ITLOTC 12-8-17


(In The Life Of The Church) 


Navigating the Darkness

Sometime last year, or maybe before, I wrote a blog on the difference between conviction and certainty.  The author of the book I have just finished reading provided me with a new language that further clarified this difference for me.  I’d like to share it with you.

Christian Wiman said, “We do not need definite beliefs because their objects are necessarily true.  We need them because they enable us to stand on steady spots from which the truth may be glimpsed.”

After I finished the book, I listened to Christian participate in an interview with Krista Tippett on her program, On Being.  He synthesized this and a few other thoughts that were fragmented in the book.  He said that belief has objects and that faith does not.

I think this is a helpful way to think about us as humans with changing belief.  I don’t believe everything I  believed ten years ago.  I likely won’t believe everything in ten years that I believe now.  I change.  My view of the world changes.  And still, in this sea of change, there is a constancy in my faith.  The same Jesus who pulled me out of the chairs of my childhood church up to the altar for prayer, visits with me now.  That same Jesus assures me, unsettles me, and stands by me.  

I believe everything in Nicene Creed.  It’s what we have listed on our website under “what we believe.”  But here’s how I’ve grown.  I’m not threatened by the removal of the individual objects on that list.  

One time my dad told me that people who persevere in faith do so because they’ve had experiences with God.  I think he was right.  Those experiences can be subtle like still small voices, but they are still experiences.  Said differently, people don’t stay Christian because their beliefs always make sense to them or never change.  They belong to the faith because they are held by God, and in the holding, they have sense of the ineffable.  

In advent we walk around in the dark.  Promises linger in the air.  We’ve heard rumors of God’s solution coming.  The stars are aligning.  Something cosmic seems to be going on up in the heavens, but without light, it’s tough to see.  And so we practice faith.  We cling to the thing that keeps us when the objects of belief find the limits of explanatory power.  We long to arrive at the manger and see Jesus.

Random Picture So This Blog has a Thumbnail and a Greater Chance of Being Clickbait



UBC Parishioner of the Week

Rev. Dr. David Wilhite for his contributions to and leadership in crafting the Boston Declaration. 

Foster Care Christmas Presents

If you took a tag to purchase a foster child a Christmas present with our partner ministry Arrow Child and Family Ministries, please bring that present this Sunday!!!  The party for the kids is Sunday afternoon and we are still missing about 8 gifts.  

Thailand Mission Trip - June 10-24, 2018

There are still spots open for the mission trip to Thailand in May.  The cost of the trip is around $2500, and covers all meals, travel, lodging, and events.  A $200 deposit is due by the 17th.  If you have any questions, please 

Work is Worship

Greeters: Ricky 

Coffee Makers: Kim 

Mug Cleaners:  Vince & Sarah

Money Counter: Hannah Kuhl 


  • Sermon Text:  "Good Biblical Family Values Part 2: Rahab" Joshua 2 
  • finance team meeting 12-11
  • "Christmas Eve Morning Service/Advent 4" 12-24 @ 10:30 AM.    Carol sing and candle lighting at 5:00 PM.