ITLOTC 5-10-2022

(In The Life Of The Church)


Kid’s Sunday

Hello friends!

This coming Sunday is Kid’s Sunday at UBC. So our kid’s will be leading us in worship!! They have spent the last few weeks preparing for this Sunday and I can’t wait for them to share with us. I am also genuinely a little bit scared because several of them walked up to me on Sunday and said, “Next Sunday WE’RE in charge!” in a way that was honestly a little bit terrifying. So - it’s kind of a 50/50 shot at what’ll be happening on Sunday.

And if you know anything about the Bloom Room I hope you’ll be excited to see Mr. Paul and the Bloom Room Bunch lead our offering. Mr. Paul is basically a celebrity in the Bloom Room and then everyone else is 2-4 yrs old and I cannot wait for the offering!

But one thing that I know for sure is that UBC Kids have taught me so much in my time at UBC. They are smart and funny and insightful and kind above all else! I am excited to learn from them on Sunday and I hope that you are too!


Summer Calendar!

We have many exciting events coming up this summer and you can find our full calendar of events here on our website if you’re looking to schedule which events you want to attend this summer! We’ll also be printing a hard copy for you to take home and keep on your fridge or wherever you keep your calendar! So be on the lookout for that!

Summer KickOff - Hawaiian Falls!

Our first Summer event as a community will be June 3rd at Hawaiian Falls! We’ll meet there and have a super fun day in the sun! If you have any questions please email Taylor at

Pastoral Associate Applications

If you are interested in serving as one of our Pastoral Associates in the coming year you can find the application here: PA Application So please go check out the application and let us know if you have any questions!

Parishioner of the Week

Joseph Leman for working up in the booth this past Sunday!

Preaching Schedule

One of things the leadership team asked Josh to do before he left was schedule preaching through May. Here’s a reminder of that lineup for y’all.

5-15 Children’s Sunday

5-22 Ericka Graham

5-29 Ericka Graham