Twin (A Poem)

“Twin” A Poem for UBC 


A long time ago in a place called Nazareth

A rabbi emerged with a new teaching on Sabbath


His name is Jesus, He is the son of God

If you find that impressive prepare to be awed


His mom was named Mary; she was a virgin

How did this happen? A metaphysical surgeon


Like Rabbis are oft prone to do

This teacher went looking for a crew


He settled on twelve, one for each tribe

Every individual unique with his own vibe


They were

Peter the rock, who Jesus gave the keys

He’s often considered the greatest of these


Andrew his brother who was called first

Finished behind Peter, which is just the worst


James of Zebedee a son of thunder

The first to die, makes you wonder


His brother John, known as an apostle

He wrote Revelation and the 4th gospel


Alpheus had two sons, one was James

Sawed in pieces, he didn’t play games


The other was Thaddues also called Jude

That’s about all we know of that dude


Levi known as Matthew was a collector of tax

But we’ll forgive him because we’ve all got cracks


The eunuch was converted because of Phil

Baptized on the spot, what a thrill


There was Bartholemoew also known as Nathaniel

The only thing that rhymes with that is cocker spaniel


Don’t forget about Simon the zealot

There was trouble with Rome and he could smell it


Then there’s Judas whose known to betray

“God have mercy on his soul,” I pray


That leaves one to discuss this Easter week two

His name is Thomas, and he leaves us something to chew


There’s a lot in this story, I don’t know about

But let’s start with the obvious; he’s famous for doubt


The doors are locked and the windows are sealed

when Jesus appears like Dave Copperfield


The disciples were locked up for fear of the Jews

But Jesus says, “Peace, I have good news


Dead for three days, I was down and out

But suck it Satan, you’ve lost this bout


Just to be sure check out my scars

Those nails and thorns left some good mars”


The disciples looked and what did they see

It was in fact Jesus, “Rejoice and Yippee!”


Then Jesus breathed his God breath of life

And the Holy Spirit pierced them like a knife


Jesus said forgive sins and they are gone

Or you can hang onto them, but that’s just wrong



An important part of this story you must know

Is that Thomas wasn’t there for this part of the show


Where was this doubter, out looking for a fix?

He’s probably an ennea five with a wing six.


The others told him about what he missed

An encounter with risen Jesus, what a twist!


Skeptical Thomas didn’t believe

Instead he wanted to be left to grieve


“Unless I can see and touch his scar

I have to believe you saw a ghost from afar”


Well a week went by and not much changed

Thomas listened but his hesitation remained


The disciples were gathered back in their locked house

No one could get in, not even a mouse


But then who should appear in magic act two

Jesus was back and his peace he gives to you


Jesus said, “touch my hands; touch my side”

Thomas did, and his eyes opened wide


Astonished He confessed, “My Lord and my God

You’re looking great in this resurrection bod.”


Jesus replied, “you believe because you behold

But blessed are those who are only told.”


Thank God for Thomas the patron saint of the hipster

Those who are confused and prone to be a resister


You see I think Jesus’ story appears suspicious

To good to be true, it feels a bit fictitious


Water to wine, mud to vision

Walk on water, exorcism


Healing the blind, the lame walk again

Dead back to life, hosanna and amen.


But that’s just His story, what about the rest 

Manna from heaven, Gideon’s test


Swallowed by a fish, parted the sea

Wish you could watch it on YouTube TV


Truth be told I can think of reasons to doubt

Not least among them spiritual drought


But even if you’re good and full of God’s zeal

You have to admit there’s a lot God could heal


Let’s start with this virus that kills the air sac

Or that we live in a world with Nickelback


6 million Jews died in concentration camps

Some people can’t eat even with food stamps


The world is being destroyed at an alarming rate

And people are hated if they aren’t straight


Children are in cages down on the border

Pawns in a system of political disorder


Bodies are sold as if that’s the norm

Assault is excused with promise of reform


These problems though they have a theme

Humanity is responsible it would seem


But what about the problems you can’t pin on us

Like tsunamis, earthquakes and a weird virus


And the problem is really much more you see

We have violence in nature and entropy 


Even if we could all get along together

We know that universe won’t last forever


I know what you’re thinking; it’s because of the fall

But if I read Genesis 3 that’s not there at all


But all of that doubt is about evil 

That says nothing of the science upheaval 


The enlightenment ushered in moderNISM

Which seemed to create a faith/science schism 


It started with Copernicus comma Nick

Who suggest that the universe was heliocentric 


Years later Galileo would support the theory

And the church’s response made people leery 


There was Darwin who became evolution’s commentator 

And suddenly people weren’t sure that they needed a creator 


Marx said religion is the opium of the people 

With the primary function to make economic sheeple 


Nitsche was similar; he had his own critique

Religion was there to celebrate the weak  


Science kept moving forward doing its thing 

Eventually people thought God was a make believe king 

You might be wondering “Why has Josh written a po’em?

This whole effort seems a little below him?”


If I’m honest it’s because I’m trying to hide

Thomas' story has touched something inside


This year has been hard and I’m not sure why

But it seems prudent to let my apprehension testify


I think it began when I watched my father depart

I could sense that something changed in my heart


Death has been around as long as life

But on that day it introduced new strife


It’s not that I was mad at God, only disappointed

The affections of my heart had become disjointed


So I began to wonder and I began to roam

I even stepped outside of my orthodox home


I made more friends that didn’t believe like me

I listened to podcasts and read books that disagree


And what did I find? I’m glad you asked 

The same Jesus I experienced was out there he’s vast


That will make you wonder though

About the bible and what’s okay to let go


Shellfish, mixed fibers and marriage laws

Gold jewelry, slavery and a divorce clause


How can I be faithful? Does God really care?

What if I believe something different? Do I dare?


I’m not saved by works, I’m saved by grace

But are wrong beliefs cause for losing my place? 


All this confusion it can feel like a haunting wraith

But Tillich said, "Serious doubt is confirmation of faith."  


So I return to that story of Jesus in that room

And I realize there’s so much I can’t assume


Like why Jesus picked his scars instead of throne

To prove he was back and not a clone


Our world is postmodern/ truth claims fall flat

Beliefs are subject to change like a thermostat


Makes me wonder if a throne would work

I bet not since politicians are beserk


So it seems to me the only power that could be real

Would come from a God who would suffer to heal


I suspect the scars are in invitation to you and me

To come join God in this counterintuitive intimacy


I should be honest and tell you doubt will remain

But even that can save us if we share in each other’s pain


I suspect that some of you are beginning to pray

That I would run out of things to say

So let me end this poem on a win

God anticipated this, you are the twin