Summer Formation Opportunities...

Summer at UBC has a long history of being, frankly, quite epic.  The slower pace and increased space allow us to stretch back, relax, and get to know each other in ways that can be difficult during the school year.  In addition to several one-time events we are planning for the summer, there are a couple of weekly opportunities that we'd LOVE for you to be a part of.  

Summer Sunday School

Location: Rock and Roll Room

(Childcare IS provided.)

Sundays @ 9:30

Led by Michael Laminack

Many of us grew up hearing a million differing things about discipleship, formation and following Jesus.  But what did Jesus say about following Jesus and being formed into the person God wants us to be? More importantly, what did Jesus DO that can teach us about being formed into the person God wants us to be?  These questions will be explored during our summer Sunday School class.

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Wednesday Night Enneagram Conversations

Location: Backside

Wednesdays @6:00

Led by Wade Mackey and Others

Alright, so some of you are tired of hearing about the enneagram. And some of you are curious about what all this talk is about.  Among the many ways people have used this personality model in their lives, many at UBC have found it particularly helpful in understanding ourselves, how we relate to God, and how we see the image of God in each other.  We will meet at the church at 6:00, eat our meals that we have brought (perhaps from Panda Joe's behind the church?) then begin the conversation at 6:30.  (Please let us know by May 31st if you want to attend but will need childcare in order to do so.)


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