ITLOTC 11-24-17 — UBC Waco

ITLOTC 11-24-17


(In The Life Of The Church) 

Ordinary Time

Thank God

In the beginning God said ... a whole bunch of things and out of nothing come something.  But it wasn't sterile prose God spoke in, Genesis 1 is a song. 

We sing because were first sung.  We came into the world that way.  Doxology has always been the way of the human, even when we refuse to sing.  We just vibrate inside, stifling what we want to do ... even if we don't know it. 

And what should we sing?  You can sing all kinds of things, but theologically speaking they should all land somewhere in the neighborhood of "thank you." 

Annie Dillard said it best and most honestly ... "I think the dying pray at last no please, but thank you."  

Sing ... even if just in whisper all day, every day.  Yod, Hey Vav, Hey.  Hebrew letters spelling theme of God.  Yahweh.  We supply the vowels.  Breathe in and breathe out.  Confess God's name when you emerge from the womb and right before you die.  

Let me translate the work of your respiratory system.  "Thank you, thank you, thank you."  

I have regained a version of a quiet time.  It's in the morning.  I have two books I'm working through.  One of them a book of sermons.  Always, at least one of those books, is a book of sermons.  I read one sermon a day.  I'll tell you about one of them a minute. 

I have a friend one Facebook.  Know her in real life too.  She's in Wisconsin.  She posted and reposted an image that gives her 30 directives.  One for each day of November.  Each question starts the same "What ______ are most thankful for."  



I pride myself on being above what I consider kitsch meme's and quizzes, but i was taken in.  I revel in my daily question.  It's part of my November quiet time.  As I write I'm pondering, "which song am I grateful for?"  Such a precise question.  How have songs shaped me?  What songs have formed me?  Isn't music beautiful?  What would life be without music?  Silent I think.  God thank you for music.  So many songs take me to places.  I'm like Ellen.  Life has a soundtrack.  Auchtung Baby takes me to car trips back and forth from Milwaukee to Tomahawk, WI to see my brother at Marquette University. The music always takes me somewhere.  I love the music.  Thank you God for the music.  

Which song?  I don't know.  I'm have trouble choosing.  But I love trying to pick because ... so many memories.  Such much to be grateful for. 

The sermon now.  

The book: The Collected Sermons of Fred B. Craddock

The text: Philippians 4

Here's what Fred says in conclusion: "I have never known a person grateful who was at the same time small, or mean, or bitter, or greedy, or selfish, or took any pleasure in anybody else's pain. Never.  ... I was thinking that if I were on a search committee, looking for a miner for the church ... I would ask 'Is there any evidence that this person is grateful?'"

Yes, that's it Fred Craddock!  Being grateful matters.  It's the way of the Christian.  It's the way of the human.  We were created for doxology.  I must say thank you now and always.  It's what I'm created for. 

Thank God. 


Meet Our Newest UBCer

Silas Fisher Ward


Birthday: 10-29-17

Birth Weight: 7 lb. 1 oz. 

Birth Height: 19.5 inches

Enneagram Number: 1

Random Picture So This Blog has a Thumbnail and a Greater Chance of Being Clickbait



UBC Parishioner of the Week

Karen Carney ... for cleaning all the dishes from the Thanksgiving Love Feast. 

Study Hall

Do you love pancakes?  Do you love snacks? Do you love groovy atmospheres to study in?  then study hall might be for you.  UBC will open it's doors to studiers of all stripes on December 5/6.  Doors will open at 10:00 AM and close at midnight.  

Advent Workshop

On Sunday December 3rd, UBC will be having our annual children's advent workshop.  If you would like to sign up please email  


Champions! are you awesome at art, music, stand up comedy, or some other talent that might be put on display?  Well then, the backside event might be for you.  It will take place on November 30th 2K17 at 7.  Please email if you want to participate.  

Work is Worship

Greeters: Blaylocks

Coffee Makers: No One Signed Up for Coffee

Mug Cleaners:  No One Signed Up for Mugs 

Money Counter:  Justin Pond


  • Sermon Text: Matthew 25:31-46 "sheep sightings" 
  • finance team meeting 12-something 
  • Christmas Eve Morning Service/Advent 4 12-24 @ 10:30 AM 
  • Christmas Eve Service 12-24