ITLOTC 8-2-2019

ITLOC (In The Life Of The Church)

Reflection on Taylor’s Questions

I’ve been thinking about Taylor’s questions from Sunday. Though I wasn’t present to hear her sermon, the Spirit has been moving these questions into my life and listening to Taylor’s words this morning pushed them back into the forefront of my mind.

1.    How might you live a life that more fully relies on God?

I have a lot of pride. I think I know the right things to do, the right order to do them in, and scoff through my thoughts when people do them a way that I wouldn’t do. I have pride in my achievements like when I bake a pie that everyone loves, or sequence a yoga class that people thank me for, or even when I dress myself a little nicer than usual. I have pride in my failures, that I have messed up so much that I must be terrible—even when these are tiny mishaps. And this pride is present because somewhere along the way I forgot that this strange reality exists where Christ lives in me and where the Holy Spirit guides me. I forgot that life is not about my will, not about my successes or failures, but about God. The Christian life is a life that follows and listens and, dare I say it, submits to God. My pride gets in the way of this. My pride needs to go. Here are some practical ways I’m working on this (because I know I won’t grow unless I have a plan):
-      Pray every day. Pray the Lord’s Prayer and take time to think about what these words mean. Lift up my offences against God and others, and actively imagine Christ taking them from me.
-      Remember the Spirit lives in me. Like actually lives in me, moves in me, breathes in me. 
-      Calm down. Instead of reacting right away to perceived successes and failures, focus on what actually happened. Be aware and mindful. 

2.    How might you live more deeply in community with these brothers and sisters in Christ?

I am an introvert. Give me 6/7 nights out of the week alone, and I will be good to go wherever and do whatever on the 7th night. If I’m being honest, I don’t need this much time alone. I want it and crave it and think I need it. But I don’t. I need community, even when it’s hard and tiring. I need to reach out to people, to remind them I love them and to be reminded that I am loved fully and deeply not only by those in the Church but by those who I spend my life with outside of the Church. Living deeply means living broken next to broken people who are all seeking to mend and be mended together. Practical steps for this:
-      Reach out to people via text or in person and say “I love you” more. Not shying away from culture’s embarrassment to love friends and be affectionate toward them in words. 
-      Take less time for myself when it’s not self-care. Binge-watch shows less, and watch shows with people more. Read in bed less, and read in a coffee shop or in the living room more. 
-      No more being on my phone around friends. Boredom may come, but listen to them as I desire them to listen to me. Be invested in their life. 

These aren’t revelatory things, but to learn them you have to pay attention to your life. What are your patterns in certain situations? When do you feel emotions welling up? What have your thoughts been like towards others? And then how do you think God wants those things to be… the same, or redeemed?

Church, may we be redeemed. Not only in our thoughts, but in our words. In what we do, and what we fail to do. And may we grow closer together in glory through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


End of Summer Picnic, August 7th @ 5:30PM

We are going to celebrate the end of summer by taking time for community this Wednesday. Bring your favored side dish or dessert to share, and UBC will proved fried chicken and drinks. Come hang out one more time before school begins!

Leadership Team Nominations

We are looking for new folks to serve on the leadership team.  Here is some information for you to consider from the bylaws.  We have 4 positions open, two of which are students.

Section 1.  Leadership Team

(A) Purpose.  The Leadership Team shall be the primary decision-making body of UBC.  The Leadership Team will oversee all the business and property of the church, as well as make the final decisions regarding hiring and dismissal of staff and the acquisition and selling of assets that are beyond budgetary provisions. 

(C) Qualifications.  Each member of Leadership Team shall have been a member of UBC for at least one year, exhibited an understanding and commitment to the mission and values of the church, and be willing to fulfill all responsibilities in the Leadership Team job description.

(E) Term.  Members of Leadership Team may serve for a duration lasting up to three years.  While they are encouraged to remain the full three years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time.  Members serving as student member commit to a year with the chance to renew up to three years. 

Nominations begin now.  So if you'd like to nominate yourself or anyone else, please use this link.


  • Preacher: Bri, Luke 12:13-21

  • End of Summer Party: 8/7

  • Kindergarten Commission: 8/18

  • Welcome Back Lunch: 8/25

  • Mi Casa Leader Training: 8/25, 9:30AM

  • UBCYP cookout: 9/7

  • Sunday school Starts: 9/8

Work is Worship

Coffee: Carlsons

Mugs: Burns

Money Counter: George Thornton

Greeters: Hariss

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson: