of the Border or Quesadilla burger, pretty much any of their burgers. Honorable mention: Sironia California Burger.

What do we HAVE to know about you to really know you? That my grandfather Milton Conine was an ornery SOB with a heart of gold and one of my favorite people to hang out with and I think my personality kind of mirrors his and I'm totally fine with that.