ITLOTC 1-15-16



(In The Life Of The Church) 

Ordinary Time


This Sunday I will be preaching about confession and vulnerability.  In the spirit of the sermon I've decided to offer one here. 

I've been fighting the influenza for the couple of days and as a result and am about two days behind on my work.  I've decided that it is ok if I did not write a full length article for the newsletter this week. 

But good news remains.  I have a bunch of riveting information to pass along from myself and the rest of the staff and all of it can be found here.  So pour yourself a Dr. Pepper, sit down and get comfy while you update yourself on the happenings of the church. 

Also, please throw up a prayer for me so that I don't pass out on Sunday while preaching.  You are the best! 

In Family News

Meet Our Newest UBCer 

Madeline Camile Thornton 

Birthday: 12-17-16

Birth weight: 7 lb. 6 oz. 

Birth height: 19 inches

Enneagram Number: 1 with a 2 wing 

UBC 21st Birthday Party!!!!

Friends, you don’t want to miss UBC’s 21st Birthday Party coming up on January 24th.  During the service that morning we will reflect upon how God has worked in and through UBC over the first 21 years, and then, after the service, we will party likes its 1995!  We are catering food from El Crucero, we will have desserts of epic proportions, karaoke, inflatables of fun, and a few other surprises.  There will be lots, and I mean a whole lot, of balloons.  The party is for EVERYONE, so families bring your kids, and college students bring your friend.  If you have any questions, please email .   

UBC OAR Update

The UBC Ownership and Accountability Research team met again last Sunday, and we will be meeting the second Sunday of every month this Spring.  Our goal, as a team, is to think through two main questions: how do we help foster a greater sense of ownership/buy-in at UBC, and how do we help foster accountability to one another in being formed in the way of Christ?  If you have any questions about the conversations we are having, or would like to offer your own insight, you can email and he will put you in touch with one of the team members.  We are currently in the process of discussing the importance of the language we use when describing things like accountability, discipleship, ownership, covenant, etc… and we are looking into what the “intangibles” are that make UBC a unique community of faith.  

Sunday School

Just a reminder that sunday starts THIS SUNDAY, be there at 9:30 AM!!!

Here are the locations for the classes: 

Renovation of the Heart - Red Room

Creation and Stewardship - Rock n Roll room

Encountering God - Brown room

Passion Narratives - White Room

Mi Casa Information

Howdy folks!  If you're interested in gathering once a week with a group to share food and life then Mi Casa might be for you! If you have been looking for a way to connect with UBC'ers between Sundays then I'd love to connect you with a Mi Casa. This semester we have a new group that will meet at 11:30 on Fridays for BYOLunch at UBC in the brown room. The hope is that this will offer a chance for some to slip away from work, home, or class for an hour or so. Email me at if you're interested in jumping into community life here at UBC!

Children's Info from Pastor Emily

1.  UBCKids Sunday School begins this week!  We will be learning about he Kings of Israel, the good the bad and the ugly, as we continue through our series What’s In The Bible!  We hope that your kids, from 0-12 will join us, but just like Legos, the age ranges are just a suggestion!  We take all comers!  For more info, please contact Emily at!

2.  We’re done with Advent and the Epiphany and we’re not quite to Lent yet…so what’s a Kid’s Ministry to do?  During this in-between time, UBCKids, ages 4-4th grade, will be learning about some amazing moments in Jesus’ life on Earth.  We will begin with the time He dropped some serious knowledge on the leaders of the Temple as a kid, and quite frankly, end with Him dropping some more serious knowledge on some other leaders of the Temple as an adult!  Through it all, we will reveal what made Jesus SO different and SO special so that Lent and Easter will be THAT much more meaningful!

UBCKids ages 2-4 will be diving back into our ABC’s of God’s love…after all, we’ve got to make it to Z before June!  All UBCKids who are tinier than these will be living it up in Christian love and fellowship, as usual!  We look forward to seeing you all!  

join the ubc booth crew


If you have a knack for live production, our booth crew is looking for more volunteers!  The three areas we need volunteers for are lights, computer, and sound.  If you have experience running a light board, pro-presenter, or mixing live audio, OR if you are willing to learn to do any of those things, email jamie@ubcwaco.orgfor information on when our 2016 orientation sessions will be happening.

New Leadership Team Member  

UBC will be selecting a new member to serve on the leadership team.  Our friend Byron Roldan has served faithfully for the last 2.5 years, but has taken his internship south to Houston.  We are grateful for Byron and his service to our community. 

Here are a few guidelines from the bylaws about leadership team selection:

(A) Purpose.  The Leadership Team shall be the primary decision-making body of UBC.  The Leadership Team will oversee all the business and property of the church, as well as make the final decisions regarding hiring and dismissal of staff and the acquisition and selling of assets that are beyond budgetary provisions. 

(B) Qualifications.  Each member of Leadership Team shall have been a member of UBC for at least one year, exhibited an understanding and commitment to the mission and values of the church, and be willing to fulfill all responsibilities in the Leadership Team job description.

(C) Term.  Members of Leadership Team may serve for a duration lasting up to three years.  While they are encouraged to remain the full three years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time.

If you are would like to nominate someone for the leadership team, please email candidate information to

New HR Team Member

Our friend Jeff Walter has served faithfully on the HR team for the last several years.  We are grateful for Jeff and his service.  We’d love for you to consider serving or nominating someone to serve that you think would be good in this role.  Here are a few details about HR from the bylaws:

(A) Purpose.  The Human Resources/Staff Support Team shall exist for the following purposes:

a.     To establish procedures for the hiring of ministerial and non-ministerial staff, and to enact those procedures when advised by Leadership Team to do so.

b.    To advise Leadership and Finance teams on issues regarding long-term staff needs.

c.     To create and implement staff review procedures.

d.    To advise Leadership and Finance teams on matters regarding staff compensation, benefits, grievances and termination.

e.    To be a liaison between the congregation and staff during times of conflict after all attempts at personal, one-on-one resolution has been made. 

(B) Qualifications.  HR/Staff Support Team members shall have been an active participant in the life of UBC for no less than one year, have received a bachelor’s degree (or roughly an equivalent amount of experience in personnel management, ministry, or other related field,) and have a demonstrable understanding of organizational management. 

(C) Term. HR/Staff Support Team members shall serve for a duration lasting up to five years.  All efforts shall be made by the HR/Staff Support Team to ensure that no more than two members in a given year rotate off of the team due to duration requirements. While they are encouraged to remain the full five years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time.

If you are interested in nominating someone for the HR team, please send candidate information to

Work is Worship

Greeters:  Marygale and Joel 

Coffee Makers: Stephen and Emmy 

Mug Cleaners:  Leigh and Stephen 


  • Sunday Sermon: Genesis 3:8-11 "Reclaiming a Previous Version of Yourself: Accountability" 
  •  UBC 21st is happening on Sunday, January 24th
  • Next Leadership Team Meeting January 24th 

Do you have an Emergency? Do you Need to talk to a Pastor?:

254 498 2261

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair- Kristin Dodson:

Joy Wineman:

Stan Denman:

David Wilhite:

Byron Roldan: 

Sharyl Loeung:

Jon Davis:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

Tom Haines:

Josh McCormick:

Chris Kim:

Hannah Kuhl:  

Justin Pond:

Lacy Crocker:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Maxcey Blaylock:

Mathew Crawford:

Callie Schrank:

Rob Engblom: