This week, I find myself with something looming: my least favorite Sunday of Advent. Joy. Now you might be surprised because I am a bigggggg fan of laughing, fun, connection, and adventure. Joy is different. Joy seems daunting. Joy exists in another container all together. What is it about joy that can make us feel conflicted? If I were to hazard a guess, it is the pressure to experience something that we aren't always feeling. It is the cliches of "happiness is fleeting, but joy is always present." Here is my encouragement to myself and to anyone else who is holding tension in light of joy: Joy can undergird what the heart cannot hope to feel. The Spirit wraps us in the joy of her presence, and if all we can offer is a deep breath to that end, it is enough. See you this weekend, my friends.
Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm
*No 5th and 6th Grade Wednesday Gathering*
UBCYP Progressive Dinner Party - Thursday December 14th - 6pm
Join us for our first ever progressive dinner party. We will have appetizers at one location, then entrees, and finally dessert. Please contact to sign-up by 9am on Wednesday morning.
UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.
You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.
If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email
A fresh update on this month’s giving numbers is not available at the time of this newsletter, so stay tuned on Sunday or next week’s newsletter for up-to-date info.
Tech Booth Volunteers
We are looking for a few more folks to volunteer in the tech booth on slides, lights, and the livestream. Previous experience isn’t required—we can train you! Contact if you’re interested.
Kids Volunteers
We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers, and are always on the look out for more! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email
Leadership Team, Finance Team, and HR Team
All of our teams will have people rotating off later this year and early next, and we are currently accepting nominations for people to serve on one of those three teams. If you know someone who would be a good fit, and would like to serve on LT, FT, or HR, please email your nomination to any team member or full-time staff member. If you have any questions, please contact
Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC. They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night. If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.
Spiritual Direction Group
The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 1 new participant. We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:40-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives. We focus on the art and power of asking and listening. Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program. Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.
Youth Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 20th
Christmas Eve *EVENING ONLY*- December 24th, 5:30pm
With Christmas Eve falling on a Sunday this year, we are going to lean into the EVE part and gather at 5:30pm for church that day.
Brunch Church - Sunday, December 31st, 10:45am
In lieu of our standard Sunday liturgy, ubc is in the habit of doing a brunch potluck the Sunday after Christmas. Bring a dish to share, and ubc will provide mimosas, zero-proof mimosas, and coffee!
Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!
12/17- Andie
12/24 *At 5:30 pm* - Andie
12/31- Brunch Church
1/7- Andie
Share Your Feedback
Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:
Pastoral Staff
Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Leadership Team (
Ben Raley
Britt Duke
Katie Valenzuela
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks
HR Team (
Erin Hill
Patrick Broaddus
Craig Nash
Kristen Howerton
Abbey Mackey
Finance Team (
Colton Towns
Julie Sievers
Ethan Cohen