The Helpers (A Pastoral Prayer for 3-15-20)

The Helpers 

A prayer inspired by Fred Rogers and you.*


Blessed are the HEB workers, gas station attendants, postal carriers and anyone who went to work so that the rest of us could buy the things we think we need. 

Blessed are the doctors and nurses, and health care workers who haven’t slept in weeks and who expose themselves to danger so we can feel safe everyday.  

Blessed are the policy makers who are exhausted because they are emotionally torn by how their decision will impact all of us. 

Blessed are the nerdy people who got made fun of for loving science as a kid, but are doing critical research to save lives. 

Blessed are the free internet providers, zoom chat room space creators and anyone else who gave of their abundance so that the lonely could have community.  

Blessed are those who provide food: the lunch ladies, superintendents, and politicians who fought for kids to keep eating, and the restaurant owners who are providing free meals for children. 

Blessed are the opera singers, actors, dancers and entertainers who are giving their talents away for free so that we can experience joy. 

Blessed are the newspapers that are giving away accurate information online without a subscription.  

Blessed are the teachers who are worrying about that kid who they know has a hard home life.  

Blessed are the burned out stay-at-home mom and dads who are going stir crazy. 

Blessed are the businesses that are giving the stir crazy kids a safe place to be. 

Blessed are the working parents who are now stay-at-home mom and dads because they didn’t have another choice.

Blessed is the person who grabbed two gallons of milk, but put one back because there were only two left.

Blessed are those who volunteer to provide transportation for those in need and run errands for strangers. 

Blessed are the fearful, for you have considered the cost and are still showing up. 

Blessed are those with anxiety attacks and thoughts that everyone else considers irrational. You care deeply and it consumes you - hidden inside of that is love and we can see it. 

Blessed are the pregnant, the children, the elderly and the immunocompromised who are particularly vulnerable. Your lives are worth more than the stock market, productivity and our lives being easy.  We needed that reminder. 

Blessed are the people with power who made decisions to cancel large gatherings to save lives even though they’ll lose money. 

Blessed are those who are enduring criticism for canceling large events because they have dared to believe in data that will not be able to prove them right if it works. 

Blessed are the small business owners whose existence has been teetering for years because of Amazon, but whose presence on one critical night provided children’s tylenol for a customer very much in need. 

Blessed are the companies that are using their power and privilege to fight price gouging. 

Blessed are those who are using their social media platforms to rebuke racism  

Blessed are the college athletes who invested their lives in something that they may never get to finish. 

Blessed are those who played their last game without knowing it. 

Blessed are those whose study abroad plans were canceled early. 

Blessed are those who have lost, are losing, or will lose.  You are dust and for the first time you really know it. 

Jesus blesses you.

*and Nadia Bolz-Weber whose beatitude prayer served as an inspiration.