Newsletter 12-17-2024


You are Cordially Invited

I love the concept of rhythms.  I wasn't a lectionary girlie before coming to UBC, but in my second year, I have found an ease and comfort in returning to the seasonal events I experienced last year.  One of the most magical for me was our Christmas Eve service.  There are a couple of ways churches approach Christmas Eve.  Some make a big push: Extra marketing, bigger billboards, more door-to-dooring.  Some skip it all together with the thought that people would want to be home.  Our approach occupies the space in-between: Come if it will be meaningful to you.  Come if you need somewhere to be.  Come if you want a tangible reminder of why we gather on Sundays, turn our attention to Jesus throughout the week, and try to live lives of purpose and impact.  I had tears in my eyes as I surveyed our sanctuary last year, and anticipate taking it all in with awe and wonder again this year.  People who were strangers just a few months prior had already become the people I trusted, relied on, and loved.  If that is not the embodiment of the Church I don't know what is.  I said this on Sunday, and would like to say it again (and again and again!): You bring me joy.  You, my church, my tiny corner of the world, make me happy.  If you are looking for somewhere to be on Christmas Eve, I would be honored to spend it together.  If you need a reminder that cuts through the stress, overwhelm, and consumption that December can bring, we will offer that, too.  I can't wait to join our voices to sing to and about the One who brings light into our lives and into this weary world.


Ubckids will be in the service with the adults this Sunday (12/22), as well as the following Sunday for Brunch Church.


Youth Group - Wednesdays, 6pm

We meet at UBC from 6-8pm and dinner is provided. If you are a person between 6th and 12th grade please join us! For more regular updates on youth group please email to get on the youth email list.

Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 19th- 6pm (Childcare Available)


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your financial contributions allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kid’s Volunteers

SIgn up to help with ubckids! Do it for the future! You can sign up here.



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.


Advent Formation Workshops- Thursday, December 5th, 12th, and 19th, 6pm (Childcare Available)

Christmas Eve Liturgy- Tuesday, December 24th, 5:30pm

Brunch Church- Sunday, January 29th, 10:45am
We’ll close out the year by having a brunch potluck for our Sunday liturgy. Ubc will provide coffee, mimosas, and scrambled eggs—bring a dish to share!

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


12/22- Andie

12/29- Brunch Church

1/5- Andie

1/12- Andie


Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson McGregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Nicole Dizdar, Kids Pastor

Leadership Team (

Britt Duke
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

Staff Support Team (

Abbey Mackey
Jim Wren
Betsy Bracken

Finance Team (

Brandon Glover
Jonathan Hill
Ben Rose