Newsletter 9-17-2024


Hey there! Nicole here. I can’t believe I’ve been here at UBC as the kids’ pastor for nearly three months. I still wake up every single morning feeling so grateful to work a job that is a dream! Thank you for how you’ve welcomed me, Duke and my energetic children with open arms. 

On energetic children and parenting- oftentimes I find myself thinking “why don’t I know what to do right now?” when my kids truly amaze me with their behavior…and not like “you’re amazing!” but “I’m amazed that I can’t figure out why you’d do such a thing.” Attending college for elementary education and child development, completing masters coursework in counseling and child brain development, teaching for eight years, and having three little kids, sometimes I feel like I should have it all figured out. But I don’t! 

I have figured out a few things though. We live in the “gentle parenting” times, and one of my favorite champions of the movement is Dr. Becky Kennedy, who wrote a book titled “Good Inside”. She centers on the belief that all humans are inherently good in their core, including children. This approach allows us to view children’s behavior through a lens of compassion and understanding, rather than punishment or shame. By acknowledging and connecting with a child’s feelings, we can guide them more effectively. Essentially, we are separating the behavior from the child. As adults, we model emotional regulation, kindness and compassion to our children. We find out the “why” behind the behaviors. I often say I’m healing myself as I parent.

Why am I writing about this? I think this has been heavily on my mind as I think about the church as a whole. We aren’t “big church” and “kid church” and “youth group” and all the little things UBC is made of, but we are the sum of all of those parts, a complete and whole family under the UBC roof. A family where you are accepted just as you are, loved and cared for through your highs and lows, a community of adults, teenagers, children, babies, parents, college students…and we have a great gift of modeling love, patience, and understanding to our UBC family every time we interact. There is no shame, divisive or hateful speech from the pulpit, or expectations around how things “should” be. UBC does these things so well, and I’m so thankful this is where my own children will be raised. A sense and feeling of belonging to a community is so incredibly important as humans, and knowing we can belong to a community that loves us where we are at is a gift. 

Thank you, UBC, for your constant reminder that we are all “Good Inside.”



The UBC All Church Retreat is October 4-5th.  We will be heading to Glen Lake Camp and Conference Center in Glen Rose, Texas.  We can check in anytime after 1, but we would ask you arrive by 7pm for our first formation time together.   On Friday evening we will have a campfire with a s’mores and hot cocoa bar, and then we will have several actives together on Saturday before departing at 5pm to return to Waco.  We are very excited about this time together as a church, and would love for you to come.  The cost is $55 for an individual, and for families it is capped at $125.  Use this link to sign-up: UBC Retreat  You can email with any questions.


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Pints with Toph - Wednesday at 6pm at Pinewood

UBCkids Zoo Meet Up - Saturday, Sept 21st, 10am
Meet at the front entrance at 10!

UBCYP Hangout - Sunday September 22nd - Dodson’s pool 


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Youth Group Dinner Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers to bring dinner for youth group to enjoy together. Here is a link to sign up. 

Kid’s Volunteers

It’s time to sign up for the fall rotation of kids volunteers! Never volunteered in a kids room? Fear not: there is a training on August 18th after church. Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Toph Taco Tuesday - September 24th, noon

We are meeting at Ranchito at 23rd & Waco Drive.

UBCkids Volunteer Appreciation Tacos- Sunday, September 29th
All UBCkids volunteers, grab a breakfast taco from the kids’ check in room! 

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


9/22- Kerri

9/29- Andie

10/6- Andie

10/13- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor ( [on sabbatical]
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill