ITLOTC 9-29-17


(In The Life Of The Church) 

Ordinary Time

I was talking to some friends about Shark Tank the other night. (Probably not how you thought this was going to start, huh?) And everyone was talking about how they always feel really bad watching Shark Tank and seeing people’s dreams get shot down or ripped apart as all the investors either tell everyone that their products are stupid or they tell them they’re great but they’re going to take 100% of the company and 95% of all the profits. I didn’t realize Shark Tank was so depressing.

To be honest, I’ve really only ever seen one episode of Shark Tank – or really just one pitch from one episode that somehow ended up on my Facebook feed – so I don’t know much about it. The pitch I saw was from a guy named Johnny Georges selling something called Tree TPees. Ol’ Johnny was selling directly to farmers – and the pushback he ended up getting from the Sharks was that they wanted him to charge more for his product. They though there wasn’t enough product to go around. Johnny told them he’d never even considered raising the price of the product because he was just trying to do right by all of the farmers he was selling to. (Here’s the whole clip if you’re interested.) Johnny ended up getting a deal and giving an emotional speech about how his father inspired him to work hard and treat others well.

It seems that on a show that’s all about Machiavellian ambition and a determination to put yourself ahead of others at all costs I’ve somehow seen one of the only clips that involves a person of true humility.

The Lectionary text from the Epistles this week is Phillipians 2:1-13. Verses 1-4 say this:

 If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.” Phillipians 2:1-4 The Message

 The word “if” here might be better translated as “since.” Since we have been encouraged by following Christ. Since Christ’s love has made a difference in our lives. Since being in a community of the Spirit has enhanced our lives. Since we have a heart. Since we care. We are called into humility - to be more like Johnny. To agree with each other. To love each other. To be deep-spirited friends who don’t push or manipulate, but who wait and listen. To think of others before we think of ourselves. To not always be thinking about how we can achieve our own goals or our own successes. To lend a helping hand.

Putting others first, in front of our own need and desires is really freaking hard. How have you been a deep-spirited friend this week? How have you put others needs before your own? How has that changed you? How has it changed our community? I’d love to know – because this is still a place where I’m trying to grow.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this, feel free to email

Finance Team Person

UBC is looking for a finance team member.  Our fearless fiscal warrior, Josh McCormick will be bringing his time of serving to a close.  Thanks Josh, for being a champion and sharing your money advice and knowledge.  You helped steer this ship into calmer waters.  As such we are in search of a new finance team person.  If you yourself would like to be considered or you would like to nominate someone, please email  I've included some information from the bylaws below: 

(A) Purpose.  The Finance Team shall exist for the following purposes:

a.     To serve as the primary advisory group for the Leadership Team in all budgetary and financial aspects of the church. 

b.    To oversee, in coordination with the ministerial staff, yearly budgetary processes, working to create a financial ministry plan in alignment with the ethos, mission and values of UBC.

c.     To advise the staff and Leadership Team on any emergency financial matters that may arise with regards to the physical infrastructure of the church building, as well as those matters pertaining to compensation and benefits of personnel.

d.    To assess the current financial status of the church on a monthly basis and advise the staff and Leadership Team on matters concerning changes in planned ministry expenses.

e.    To advise the Human Resources/Staff Support team on all financial matters regarding new and existing personnel, including available resources concerning salaries, salary increases, insurance, taxes, etc.

f.      To advise the church body on all matters relating to stewardship, financial integrity, etc.

(C)  Qualifications.  Finance Team members shall have been an active participant in the life of UBC for at least a year, have received at least a bachelors degree level of education (or roughly an equivalent amount of experience in business or finance,) and have at least a basic understanding of financial reports and budgets.

(E)  Term.  Finance Team members shall serve for a duration lasting up to five years.  All efforts shall be made by the Finance Team to ensure that no more than two members in a given year rotate off of Finance Team due to duration requirements. While they are encouraged to remain the full five years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time. 

St. Francis Liturgy

On Wednesday, October 4th, we're having a brief liturgy centered around the life of St. Francis of Assisi (that's his feast day).  We'll gather in the Backside at 5:30.  The life and legacy of St. Francis form a lens that is well-calibrated for ubc to use in our worship and formation, and I hope you can make it.  One part of that liturgy will be a prayer of blessing over the animals in our lives. We are not going to have any animals in the building, but you can bring or email in a photo of an animal you cherish.  If you have any questions or want to send in an animal photo, contact Jamie at

Kid's Camp & Youth Camp Interest Meeting

This Sunday (10/1) there will be a joint Kid's Camp and Youth Camp Interest Meeting in the Backside directly after Church. If you are the parent of a child in 3rd-9th grade then come and get some more information and get answers for all of your camp related questions! See you this Sunday after church!

nUBC’ers Luncheon

If you are new to UBC in the last 6 months, we would love to have you stay for lunch after church on October 8th.  This was originally scheduled for after church this Sunday, the 24th, but we were forced change that.  We will tell you more about UBC’s history, how you can plug in, and there will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.  There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer after church, or you can email

Work is Worship

Greeters: Walters 

Coffee Makers: Kaylin Campbell 

Mug Cleaners:  OOTP 

Money Counter: Hannah Kuhl 


  • Sunday Sermon: Matthew 21:23-32: "By Who's Authority?" 
  • Kid's Camp and Youth Camp Interest Meeting 10-1
  • Finance Team Meeting 10-9
  • Parents Night Out 10-13
  • Town Hall 10-15
  • Mclennan County Orphan Care 2: Arrow Child and Family Ministries 10-18
  • SWCC Halloween Festival 10-25
  • Quarterly Leadership Team Meeting 10-29
  • The Big Meeting: our annual meeting with Finance, HR and Lead Team, 11-1

Do you have an emergency and need to talk to a pastor? 

254 413 2611

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair- Emma Wood:

Byron Griffin:

Stan Denman:

Adam Winn:

Bridget Heins:

Sharyl Loeung:

Jon Davis:

Student Position: Samuel Moore:

Student Position: Leah Reed:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

Josh McCormick:

Hannah Kuhl:  

Justin Pond:

Anna Tilson:

Doug McNamee:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Rob Engblom:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson: