ITLOTC 3-7-2023

Hello team!

I happened to be reading this passage from Philippians 2:1-4 this week:

1 If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, 2 make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.

I’ve always struggled with this section in Philippians. It’s all too often abused by churches through messages about control, being obedient, going along with what bad leaders say, etc.

Unfortunately, I find that’s often the case with Paul - we’re very good at forgetting that Paul is speaking to a very specific historical context. The Church in his time was very small, and there were so many chances for things to go wrong. Here, Paul’s being encouraging, and he’s trying to put Jesus in the centre.

This whole conversation is framed through a relationship. Paul’s relationship to the church in Philippi is incredibly strong; he loves the community there so much. So when he’s talking about obedience, it’s not about blind obedience to authority, it’s not about obedience as duty or fear - it’s not obedience to humans either. It’s obedience to God, but not in some rule-following, Do This Or Else kind of way - it’s this deep, deep abiding love. These verses have been used by Christians to keep people in abusive relationships, to stay in churches that don’t value them or follow God the way Jesus demonstrates. But that categorically is not what Paul is talking about in this passage.

“Obedience” is a tough word, because it’s been used so harmfully. It might be better to think of it more like allegiance, or fealty, which are both fairly old words, but bear with me. This is a group of people who believe in a shared cause, and believe they owe themselves and each other to follow that cause, especially under the guide of someone they are not just loyal to, but love; and whom is not just another human being, using power to further their own agenda, but a God who sees them, loves them, and wants them to see and love the people around themselves too.

UBC, I love being a part of this community with you. I believe in our shared cause - to love God, embrace beauty, and to live life to the fullest. Know that I am with you in this, always, and that I love you.

Kieran Cressy
Youth Pastor

No Youth Group or 5th & 6th Grade Activities on Wednesday

There will be no Youth Group or 5th & 6th Grade Activities this Wednesday due to Spring Break. Regular Wednesday night activities will resume next week.

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at Pinewood

Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday

Make sure to adjust your clock so you can join us for worship at 10:45am.

Sending the Lands Off to Denver - Sunday at the Arroyo House

Please join us to say goodbye to the Land family as they move to Denver! Bring a beverage and/or snack to share at this come and go event from 2-6pm at the Arroyo House (1703 Sanger Ave). There will also be an optional song circle, and we would love for you to bring an instrument, song, or just your voice to share if you want.

Giving Update

UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

Finance Team Nominations

We have a few spots still open on our Finance Team. If you know anyone who would like to serve the church in this way, please send your nominations in.

If you have questions about serving on the Finance Team and want to learn about what is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Spring calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Youth Coffee w/ Kieran - Saturday, March 18th

A Conversation about Sustainability - Sunday, March 19th

Join us for a conversation around sustainability practices with our very own Sarah VerPloeg.  Sarah will discuss some of her own sustainability practices, and ways that we can better stewards of Creation.  Please bring $5 for lunch.  If you have any questions please email

UBCYP Gathering - Tuesday, March 21st

Hello all you beautiful young professionals.  We have set the date for our March gathering, and it will be the 21st from 6-8pm.  This time we are headed to Top(h) Golf.  Please plan to join us, and bring $5 to help cover the cost of the bay rental.  We have a sign-up sheet in the foyer at UBC, or you can email to sign-up or have questions.

Backside - Friday, March 24th

Town Hall - Sunday, March 26th

LGBTQIA+ and Allies Meetup - Tuesday, March 28th

It is time for our monthly gathering for all folks who our LGBTQIA+ and allies.  We would love for you to join us for a night of getting to know one another better, sharing stories, and some delicious food.  We will be gathering at Toph’s Casa, and you can sign-up in the foyer or by emailing

College Hangout - March 30th

Join us for our first college hangout of the semester, as we get to know each other, play some games, and share some food together.  We will be gathering from 7-9pm at Toph’s Casa.  You will be able to sign-up in the foyer throughout March, or you can email to sign-up.

Palm Sunday - Sunday, April 2nd

Picnic in the Park/Easter Egg Hunt - Sunday, April 2nd

Maundy Thursday Potluck - Thursday, April 6th

Good Friday - Friday, April 7th

Easter - Sunday, April 9th

Passport Kids Camp - Sunday, July 22nd-Tuesday, July 25th

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioner of the week is Jon Davis for his help around the building over the last few weeks.

📖 Preaching Schedule

3/12: Bri Childs
3/19: Liz Andrasi Deere
3/26: Kerri Fisher

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (