ITLOTC 7-19-19


(In The Life Of The Church)

Backside (by jamie)


I hope this finds you well.

If you don’t already know, we have a Backside scheduled for one week from today (7/26) at 7.

If you don’t know what Backside is, it’s an open mic event that we host in the Backside.

If you don’t know what THE Backside is, it’s the large room on the back side of the church.

But also, this one is taking place in the Summer, so we call it Summerside.


These nights are times for us to gather and engage in art together. 

Some of that engagement happens in the form of individuals singing songs, reading poems, telling stories, showing visual art, etc.

And some of that engagement happens in the form of individuals bearing witness to what is being shared.

It’s an important space to share.

Because art lets us grasp at things that might otherwise evade us.

Those ideas that never quite seem to come out right when we try to speak them straight away.

The Bible seems to be in on this.

When Jesus talks about the Kingdom, he tells stories to get at the reality he’s establishing rather than just saying what he’s trying to say.

As if that was the best way to get it across.

Or take your pick from the 1/3 of Scripture that’s poetry.

Engaging God, joy, pain, love, existence, etc., is done well (best, in my experience) through the realm of art.

And even more so when done together.

So you should come.

And if you create things, I would encourage you to share something.

Even if you think you’re not good at it.

Because for most people, this sort of thing requires practice.

And I have found ubc to be a safe place to practice.

And if you don’t create things, I would encourage you to come and engage.

Even if you think you’re not good at it.

Because it’s good to be together.

And sometimes togetherness requires practice.
If you have any questions, or want to sign up, email

Kid’s Camp Meeting! - July 21 after church (THIS SUNDAY):

We will be having a Kid’s Camp Info meeting for all of our kids and parents of kids who are going to Passport Kid’s Camp with us at the end of July. If you or your child are going to Kid’s Camp please plan to be at this meeting after church on July 21st. If you have any questions please contact Taylor at

Summerside - July 26th at 7pm

It’s Backside, but in the summer. See article above.

Leadership Team Nominations

We are looking for new folks to serve on the leadership team.  Here is some information for you to consider from the bylaws.  We have 4 positions open, two of which are students.

Section 1.  Leadership Team

(A) Purpose.  The Leadership Team shall be the primary decision-making body of UBC.  The Leadership Team will oversee all the business and property of the church, as well as make the final decisions regarding hiring and dismissal of staff and the acquisition and selling of assets that are beyond budgetary provisions. 

(C) Qualifications.  Each member of Leadership Team shall have been a member of UBC for at least one year, exhibited an understanding and commitment to the mission and values of the church, and be willing to fulfill all responsibilities in the Leadership Team job description.

(E) Term.  Members of Leadership Team may serve for a duration lasting up to three years.  While they are encouraged to remain the full three years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time.  Members serving as student member commit to a year with the chance to renew up to three years. 

Nominations begin now.  So if you'd like to nominate yourself or anyone else, please use this link. (this is the link to put in -


Riddle to Generate Clickbait



  • Preacher: Toph, Luke 10:38-42

  • Waco Dive - 7/24 - noon - Rufi’s Cocina - 1801 N 25th St

  • SWCC summer movie days - 7/24 - 1pm-4pm

  • UBCYP cookout - 9/7

Work is Worship

Coffee: Craig

Mugs: Sandvall + Glover

Money Counter: Ballas


Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

Liturgy 7-14-2019

This blog is a record of the call to worship, Scripture readings, and prayers from our Sunday liturgies.  If you are interested in writing something for the liturgy, or if you have a concern about any aspect of our liturgy, please email

Call to Worship

we have gathered to worship the Eternal One 

the Refuge of the weary
the defender of the weak

to enter the story of God with our songs, 
our prayers, our silence, and our attention 

and find our own stories changed

hoping the Spirit of God will transform our hearts and minds

that we might learn to love God,
 and to love our neighbors,
to be formed in the way of Christ
in our time and place 



Psalm 82

God takes God’s stand in the council of heaven; 
God gives judgment in the midst of the gods:

"How long will you judge unjustly, 
and show favor to the wicked?

Save the weak and the orphan; 
defend the humble and needy;
Rescue the weak and the poor; 
deliver them from the power of the wicked.

They do not know, neither do they understand;
they go about in darkness; 
all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

Now I say to you, 'You are gods, 
and all of you children of the Most High;
Nevertheless, you shall die like mortals, 
and fall like any prince.'"

Arise, O God, and rule the earth, 
for you shall take all nations for your own.

Luke 10:25-37

Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" He said to him, "What is written in the law? What do you read there?" 

He answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." And he said to him, "You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live."

But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"

Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 

So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 

But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. 

Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, `Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.' 

Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?" 

He said, "The one who showed him mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."


O Christ, kindle in our hearts within
A flame of love to our neighbor,
To our foes, to our friends, to our kindred all

O Christ of the poor and the yearning,
From the humblest thing that lives
To the name that is highest of all,
Kindle in our hearts within
A flame of love


Setlist 7-14-2019

This past Sunday was the fifth Sunday after Pentecost, and our songs were gathered with this in mind.  Below, you’ll find the list of the songs and artists. Clicking the song titles will take you to the lyrics.   If you want to talk about any of these, feel free to email me at


Come Alive by ubcmusic

Rise Up by BiFrost Arts

Pulse by ubcmusic

Anthem by ubcmusic (adapted from Leonard Cohen)

Wideness by ubcmusic


How They Fit In:

There are many ways to think about the significance of songs and the way they fit together–-this is simply one way you can look at these songs in light of this week’s theme. 

Come Alive: This song is about God drawing us into God’s dance of love, gradually bringing us to life.

Rise Up: We sang this song to focus our attention on the vulnerable among us, to orient our concern there, to petition God to come to the defense of the the oppressed, and to form our hearts to do the same.

Pulse: We sang this song to ask the Spirit to remind us of our interconnectivity and to teach us to love one another.

Anthem: This song grasps for hope in despair. Hope for justice to come to governments who trample the weak. Hope for hearts to find their way to love. Hope that light will find its way through the cracks in our fractured world.

Wideness: We sang this song to celebrate the breadth of the mercy of God and to remind ourselves of our tendency to have narrow ideas of God’s mercy.

Doxology: We close our time together each week with this proclamation that God is worthy of praise from every inch of the cosmos.

ITLOTC 7-12-19


(In The Life Of The Church)


As I have been going about my summer routine, I have started listening more and more to podcasts. I have always been a podcast fan, but as my traveling has increased, so has my podcast listening. The group of 2-3 podcasts I frequent are very similar insofar as they usually have two people just having a conversation. I am so drawn to these podcasts that I will even find myself taking longer routes to my destination while driving. The stories and experiences of these people begs me to have an ear to listen. In the midst of this, I have realized there are plenty of people in my bubble with stories and experiences that are waiting to be heard. The podcasts I have listened to have heightened my awareness of this reality. Is it possible that God has created humanity to be in relationship with one another? Is Beloved Community a possibility in the place and season you are in?

UBC, we are a body made up of unique and diverse people. God beckons us to come near to each other. How can you be listening to the stories and experiences of people around you? And how can you grow from being in community with those around you? The stories and experiences of people around you are just waiting to be heard.

Let it be so in your life, Amen.

- Adam Thompson

Kid’s Camp Meeting! - July 21 after church:

We will be having a Kid’s Camp Info meeting for all of our kids and parents of kids who are going to Passport Kid’s Camp with us at the end of July. If you or your child are going to Kid’s Camp please plan to be at this meeting after church on July 21st. If you have any questions please contact Taylor at

Waco Dives 7/17 - Ocean Buffet

Join Toph and the UBC staff on an adventure with no culinary bounds to the Ocean Buffet (505 N Valley Mills Dr). Stir Fry, Lo Mein, Sushi, and Pizza are all available to you next Wednesday at noon. See you there!

Leadership Team Nominations

We are looking for new folks to serve on the leadership team.  Here is some information for you to consider from the bylaws.  We have 4 positions open, two of which are students.

Section 1.  Leadership Team

(A) Purpose.  The Leadership Team shall be the primary decision-making body of UBC.  The Leadership Team will oversee all the business and property of the church, as well as make the final decisions regarding hiring and dismissal of staff and the acquisition and selling of assets that are beyond budgetary provisions. 

(C) Qualifications.  Each member of Leadership Team shall have been a member of UBC for at least one year, exhibited an understanding and commitment to the mission and values of the church, and be willing to fulfill all responsibilities in the Leadership Team job description.

(E) Term.  Members of Leadership Team may serve for a duration lasting up to three years.  While they are encouraged to remain the full three years, members may voluntarily remove themselves from their position at any time.  Members serving as student member commit to a year with the chance to renew up to three years. 

Nominations begin now.  So if you'd like to nominate yourself or anyone else, please use this link. (this is the link to put in -


Riddle to Generate Clickbait

Last weeks answer “E”

Last weeks answer “E”


  • Preacher: Dilan Braddock & text is Psalm 82

  • SWCC summer movie days - 7/24

  • Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7/12-14

Work is Worship

Coffee: Craig

Mugs: Sandvall + Glover

Money Counter: Ballas

Greeters: Ricky + Rose 

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

ITLOTC 7-7-19


(In The Life Of The Church)

Summer Poem

Everywhere I’ve gone this summer, I’ve seen so many children. During school seasons, I forget that children exist until Sunday mornings at church. I think this is what “Summer Magic” is for me—hearing the sounds of babies cooing, giggling boys and girls at the park, seeing infant after infant in their parents’ arms blinking with sheer wonder at me as I smile. I forget how amazing children are, and I love that summer is a reminder.

As I’m in awe of children during the summer, I’d like to share this poem titled, The Children by Mark Jarman.

The children are hiding among the raspberry canes.
They look big to one another, the garden small.
Already in their mouths this soft fruit
That lasts so briefly in the supermarket
Tastes like the past. The gritty wall,
Behind the veil of leaves, is hollow.
There are yellow wasps inside it. The children know.
They know the wall is hard, although it hums.
They know a lot and will not forget it soon.

When did we forget? But we were never
Children, never found where they were hiding
And hid with them, never followed
The wasp down into its nest
With a fingertip that still tingles.
We lie in bed at night, thinking about
The future, always the future, always forgetting
That it will be the past, hard and hollow,
Veiled and humming, soon enough.

Grace and peace to you all,

Kid’s Camp Meeting! - July 21 after church:

We will be having a Kid’s Camp Info meeting for all of our kids and parents of kids who are going to Passport Kid’s Camp with us at the end of July. If you or your child are going to Kid’s Camp please plan to be at this meeting after church on July 21st. If you have any questions please contact Taylor at

UBC Summer Book Club

There is still time to pick up a copy of Understanding God’s Will by Kyle Lake, and join us for our book club discussion.  There will be copies available to grab in the office on Sunday.  If you have any questions, contact

Parishioner(s) of the week

Special shout out to Brett and Emily Mills for leading us in worship last Sunday. It was a blessing!

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  • Preacher: Sharyl West Loeung

  • SWCC summer movie days 6-26, 7-10, 7-24

  • Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7/12-14

Work is Worship

Coffee: Craig

Mugs: Dilan Braddock & Jessica Martin

Money Counter: JD Newman

Greeters: Harris

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

Setlist 6-23-2019

This past Sunday was the second Sunday after Pentecost, and our songs were gathered with this in mind.  Below, you’ll find the list of the songs and artists. Clicking the song titles will take you to the lyrics.  Below the songs, you can find a brief example of one way you might think of these songs. If you want to talk about any of these, feel free to comment at the bottom of this page or email me at


Future/Past by John Mark McMillan

Where God Has Always Been by Jameson McGregor

Rise Up by BiFrost Arts

Heart With No Companion by Leonard Cohen

Eternal Anchor by ubcmusic


How They Fit In:

There are many ways to think about the significance of songs and the way they fit together–-this is simply one way you can look at these songs in light of this week’s theme. 

Future/Past: We sang this song to celebrate God’s drawing near to us.

Where God Has Always Been: We sang this song to proclaim God’s care for the weary and cast aside.

Rise Up: This song offered us language to petition God to rise to the defense of the vulnerable, and also served to challenge ourselves to live lives in defense of the vulnerable.

Heart With No Companion: This song is about God’s love breaking into desperation.

Eternal Anchor: This song is about God’s grafting of the seemingly least likely into the family of God.

Doxology: We close our time together each week with this proclamation that God is worthy of praise from every inch of the cosmos.

