Newsletter 8-8-2023



This is Kieran’s last Sunday. He is also preaching. It would be a good idea for you to be there not only to bid farewell to the dude who has formed our youth group into a bastion of belonging, but also to hear one of our very best preachers one last time.

Also, Kieran asked me to play “Heavenly Father” by Bon Iver for the offering. But I must tell you: I don’t know if I can pull it off. It is one of my favorite songs. It is sacred to me. Doing it any sort of justice is a tall order. It also has the “gd” word in it twice, which is a bit of a pickle in the Sunday morning setting. Anyway, I don’t know what is going to happen. But I wanted to be sure you had the song on your mind this week regardless because Kieran wanted it in the mix.

So, behold: This is an a cappella version at the Sydney Opera House. I watch it every couple of months and weep in awe. You should watch it.


Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Public House

Parent's Night Out (This Friday, August 11, 5:30pm-8pm)

This Friday we are having a Parent's Night Out! We're going to  do some crafts, eat some snacks (but please eat dinner beforehand), and watch a movie together! Feel free to sign up until 5pm on Wednesday! And volunteer to help if you want! You can sign up or volunteer by sending an email to Taylor at!

Move-Up Sunday

Our kids are changing Sunday School Classes at church on Sunday Morning.

Kieran’s last Sunday :(

With no joy in our hearts, the time has come.  This Sunday will be Kieran’s last Sunday at UBC, as he and Vanessa move soon to the cooler temps of the northeast for Kieran to attend Yale University.  Kieran will also be preaching this Sunday.  We would love for you to come to church on Sunday, and help us thank Kieran for all the wonderful work he has done with our youth group. 


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Kindergarten Commissioning (August 20)

We are commissioning ou kindergarteners as they begin their formal educational journeys!

Welcome Back Lunch - August 20th

It’s that time of year again, and we are excited to welcome everyone back and kick off the school year.  We will be gathering for lunch after church on August 20th.  No need to bring anything, just plan to stay and hang out with other UBC’ers.  We will be having El Crucero again, and will have a delicious gluten free, vegan option.  If you have any questions, please contact

Toph in Thailand

If you recall, we spent several years partnering with Wendy and Neiko Tase in northern Thailand, assisting in their work with South Asian immigrants in the northern part of Thailand.  Their sending organization is hosting a conference at the end of the month for all of their Asia personnel, as well as some folks from Nagaland, India  Wendy and Neiko have been training.  They have asked me to come over and be the Bible teacher for the conference.  I will be flying out to Thailand on August 21st, and will return on September 5th.  While there, I will also have the opportunity to fly down to Malaysia and visit Tim and Adrienne Lee, who were UBC members and now Tim serves on staff at a church in Kuala Lumpur.  Since this was not a planned trip, we also did not budget for it.  If you would like to give towards the cost of the trip, you can do so here, just click the Thailand fund:  If you have any questions, please contact

ubc[creatives] - September 10th, 4pm

Come spend time with creative folks talking about creative stuff!

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


8/13- Kieran

8/20- Craig

8/27- Katie V


Our tech booth volunteers for navigating some audio issues on the stream on Sunday!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (