ITLOTC 6-22-18


(In The Life Of The Church) 


A Word On the Absence of the Main Article

Friends.  As you might have now observed there is no full length main article here as is typically the case.  Here is how that unfolded.  On Monday I decided to write some of my thoughts on the current boarder crises.  Because that issue is fraught among our larger culture, I sent my writing to the leadership team to give them a chance to give me feedback.  As the week progressed I decided that instead I wanted to address the topic in my sermon on Sunday.  Verbal communication presents an opportunity that written word does not, and I think I'd like to take advantage of that.  

So thank you for being gracious and I hope to see you seen.  

best, josh

Waco Dives - Thursday at noon

This week we will be meeting at Guess BBQ.  You can find Guess @ 324 S 6th St, Waco, TX.

Volunteers Needed @ Brook Avenue

Our friend Wade is working at Brook Ave. this summer and needs some help.  He sent me the following email: 

Hey Josh and Toph,

I know summer is usually pretty cleared out of the people who volunteer for UBC, but I wanted to check if there might some people around who could volunteer for Brook Avenue's new summer program. We need volunteers during the lunch hour, and to help me build a couple basketball goals/tables. Anybody around who you think might be able to help? Thanks!

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Parishioner of the Week

The Burns triplets, Carlson girls, Wilhite kids and Eli for volunteering at the SWCC movie day which was a wild success.  



Meet Our New Pastoral Associate

Name: Zach Williams 



Why are you in Waco: Truett Seminary

Best Restaurant in Waco: Mexican: El Conquistador Anything else: Georges 

Book, Chapter, Bible verse that has been meaningful to you: Psalm 42 (not sure if you want a reason if so here it is: This Psalm has been the text i go back to when ever I feel like I can't connect to God) 

Film you like: LOTR/Star Wars(all of them)/ Brave Heart  I cant choose 

Tv Show you like: How I met your mother/Parks and Rec./ West Wing. I cant choose

Something we wouldnt know about you?: Currently #63572 on the GB Packers season ticket wait list. So catch me at Lambeau Field in 60ish years GO PACK. 

Work is Worship

Greeters: Blaylocks are scheduled, but they just had a baby!  Yeah! 

Coffee Makers:  Nances

Mug Cleaners: Titterington

Money Counter:  Hannah Kuhl 

Welcome Station:   Palmer


  • Sermon Text: Romans 13:1-10; 2 Samuel 21:1-14
  • 7-14 Trampoline Park Fun Day
  • 7-15 Town Hall  
  • 8-5 Cameron Park Picnic 
  • SWCC Movie Days @ UBC: 6-18, 7-9, 7-23

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair- Emma Wood:

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Adam Winn:

Bridget Heins:

Jeremy Nance: Jeremy Nance <>

Joanna Sowards:

Student Position: Samuel Moore:

Student Position: Leah Reed:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Hannah Kuhl:  

Justin Pond:

Anna Tilson:

Doug McNamee: 


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Rob Engblom:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson: