ITLOTC 8-23-2022

(In The Life Of The Church)

Ordinary Time

Meet the Leadership Team
Andy Clark

For the next few weeks, we are going to be introducing our newest Leadership Team members. We’ve asked each of them a handful of questions and will be sharing their answers with you here. This week, we’d like to introduce you to Andy Clark.

Why are you in Waco: I have worked at Baylor since 2018. Before that, I attended Baylor for my undergraduate and seminary studies.

Currently Watching or Reading: I am currently in the middle of reading comics writer Jason Aaron’s entire run on Thor, which is about 7 years’ worth of comics spanning from 2012 to 2019.

I also just started reading Heat 2, which is a novel that serves as both a prequel and sequel to the 1995 film Heat, directed by Michael Mann.

Vacation Destination: A couple of my favorite past vacation destinations were Fayetteville, AR and Portland, OR.

Favorite Waco Restaurant to Eat At: These days it’s probably Slim Chickens.

Bible verse/chapter/book that has impacted you: Ezra and Nehemiah (which are generally considered by scholars to be a single work), because the text chronicles the time in which the Old Testament was codified and it helps to frame the history books of the Old Testament (and really the whole thing!) as attempting to answer the question of what it means to be “the people of God.” I think this is a question we strive to answer each and every day, and it helps to remember this has been part of our faith tradition as long as it has existed—and even longer!

Something we'd never know about you: I think professional wrestling is an underappreciated entertainment artform. It's basically a live, semi-improvised stunt show crossed with a soap opera.

UBC Pastoral Search Survey

Please take a some time to share your feedback by completing the Pastoral Search Survey or scheduling an in-person listening session, which you can do here. If you have questions, please email

This Week at UBC

Pints with Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at Pinewood: If you enjoy beer, talking current events or discussing theology then this is the group for you. Join us at 6:00p on Wednesday evenings at the Pinewood Public House.. 21 and up, please.  If you have any questions, email Toph.

Kindergarten Commissioning - Sunday during church

Welcome Back Lunch - Sunday right after church: This is an exciting Sunday in the life of the church as we welcome everyone back and celebrate the beginning of the new school year together. We hope you’ll plan to join us on Sunday for a Welcome Back Lunch right after church, catered lunch by El Crucero.

There are no Youth Events this week - Youth Group starts back on Wednesday 31st August from 6:00pm-8:00pm!

Opportunities to Connect

Fall 2022 Spiritual Direction Small Group: This new small group will work together on discerning the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives, our responses to God’s invitations, and expressing the genuine desires of our hearts. Learn the art and power of listening and asking.

  • Meets weekly from mid-September to early December

  • Maximum 8 total (must be able to commit to regularly attending meetings)

  • Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program

  • Email with questions or interest in signing up.

Women's Group: Ladies! This group, which meets monthly, is centered around community and getting to know one another. This group is primarily for those who are out of college.  If you have any questions, email Tiffany or Noel.

Needs of the Church

Kids & Youth Volunteers: Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s kids and youth formation. Every so often, we ask if anyone in the congregation is interested in becoming a volunteer, and that time has come once again! For more information on Youth Group volunteer needs you can click this link and/or email For more information about Kids volunteer needs email

Vacuum Cleaner Donations: We need to replace several vacuum cleaners that are no longer functioning well. If you are willing and able to donate a functioning vacuum, please email

MiCasa Leaders: Do you love hosting and cultivating community? We are looking for two more houses for the Fall who would be willing to host one of our MiCasa groups. If you are interested, or know someone who would be a great leader, please contact

Next Week

  • Youth Evenings - Wednesdays at 6:00 pm beginning August 31st

  • 5th/6th Grade Evenings - Wednesdays at 6:00 pm beginning August 31st

  • Picnic in the Park - Sunday, September 4th after church

Upcoming Events

You can find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

Parishioner of the Week

The parishioner of the week is Kailey Davis for volunteering to help out at the church fair.

Preaching Schedule

We’re continuing with a preaching rotation so that we might hear from the UBC community during this season. Here’s that lineup:

August 28: Craig

Sept 4: Kirk

Sept 11: Kirk

Sept: 18: Jamie

Sept 25: Youth Sunday