Newsletter Additions

Town Hall Agenda


I have a few additional items to share with you that should have made yesterday’s newsletter.  I apologize for not being able to get them to you yesterday.

As you may have seen in announcements section of the newsletter UBC is having a town hall tomorrow, Sunday March 20th.  Because the format we’ve used the last couple of town halls has seemed to work the best, we’ll stick with that.  That means we will have the town hall in the sanctuary 10 minutes after the conclusion of the service tomorrow. 

The purpose of the town hall is to present what will be discussed at the April (quarterly) leadership team meeting.   That meeting will take place Sunday April 24th. 

Here are the items that are currently on the agenda. 

Scholarship recipients:

UBC enjoys a great relationship with Baylor, Truett, and the BGCT that allows us to partner with those institutions in providing scholarships to many of our undergraduate and Truett students. 

As part of that scholarship process, the application requires that there be a mechanism within the church that verifies the applicant’s good standing and ministry.   At UBC, the leadership team is the official mechanism.

Finance Update:

We will give a finance update on the current state of affairs at the church.  Additional the leadership team will receive a budget proposal from finance team for the 2016-17 year.

HR Reviews:

The HR team conducts annual reviews.  The paper reviews have been finished and submitted.  The HR is currently in the process of scheduling those interviews the staff.

Ministry Proposal:

In February the staff had a small retreat in which we planned for the 2016-17 year, set goals and identified financial needs.  That proposal along with some questions will be sent to the leadership team in our April meeting. 

OAR Update from Toph:

Toph will be providing an update from the Ownership, Accountability, and Responsibility committee.  As a reminder, this is a committee that has been investigating potential ways for UBCers to have a deepened sense of identity and connection with the community. 


A Children’s Update from Pastor Emily

Hello UBCKids parents!  We are getting close to the end of Lenten Journey!  This week, as you may know, is Palm Sunday!  To help our entire congregation feel the excitement and anticipation of this Sunday, the kids from the Bloom, Branch and Root Rooms will bringing palm branches into the service and participating the musical portion of our worship service!    Your kids will be dropped off and picked up in their normal classrooms and the UBCKids Volunteers will be helping with the processional, but please be sure to arrive by 10:15 so that we can be sure that we have time to distribute palm branches and get organized in time!  Please email Emily at with any questions!  We can’t wait to celebrate this special Sunday with the rest of UBC!