Ubc Liturgy Stuff 9-13-2020

Ubc Liturgy Stuff

September 13, 2020

Below, you’ll find the song lyrics and scripture readings for the live stream on September 13th (in the order they are needed). Also you can find UbcKids Sunday School Videos here.

Come Thou Fount

come thou fount of every blessing
tune my heart to sing thy grace
streams of mercy, never ceasing
call for songs of loudest praise
teach me some melodious sonnet
sung by flaming tongues above
praise the mount, i’m fixed upon it
mount of thy redeeming love

here i raise my Ebenezer
hither by thy help i come
and i hope by thy good pleasure
safely to arrive at home
jesus sought me when a stranger
wandering from the fold of god
he to rescue me from danger
interposed his precious blood

o to grace, how great a debtor
daily i’m constrained to be
let thy goodness like a fetter
bind my wandering heart to thee
prone to wander, lord i feel it
prone to leave the god i love
here’s my heart, lord
take and seal it
seal it for thy courts above

Call to Worship

we have gathered to worship
the Eternal One

the One who draws water from solid stone,
who draws plenty from lack and abundance from scarcity

to enter the story of God

and find our own stories reimagined

that the Spirit of God might form us more fully in the way of Christ

bending our hearts and minds toward
the wholeness of our neighbors


After the Dust Clears

after the dust clears and the newness is all
our feet will carve pathways down a familiar road
we’ll gather around a table for twelve
and struggle to find the anger we held

and just as the wine makes its third trip around
we’ll fail to remember what the fight was about
the details are faded, but the broad strokes remain:
we all chose a side, then we all walked away

now peering across into reddening eyes
we’ll find there a mirror of the passing of time
and wait for a beat, ‘til the silence is spent
then wonder aloud just where the time went
and raising a glass to the years that slipped by
we’ll conjure the memory of simpler times
ignoring the fact that we cannot go back
we’ll wander the shores of our lives

after it’s over, before we part ways
we’ll pick up the pieces with a final embrace
and linger a moment ‘round a grave dug for one
to bury our regret with joy on our tongues
see, joy is a song that you sing into strife
not to relieve it, but to keep you alive
and love is an anchor when the truth is laid bare
not to erase it, but to keep you there

not to erase it, but to keep you there

Old Testament Reading

Today’s Old Testament reading is Genesis 50:15-21:

Realizing that their father was dead, Joseph’s brothers said, “What if Joseph still bears a grudge against us and pays us back in full for all the wrong that we did to him?” So they approached Joseph, saying, “Your father gave this instruction before he died, ‘Say to Joseph: I beg you, forgive the crime of your brothers and the wrong they did in harming you.’ Now therefore please forgive the crime of the servants of the God of your father.” Joseph wept when they spoke to him. Then his brothers also wept, fell down before him, and said, “We are here as your slaves.” But Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid! Am I in the place of God? Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today. So have no fear; I myself will provide for you and your little ones.” In this way he reassured them, speaking kindly to them.

This is the word of the Lord

Thanks be to God

New Testament Reading

Today’s New Testament reading is Matthew 18:21-25

Peter came and said to Jesus, “Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.

“For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his slaves. When he began the reckoning, one who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him; and, as he could not pay, his lord ordered him to be sold, together with his wife and children and all his possessions, and payment to be made. So the slave fell on his knees before him, saying, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ And out of pity for him, the lord of that slave released him and forgave him the debt. But that same slave, as he went out, came upon one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and seizing him by the throat, he said, ‘Pay what you owe.’ Then his fellow slave fell down and pleaded with him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ But he refused; then he went and threw him into prison until he would pay the debt. When his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their lord all that had taken place. Then his lord summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked slave! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. Should you not have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his lord handed him over to be tortured until he would pay his entire debt. So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”

This is the Word of the Lord

Thanks be to God

Come Healing

o gather up the brokenness and bring it to me now
the fragrance of those promises you never dared to vow
the splinters that you carry, the cross you left behind
come healing of the body, come healing of the mind
and let the heavens hear it, the penitential hymn
come healing of the spirit, come healing of the limb

behold the gates of mercy in arbitrary space
and none of us deserving the cruelty or the grace
o solitude of longing, where love has been confined
come healing of the body, come healing of the mind
and see the darkness yielding which tore the light apart
come healing of the reason, come healing of the heart

o troubled dust concealing an undivided love
the heart beneath is teaching to the broken heart above
let the heavens falter, let the earth proclaim
come healing of the altar, come healing of the name

o longing of the branches to lift the little bud
o longing of the arteries to purify the blood
let the heavens hear it, the penitential hymn
come healing of the spirit, come healing of the limb


Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost



As we approach this week

May we love God
Embrace Beauty
and Live Life to the fullest


New Giving App

In case you missed this info for the past couple of weeks:

We're excited to offer a new way to give to UBC - through a simple, fast and secure app!  You can download the free Church Center app and enter "UBC Waco" as your church.  In just a few taps, you'll have your account set up and can give any amount, anytime, from anywhere in the world.  You can make a one-time donation or set up recurring giving instantly.  Best yet, this app is designed specifically for churches, with reduced fees that make sure more of your donation actually goes to support UBC.  If you're not an app person, no worries - we've added Church Center as an option under the "give" tab on our website.  Thanks for your giving and support of our UBC community!