(In The Life Of The Church)
As I have been going about my summer routine, I have started listening more and more to podcasts. I have always been a podcast fan, but as my traveling has increased, so has my podcast listening. The group of 2-3 podcasts I frequent are very similar insofar as they usually have two people just having a conversation. I am so drawn to these podcasts that I will even find myself taking longer routes to my destination while driving. The stories and experiences of these people begs me to have an ear to listen. In the midst of this, I have realized there are plenty of people in my bubble with stories and experiences that are waiting to be heard. The podcasts I have listened to have heightened my awareness of this reality. Is it possible that God has created humanity to be in relationship with one another? Is Beloved Community a possibility in the place and season you are in?
UBC, we are a body made up of unique and diverse people. God beckons us to come near to each other. How can you be listening to the stories and experiences of people around you? And how can you grow from being in community with those around you? The stories and experiences of people around you are just waiting to be heard.
Let it be so in your life, Amen.
- Adam Thompson
Kid’s Camp Meeting! - July 21 after church:
We will be having a Kid’s Camp Info meeting for all of our kids and parents of kids who are going to Passport Kid’s Camp with us at the end of July. If you or your child are going to Kid’s Camp please plan to be at this meeting after church on July 21st. If you have any questions please contact Taylor at
Waco Dives 7/17 - Ocean Buffet
Join Toph and the UBC staff on an adventure with no culinary bounds to the Ocean Buffet (505 N Valley Mills Dr). Stir Fry, Lo Mein, Sushi, and Pizza are all available to you next Wednesday at noon. See you there!
Leadership Team Nominations
We are looking for new folks to serve on the leadership team. Here is some information for you to consider from the bylaws. We have 4 positions open, two of which are students.
Section 1. Leadership Team
(A) Purpose. The Leadership Team shall be the primary decision-making body of UBC. The Leadership Team will oversee all the business and property of the church, as well as make the final decisions regarding hiring and dismissal of staff and the acquisition and selling of assets that are beyond budgetary provisions.
(C) Qualifications. Each member of Leadership Team shall have been a member of UBC for at least one year, exhibited an understanding and commitment to the mission and values of the church, and be willing to fulfill all responsibilities in the Leadership Team job description.
(E) Term. Members of Leadership Team may serve for a duration lasting up to three years. While they are encouraged to remain the full three years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time. Members serving as student member commit to a year with the chance to renew up to three years.
Nominations begin now. So if you'd like to nominate yourself or anyone else, please use this link. (this is the link to put in -
Riddle to Generate Clickbait
Last weeks answer “E”
Preacher: Dilan Braddock & text is Psalm 82
SWCC summer movie days - 7/24
Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7/12-14
Work is Worship
Coffee: Craig
Mugs: Sandvall + Glover
Money Counter: Ballas
Greeters: Ricky + Rose
Leadership Team
If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members.
Byron Griffin:
Kerri Fisher:
Jeremy Nance:
Joanna Sowards:
Kathy Krey:
Student Position, Samuel Moore:
Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:
UBC Finance Team
Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.
JD Newman:
Catherine Ballas:
Jen Carron:
Mike Dodson:
George Thornton:
If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.
Ross Van Dyke:
Jared Gould:
Rebekah Powell:
Kristen Richardson: