ITLOTC 1-28-20


(In The Life Of The Church)


Casserole Diplomacy

UBC turned 25 this month.  We had a party to celebrate on Sunday.  If you made it, thanks for coming. If you couldn’t, I understand.  

I mentioned in the sermon that UBC is 25, I have been worshiping here for 15.5 of those years, and that I have been a pastor for 12.5 of those years.  That is enough time to feel growth and change. I have been here long enough to think of UBC in small eras. That could be lectionary cycles, four year cycles of certain Baylor classes that were especially meaningful to me, or the hard things that have happened.   There are a number of ways to divide up the time. Regardless of how one is inclined to do that, one thing remains true about time, it keeps going.  

I will tell you a secret that all pastors know.  People come and go from congregations. In my monthly pastor group meeting, we joke that we have trading cards.   When people leave the church you are pastoring, it is hurtful, but less so the longer you do it. Because you stop caring?  No. Because you learn it is inevitable? Yes. Sometimes I read articles about this and the author rants and raves at how the church has fallen prey to the same kind of consumerism that marks everything else in our world.  Perhaps that's true, but I think it more likely that people change and that accommodating the change in ourselves can be a healthy thing.  

In my reflecting on time and change I slowed down last week to think about who is still at UBC that was there before I started.  That list, in so far as my memory serves me well, is very small. Without asking their permission I’m going to print their names right here in this newsletter: 

Emily & Jeremy Nance

Kristen & Mike Dodson 

Marshall Cook

Wade Mackey

Craig Nash

Holly & Britt Duke 

Jana & Jack Parker 

A few have gone and returned.  That is, they were here before I was here and come back, but this is the small list of people who were here before I started and are still here.  Sunday after the party during the clean up time, I got up from a table of lingering folks and saw that Jeremy & Emily and Jack & Jana were cleaning.  I was deeply touched by that, both because we can always use help with that kind of a thing, but also because I realized how much their presence means to me in a way that is intangible.  

A few years ago Craig and I were talking about community and he was paraphrasing a quote he’d seen recently.  It went something like this: if you want a thirty years of community then you have to be somewhere for thirty years.  If you want twenty years of community you have to be somewhere for twenty years … 

Today I was talking to someone about twenty and thirty year communities.  That’s not what she called it, but that’s what she meant. She said they lived in Waco for a few years, but it wasn’t until this last year until they had community.  “You know the kind where people don’t knock anymore and just come over any time, that kind of community.”  

I don’t know how to wrap up my thoughts on meaningful community other than to offer you this Terry Tempest Williams quote that has come to mean a great deal to me. 

“It just may be that the most radical act we can commit is to stay home. What does that mean to finally commit to a place, to a people, to a community. It doesn't mean it's easy, but it does mean you can live with patience, because you're not going to go away. It also means commitment to bear witness, and engaging in 'casserole diplomacy' by sharing food among neighbors, by playing with the children and mending feuds and caring for the sick. These kinds of commitment are real. They are tangible. They are not esoteric or idealistic, but rooted in the bedrock existence of where we choose to maintain our lives.That way we begin to know the predictability of a place. We anticipate a species long before we see them. We can chart the changes, because we have a memory of cycles and seasons; we gain a capacity for both pleasure and pain, and we find the strength within ourselves and each other to hold these lines.That's my definition of family. And that's my definition of love.”

Terri Tempest Williams “A Voice In The Wilderness: Conversations with TTW” 

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Meet Our Newest UBCer


Name: Russell Broxton Thornton
Birthday: 11/16/19
Birth weight: 3lb 10oz (now is over 7lb!)
Birth height: 16” (now almost 19”!)

Enneagram Number: 4

Leadership Team Nomination

Friends, one Byron Griffin’s stint on the leadership team is coming to an end.  During his term, Byron got Griff-Care passed, helped balance the church budget and was instrumental in shaping for our foreign policy in Cuba as we withdrew from the Thailand.  Thanks for the years of service Byrondo.  That means we are looking for leadership team nominations.  If you would like to nominate someone for the leadership team, please do so by using this link to fill out the form.

(A) Purpose.  The Leadership Team shall be the primary decision-making body of UBC.  The Leadership Team will oversee all the business and property of the church, as well as make the final decisions regarding hiring and dismissal of staff and the acquisition and selling of assets that are beyond budgetary provisions.  

(C) Qualifications.  Each member of Leadership Team shall have been a member of UBC for at least one year, exhibited an understanding and commitment to the mission and values of the church, and be willing to fulfill all responsibilities in the Leadership Team job description. 

(E) Term.  Members of Leadership Team may serve for a duration lasting up to three years.  While they are encouraged to remain the full three years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time

Spiritual/Religious Trauma

Dear Toph,

My name's Alice Fry- we've met a couple times. I wanted to share this event with you that I'm hosting at the Good Neighbor House. At the Trauma Informed Care luncheon UBC hosted last year, this was the topic and I know you mentioned that you recognize this among some of your member's stories. I thought it might be a resource you could use. 

Here's a blurb if you need more information:

"Sometimes our search for meaning, purpose, and the divine can become a weary burden. Whether our experience is with organized religion or spirituality, we can become victims of damaging beliefs and toxic systems that continue to cause lasting hurt and suffering long after the event itself is over. Compassionate listening can help. Join us in this 6 week, peer led support group as we trace the paths we've taken to get us here and envision our own paths forward, together. Regarding interest in attending the group or any questions you may have, please contact Alice Fry  at"

One Heart - Mentoring Opportunity

One Heart is a ministry which seeks to engage college-aged students in mentorship with youth aged 12-16 who have exited the criminal justice system in McLennan County.  Through building relationships and the influence of positive role models One Heart shoes to see a reduction in recidivism rates and break the prison cycle.  You can learn more about One Heart’s mission and goals: here  If you have any questions, please email

Vote for Ubcmusic in the JFH Awards

Ubcmusic, Vol. 2 is up for Contemporary Album of the Year and Independent Album of the Year in the JFH Awards. Is that a big deal? Probably not. But would it be fun to win? Absolutely. Will we likely win if all of Ubc casts a vote? Yes. You can vote here.

UBC Missions Committee

Over the next few months, we will be looking at UBC’s engagement with what God is doing in the world and discussing UBC’s missional philosophy.  If you would like to be a part of this committee, please contact for more information. 

Parishioner of the Week

Luca Meehan for his monster basketball shot at last Tuesdays WMS game.

Work is Worship

Greeters: Harris

Coffee Makers: David Rehfeld

Mug Cleaners: Ron Miller

Money Counter: JD Newman


  • Sermon Text: Special Guest Preacher Sean Palmer

  • 2-9 (week of) Mi Casa’s Resume

Youth Schedule

February 29 - Leap Year Celebration (Movie/Game Night)

March 11 - NO YOUTH (Spring Break)

March 27 - TBD (Talent Show?)

April 19 - 5/6 Family Game Night

April 26 - After Church Picnic 

May 13 - Last Youth

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair: Kerri Fisher:

Byron Griffin:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Jose Zuniga:

Taylor Torregrossa:

Student Position: Davis Misloski

Student Position: Maddy O’Shaughnessy

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Erin Albin:

Sam Goff:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson: