(In The Life Of The Church)
Martha Spirituality
“But Martha was distracted by her many tasks.” —Luke 10:40
If you’ve been at UBC for a while, you’ve likely heard me mention the enneagram. I have friends—some of them my closest friends—who regularly make fun of the enneagram. I get it. It is, in a sense, another personality profile test, and, yet, for me, it has been more. But my point in this post is not to convince you of its legitimacy; it’s to say that I do think all of these personality profile tests accentuate something that is biblically true: namely, the body of Christ is diverse, and it’s made up of different kinds of people.
Some of us have the gift of wisdom. You know when to say something and when to be silent. Others of you have knowledge. You’re the person we all call when we need to know. Some of you are prophets. You tell the world what it is. Some of you can speak in other tongues. You know other people’s language, and you have an ability to make people feel like you just “get them.” Some of you are healers. You know how to prescribe medicine or a home remedy. You know a gentle word to speak that can soothe the soul.
In Luke 10, Mary and Martha are juxtaposed with the specific purpose of showing that it’s better to appreciate the presence of Jesus while you have it than to get caught up in the pragmatic tasks of life that can weigh us down. Confession: I hate this passage. I’d much rather be doing what Martha is doing than what Mary is doing. I am an enneagram Three. I won’t presume that the enneagram can describe who you are, but it has me pegged. Threes are achievers. I initially thought that this meant I wanted to achieve something big. But the truth is, it’s not even that grandiose. I just have to achieve something. That’s when and how I feel fulfilled: by doing something. I love the sense of completing a task, whether it is the dishes, raking the yard, finishing a book, or changing. There’s something in me that lights up when I make a mental goal and then a achieve it. I love checking things off a list.
A few years ago, Donald Miller wrote a controversial blog about why he doesn’t go to church much anymore. It caused quite a stir. Leaving the point of the blog aside, I’d like to share a quote with you that set me free:
How do I find intimacy with God if not through a traditional church model?
The answer came to me recently and it was a freeing revelation. I connect with God by working. I literally feel an intimacy with God when I build my company. I know it sounds crazy, but I believe God gave me my mission and my team and I feel closest to him when I’ve got my hand on the plow. It’s thrilling and I couldn’t be more grateful he’s given me an outlet through which I can both serve and connect with him.
It should be obvious that I take issue with Miller. I’m a pastor of a church for crying out loud, but I love what he says. So what does a guy like me do with Martha and her predicament?
I think a wonderful conversation partner for this text is Brother Lawrence’s Practicing the Presence of God. Brother Lawrence was a Carmelite monk who was tasked with the mundane work of doing dishes. Through his work, he discovered something profound about enjoying the presence of Christ:
“[Brother Lawrence] thought it was a shame that some people pursued certain activities (which, he noted, they did rather imperfectly due to human shortcomings), mistaking the means for the end. He said that our sanctification does not depend as much on changing our activities as it does on doing them for God rather than for ourselves.
The most effective way Brother Lawrence had for communicating with God was to simply do his ordinary work. He did this obediently, out of a pure love of God, purifying it as much as was humanly possible. He believed it was a serious mistake to think of our prayer time as being different from any other. Our actions should unite us with God when we are involved in our daily activities, just as our prayers unite us with him in our quiet devotions.”
SummerSide (TONIGHT)
Painters, Poets, Singers and Beauty Lovers. Calling all artists and art appreciators to the SummerSide is tonight @ 7:00 PM. UBC will host a space to display art with either wall space or mic space. So if you have a talent that you'd like to display or if you'd like to come and appreciate the work of others join us for SummerSide at UBC. For more information about attending or performing email
Looking for a New L-Team Member
The time has come for the amazing Kristin Dodson to rotate off the leadership team. We are grateful for the time energy and careful thought that Kristin has given our community. If you would like to serve on the Leadership Team please discern by reading the following and sending an email to to let him know you are interested. The new leadership team rep will be selected by leadership team at our August 7th meeting.
(A) Purpose. The Leadership Team shall be the primary decision-making body of UBC. The Leadership Team will oversee all the business and property of the church, as well as make the final decisions regarding hiring and dismissal of staff and the acquisition and selling of assets that are beyond budgetary provisions.
(C) Qualifications. Each member of Leadership Team shall have been a member of UBC for at least one year, exhibited an understanding and commitment to the mission and values of the church, and be willing to fulfill all responsibilities in the Leadership Team job description.
(E) Term. Members of Leadership Team may serve for a duration lasting up to three years. While they are encouraged to remain the full three years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time.
Looking for a New HR Team Member
The fearless Callie Schrank has served us well, but now her time is up. We are grateful for Callie and her help in launching and refining the review process. If you would like to serve on the HR Team please discern by reading the following and sending an email to to let him know you are interested. The new HR rep will be selected by leadership team at our August 7th meeting.
(A) Purpose. The Human Resources/Staff Support Team shall exist for the following purposes:
a. To establish procedures for the hiring of ministerial and non-ministerial staff, and to enact those procedures when advised by Leadership Team to do so.
b. To advise Leadership and Finance teams on issues regarding long-term staff needs.
c. To create and implement staff review procedures.
d. To advise Leadership and Finance teams on matters regarding staff compensation, benefits, grievances and termination.
e. To be a liaison between the congregation and staff during times of conflict after all attempts at personal, one-on-one resolution has been made.
(C) Qualifications. HR/Staff Support Team members shall have been an active participant in the life of UBC for no less than one year, have received a bachelor’s degree (or roughly an equivalent amount of experience in personnel management, ministry, or other related field,) and have a demonstrable understanding of organizational management.
(E) Term. HR/Staff Support Team members shall serve for a duration lasting up to five years. All efforts shall be made by the HR/Staff Support Team to ensure that no more than two members in a given year rotate off of the team due to duration requirements. While they are encouraged to remain the full five years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time.
Random Cool Picture to be used as thumbnail to generate more Traffic
Work is Worship
Greeters: Will
Coffee Makers: Angel Snow
Mug Cleaners: McNamees
Money Counter: McNamee
- Sunday Sermon Text: John 4: Special Guest Preacher Amy Smith Carman
- MD Chains Location: Jersey Mike's Subs (Hewitt)
- Next Leadership Team Meeting: August 7th
- Harry Potter Party @ UBC on July 30th @ 6:00 PM
Do you have an emergency and need to talk to a pastor?
254 413 2611
Leadership Team
If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members.
Chair- Kristin Dodson:
Joy Wineman:
Stan Denman:
David Wilhite:
Bridget Heins:
Sharyl Loeung:
Jon Davis:
UBC Finance Team
Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.
Josh McCormick:
Hannah Kuhl:
Justin Pond:
Anna Tilson:
Doug McNamee:
If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.
Maxcey Blaylock:
Mathew Crawford:
Rob Engblom:
Ross Van Dyke: