ITLOTC 10-8-19


(In The Life Of The Church)

What does the Gospel mean to you?

Last week I attended the final meeting of a ministry leadership cohort that I have been participating in for the past year. This was our third time meeting in person – we met at Duke in March and at Truett in May – and we met in Charlottesville, VA this time. The cohort is made up of a group of women (young women some might say – although I am feeling the ways in which “youth” is quickly becoming a word that people do not use to describe me) who are in ministry and non-profit jobs across the USA and Canada. It has been a truly special experience getting to know these women and hear about the important work that they are doing across the continent – and getting to see their passion for sharing the love of God and the message of the Gospel in ways that are unique to their own gifts and passions.

When we met together for the first time on Monday of last week we spent some time catching up with each other – listening to the stories of what we each had experienced since we’d been together last. Talking about the things we had been reflecting on since the last time we were together. Sharing with each other the things we were excited about in our own lives. And during that time my friend Alicia shared with all of us a question that she had been reflecting on lately. She said that she had been thinking a lot about the difference that the Gospel had made in her own life – and how she had been observing that some of the most meaningful moments relationally were moments when she had been able to share the difference that the Gospel had made in her own life.

I was taken by this idea and this question – as was the rest of the group and our leaders – and we spent much of the rest of the week thinking about it and talking about it. It was wonderful to see the way that this question and our reflections on it wove it’s way throughout the rest of the week. And it was beautiful to hear the different ways that people have been personally affected by the Gospel – the ways in which their lives have been changed and the ways in which their understanding of themselves and other people has been changed by understanding the work God has already done and is still doing on their behalf.

As for me, I knew pretty quickly what my answer was. And the more I think about it the more I know it to be true – the power of the Gospel in my life is that it is the only thing that convinces me that I am truly loved. And the power of that understanding and belief is so foundational that I cannot begin to imagine how I would live without it. There is not much in this world that convinces me that I am loved but the work of Christ on my behalf convinces me of that and empowers me to try to share that love with others. Because I believe that I am loved it is incredibly important to me to help other people understand that they are also fully known and fully loved. My whole life is oriented in this direction – because of the power of the Gospel.

And so I am thankful for my friend Alicia, for bringing this question before us. Because I think reflecting on it has been good work for me and will continue to be good work for me in the future. And I’d love to know from you – what has the Gospel meant to your life? How have you been formed by the good work of Jesus Christ?

Please let me know by emailing me, or by thinking and reflecting with your friends and family members and other UBCers. I’d love for all of us to engage in this conversation together.

Grace and Peace -


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Homecoming Breakfast Help

Gentle Reminder, if you signed up to help with the homecoming breakfast, breakfast items are due this Sunday morning. Please have it there by 9:15. Grateful for everyone who is being a champion for the Lord and rising up to help in this way.

also this additional note from toph: Do you love UBC? Do you love free breakfast? Do you love your family? If so, join us this Sunday morning for Homecoming Breakfast. Bring your family to church, and hang out before the service as we eat breakfast together. If you have any questions, email

Fall Retreat - Junior/Seniors - October 24-26

Our annual Fall Retreat for upperclassmen is just around the corner, and you don’t want to miss out. We are headed to a beach house to relax, learn from another, and get to know other college students at UBC. The cost is $40, and this includes everything, a $20 deposit secures your slot. Sign-up this week before or after church in the foyer, or email If you have already signed-up, bring your $20 this week.

Enneagram Workshop

Advanced Enneagram Workshop

October 13th from 6-9pm and October 14th from 5:30-9pm

Bobo Spiritual Life Center

The Baylor Department of Pastoral Care is excited to announce the visit of renowned Enneagram Teacher and Author Chris Heuertz to the Baylor Campus. On Sunday, October 13 from 6:00-9:00 pm and Monday, October 14 from 5:30-9:00 pm, Chris will be presenting an advanced Enneagram workshop for those who hope to dive deeper into self-awareness regarding their numbers. Snacks will be provided on Sunday, and dinner will be provided on Monday. Please register to attend by clicking here. Contact if you have any questions!

Parishioner of the Week

Jana Parker for coming through like a baller on homecoming breakfast.


  • Sermon Text:

  • UBC Kids Teacher Training:

    • Root Rooms - October 20 after church

  • 11-1 All Saints Liturgy @ uBC 5:30

Work is Worship

Greeters: Corntassels

Coffee Makers: Jessica W.

Mug Cleaners: Dilan & Jess

Money Counter: Ballas

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Jose Zuniga:

Taylor Torregrossa:

Student Position,

Student Position,

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Erin Albin:

Sam Goff:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson: