(In The Life Of The Church)
My 5 Favorite Sermon Illustrations
UBC Spring Break, Break
All weekly activities i.e. pints with toph, youth group, college women’s group, etc. are canceled this week due to spring break. For spring break specific activities see below.
Jesus Said Love Outreach
UBC Family, we are collecting items for our community partner JSL, for their April outreach. You can learn more about JSL’s work here: We are collecting items for 75 care packages to be distributed in the clubs in Waco/Temple/Killeen. These are the items we need: bandages, clear lip gloss or chapstick, gum, travel size deodorant, Advil packages, toothbrushes, and travel size toothpaste. There will be a place in the for you to place these items, contact with any questions. The last day for collecting items will be March 27th.
UBC Women’s Group
This group is for those who identify as female, who are out of college and the young professional world, who are closer to 40ish and older, and are looking for a place to connect with other UBC women. Also, as with most groups at UBC, age is relative, so if you are keenly interested please reach out to us. The next gathering will be March 25 at 7ish, at Jen Carron’s house. If you would like more information, please contact Noel Carlson (612-801-5831) for more information.
Third Wednesday
We will continue our 3rd Wednesday formational series on Wednesday, March 16th as we welcome Dr. Holly Oxhandler to discuss her new book, The Soul of the Helper. This discussion will take place from 6-8 P.M. @ UBC.
UBC @ the Zoo
Are you staying in Waco for spring break? Looking for something to do? Tomorrow, Wednesday March 9th UBCers of all stripes are meeting at the Waco Zoo for a riveting time of buffalo watching, animal noise listening, and other fun activities. UBC champions will meet at 10:30 for a zoo experience and then eat together afterwards either by purchasing food from the zoo or bringing your own picnic food.
Parishioner of the Week
Kareem Shane. Kareem requested being parishioner of the week and since this is my last newsletter (josh) I thought i’d oblige. Kareem has been a great friend and a safe space for me all these years. Thanks Kareem.
Preaching Schedule
One of thing the leadership team has asked me, Josh, to do before my departure is schedule preaching through May. I’m very excited to share the following lineup with y’all.
3-13 Josh
3-20 Josh (last Sunday)
3-27 Burt Burlesson
4-3 Gideon Tsang
4-10 Gideon Tsang
4-17 Gideon Tsang (Easter)
4-24 Mr. Rodgers Sunday
5-1 Gideon Tsang
5-8 Jameson McGregor
5-15 Children’s Sunday
5-22 Ericka Graham
5-29 Ericka Graham