UBC Kids October 2022

Hi friends,

Welcome to the very first UBC Kids email. My hope is to send you a care package on the first Monday of each month that you can refer to throughout the month. Each one will include news and information for children and families at UBC, a resource I've found to be helpful, and an occasional idea or two for family faith formation at home.

I want to take a second to say how much I love your kids and what a privilege it is to catch glimpses of their growth and formation on Sunday mornings. Jillian and I take turns walking the halls each week in case we're needed for anything. As we walk, we pray. I’ll confess, I indulge in some eavesdropping, too.

Last week, I listened to our 2- and 3-year-olds baaaa boisterously as they learned about God's love through the story of the lost sheep. I overheard our 1st and 2nd graders cheer each other on as they found lost coins just like Jesus searches for—and finds—us. The sounds of giggles and good questions and kind instruction filled the air. I found myself grinning and thinking this, right here, is a parable.

The kingdom of God is joyful and contagious and a little bit wild, like a child's belly laugh. It can't be contained, but instead spreads to all who hear it. The kingdom of God is playful and fun and sometimes silly like a game. It beckons us to bring our holy curiosity to its pursuit. The kingdom of God is like arms open wide in welcome. We can trust all our fears and questions, our needs and hopes to its endless embrace.

As our children come to know God, they’re learning that God is good and that God can be trusted. My hope, as always, is that they will choose to trust and follow God in their own lives. (That’s my hope for you and for me, as well.)

Grace and peace,

For the Month of October

On Sunday mornings from 10:45-noon, our 2-year-olds through 4th graders are busy learning who God is and what God is like through the stories of scripture. Our lectionary-based curriculum is fun, interactive, and tailored to each age group. Here's what they'll spend the next few weeks learning about.

On Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:00, our 5th and 6th graders are exploring the overall story arc of scripture and how it connects to the foundations of our faith. They’re walking through the Old Testament with an eye toward understanding the history of God’s people and adding context for who Jesus is and why Jesus is so important. In October they'll be busy exploring...

Click the titles of any of the weeks above for the corresponding Family Pages so you can continue these conversations with your kids at home. (You can also find printed versions of the Family Pages on the UBC Kids bulletin board at church.)

For Your Family Formation

I’m so grateful for Meredith Anne Miller and the way she has shaped by approach to children and faith formation. Meredith is a pastor and parent with over 20 years of experience helping families follow Jesus. She spent five years as Curriculum Director for the children’s ministry at Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago, Illinois, where she created a framework for lessons that responds to the latest research on kids and faith formation. She's also worked with Fuller Youth Institute since 2007.

I love Meredith's vision for helping parents re-examine the notion of using the Bible to raise “good kids” and instead move toward becoming a Jesus-centered, justice-seeking, joy-filled family. She is a delightful human being and one of my favorite follows on Instagram! (I've especially appreciated her highlights on obedience, anti-racism, deconstruction, and affirmation).

Oh, and she also makes a podcast for kids and their grownups called Ask Away. In each 10-minute episode, she and her kids tell a Bible story and then talk about questions kids listeners send to the show.

For Your Calendar

UBC Families Meetup-Waco Zoo - October 29th at 9am

Fall Fire Chill - Friday, November 4th at 6pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

UBC Family Retreat - Friday, March 3-Monday, March 6