(In The Life Of The Church)
Breathe and Be (by Jamie)
It’s my week to write the newsletter, as happens once a month. However, there has been a great nothing mounting on the tip of my tongue for the last couple of years, and I now find myself with nothing to say. Not a single thing. So instead of spinning my wheels all day to force out something that might pass as clever, insightful, helpful, etc., I’m going to invite you to stop what you are doing, step away from your screens, shut your eyes, breathe, and be, for as long as you can stand it; and I will do the same.
The need for periodic rest is not confined to mechanisms of various kinds. Rest may be complete inactivity when all customary functioning is suspended and everything comes to a pause. Rest may be a variation in intensity, a contrast between loud and soft, high and low, strong and weak, a change of pace. Rest may be a complete shifting of scenery by the movement of objects or the person. All things seem to be held in place by the stability of a rhythm that holds and releases but never lets go…
There is the rest of detachment and withdrawal when the spirit moves into the depths of the region of the Great Silence, where world weariness is washed away and blurred vision is once again prepared for the focus of the long view where seeking and finding are so united that failure and frustration, real though they are, are no longer felt to be ultimately real. Here the Presence of God is sensed as an all-pervasive aliveness which materializes into the concreteness of communion: the reality of prayer. Here God speaks without words and the self listens without ears. Here at last, glimpses of the meaning of all things and the meaning of one’s own life are seen with all their strivings. To accept this is one meaning of the good line, “Rest in the Lord—O, rest in the Lord.”
(Howard Thurman, The Inward Journey, 111-2)
Meet Our Newest UBCer
Raleigh Boone Smith
Birthday: 6-20-20
Birth Height: 23.5 in
Birth Weight: 10 lb. 13 oz.
Enneagram Number: 8w7
Family Resource Pantry
Thank you to everyone who has been volunteering and everyone who has donated so far. This is our week to donate and buy supplies for the pantry, so please use the link below to see what still needs to be bought this week. If you have any questions, please email Here's that link:
Learning Together - Understanding the Church’s Complicity in Racism“
What we need is a generation of Christians, who will intentionally and in a sustained way consciously fight against the racism that still pervades our society.” - Jemar Tisby Starting in July, we will begin a six week series in which we read and discuss Jemar TIsby’s book: The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism. There are many ways you can access the book: you can buy it, you can download the audiobook, or you can watch the 12 part series on Amazon Prime. We will be reading/listening/watching two chapters a week, and we will meet every other week for discussion. If you would like to purchase the book but do not have the funds available, please let us know and we will get you a copy. We will begin reading/listening/watching on July 1, and our discussions will happen on July 15, July 29, and August 12. Toph will be leading the discussion times, however, if you are a poc in our congregation and would like to lead/help lead, we would welcome your leadership. If you are a poc and would like to help, please contact Toph. If you have any questions, email
Parishioner(s) of the Week
Jack Parker for releasing this single under his new band name Jackson Palomino.
Work is Worship
Greeters: No Greeters this week
Coffee Makers: no coffee makers this week
Mug Cleaners: no mug cleaners this week
Money Counter: no money counters this week
Leadership Team
If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members.
Chair: Kerri Fisher:
Luci Hoppe:
Jeremy Nance:
Joanna Sowards:
Kathy Krey:
Jose Zuniga:
Taylor Torregrossa:
Student Position: Davis Misloski
Student Position: Maddy O’Shaughnessy
UBC Finance Team
Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.
Catherine Ballas:
Jen Carron:
Mike Dodson:
George Thornton:
If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.
Erin Albin:
Sam Goff:
Rebekah Powell:
Kristen Richardson:
Craig Nash: