(In The Life Of The Church)
From Leadership Team
UBC Congregation,
We, as a Leadership Team, wanted to give y’all an update of where we’re at when it comes to filling the role of Lead Pastor.
The UBC Personnel & Handbook lays out the following:
“The general employment application process, unless otherwise altered at the approval of the Leadership Team, consists of:
After posting the position online, applications will be received via email ( for a minimum of 3 weeks for pastoral positions.
Applications will be reviewed by at least a 5-person job search committee comprised of 1 full-time staff person (self-elected), 1 HR Team member (self-elected), 1 Leadership Team member (self-elected), and 2 or more congregational members (selected by Leadership Team).”
Our goal, as a Leadership Team, is to make sure that this Search Committee is diverse and inclusive of our community here. We have been working diligently to select the congregational members and hope to announce the Search Committee in the coming weeks.
Please know that this is the first time that UBC has entered this exact process in terms of hiring a Lead Pastor. We’ve used the structure, as laid out by the handbook/by-laws, for filling other positions, such as Office Manager. We welcome your feedback and ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate this process together.
We deeply care about UBC and her community and make the commitment to act in her best interest as we move forward. Again, if y’all have any feedback, please feel free to reach out to any of the Leadership Team members individually or email us at
-Leadership Team
NUBCers Lunch
We'll gather in the Backside right after church this Sunday, April 10th. If you’re interested in getting to know other UBCers and learning a bit about UBC’s history and values come join us for lunch.. Lunch is provided so please email and let us know if you will be able to make it and if you have any dietary restrictions!
Palm Sunday Kids!
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and as part of our service our children will lead us at the beginning of the service! If your child is in the Branch Room-3rd/4th Root Room please try to be a few minutes early so they can participate in that moment! If you have any questions please email
Maundy Thursday Potluck (4/14)
Join us at 5:30 on Thursday, April 14th, for our Maundy Thursday Potluck! Our meal will be accompanied by a liturgy in memory of the night Jesus was betrayed. If you have any questions, email
UBC LGBTQIA+ Community Meetup
UBC is excited to host its first LGBTQIA+ Community Meetup. We’ll be meeting on Thursday, April 21 at 7 p.m. at Pinewood. This is a time for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies to meet one another, connect, and have a fun time. We hope you can join us! If you have any questions, you can email Katie (who serves on our leadership team).
Parishioner of the Week
Jose Zuniga and Jonathan and Erin Hill for sticking around and helping out with lunch on Sunday! Thanks so much to everyone who has helped out a little more in the last few weeks!
Preaching Schedule
One of thing the leadership team asked Josh to do before he left was schedule preaching through May. Here’s a reminder of that lineup for y’all.
4-10 Gideon Tsang
4-17 Gideon Tsang (Easter)
4-24 Mr. Rodgers Sunday
5-1 Gideon Tsang
5-8 Jameson McGregor
5-15 Children’s Sunday
5-22 Ericka Graham
5-29 Ericka Graham