ITLOTC 6-21-19


(In The Life Of The Church)

Saint John’s Eve (by jamie)

Greetings.  Hope this finds you well.  You might have heard that we are doing our first ever Saint John’s Eve potluck on Sunday at 5pm, so I thought I’d use my newsletter week to talk about that.

So.  Aside from the big points on the Church calendar (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, etc.), there are a bunch of feast days for different saints or events.  For example, we observe the feast day of Saint Francis, as well as All Saints Day.  Monday is a day known as the Nativity of John the Baptist.  Why?  That’s a long story, but he’s about 6 months younger than Jesus, so if we celebrate Jesus’ birthday on December 25th, naturally we’d want to celebrate John the Baptist’s birthday about 6 months earlier in the year.  

Simple enough.  

[[Side note you can skip if you’re just wanting to get straight to the point: these dates are also placed near the winter and summer solstices.  The why of that is an interesting story, and I’m sure if you look into that, you won’t feel like you’ve wasted your time.  To gloss over the story, but get to the point, the solstices have had great cultural significance for about as long as there has been culture, and these significant days had Christian holy days paired with them.  

Perhaps more interestingly, there’s some poetry at work in the placement of the nativities of Jesus and John the Baptist.  One line that you might know from the lips of John the Baptist is “he must increase, I must decrease” (he’s talking about Jesus).  It’s on bumper stickers and stuff now.  But it’s also on display in the world around us because the Summer solstice (that’s today)  is the day after which the daylight begins to decrease, ever so slowly (2 minutes a day or something), for the year, while the Winter Solstice is the day after which the daylight begins to increase, ever so slowly.  So alongside these natural phenomena, we find our story breathing to life.]]

A more pressing question you might have is why we would take the time to mark the birth of John the Baptist, let alone by having it mirror the way we mark the birth of Jesus.  Here are a few reasons:

1)  Jesus straight up says John the Baptist is the greatest man to ever have lived (Mt. 11:11), so perhaps we should give his story more than a glance.

2) Luke’s gospel takes the time to narrate the story of John’s birth in detail.  You may or may not have noticed that, since we collectively spend more time in Luke 2 with little baby Jesus. But Luke starts with a 75 verse (!) narration of how John the Baptist came to be in the world as though that story had something to do with the Jesus story (and it definitely does).  John’s work of “preparing the way” started before he was yelling in the desert. 

3) John the Baptist is a figure that has a lot to offer us in this season of Ordinary Time.  This is the season where we’ve rolled through all the other movements of the liturgical calendar and are trying to embody what we’ve learned in some way.  We are living within the question of what it means to be people who are being formed in the way of Christ in our particular time and place.  With that comes a lot of trying to live meaningfully in the absence of certainty.  We want to get it right, we want to live and love well, but when it comes down to it, we don’t have Jesus in the flesh to give us a thumbs up or down.  John lived his entire life preparing the way for the Christ, and seemed to think that baptizing Jesus was some sort of culminating moment in his life’s work, yet the last we hear from John, he is in jail, soon to be executed, and he is wondering if Jesus really is the one everyone has been waiting for.  You will not find a great track record of certainty in the Bible, even among the figures characterized as the greatest.  So perhaps there is hope that God might be drawing us in to God’s work in the world in spite of our uncertainty.

Anyway, aside from all of this, sometimes is just nice to get together and eat.  So I hope you’ll come.  

If you have any questions or want to talk more about any of this, feel free to email me at

St. John’s Eve Potluck (6/23)

On Sunday, June 23rd, at 5pm, we’ll gather for a potluck and short liturgy for St. John’s Eve. This is the eve of the nativity of John the Baptist, so this is a sort of Christmas in June. We’ve never done it before, but you should come because it’s going to be your new favorite thing.

MealBaby Need:

At UBC we put together meal calendars for our families who have just had babies or who might need a little extra help for one reason or another. We are currently running three different calendars for families with new babies and have several more starting very soon!! We could really use your help to make sure that we can serve our families during these transitional seasons! If you are interested in serving in this way please contact Taylor at

UBC Summer Book Club

There is still time to pick up a copy of Understanding God’s Will by Kyle Lake, and join us for our book club discussion on the 26th.  There will be copies available to grab in the office on Sunday.  If you have any questions, contact

Parishioner(s) of the week

Jon Davis for setting up our new wifi network. It is very fancy and there is internet everywhere now.

Image to Generate Clickbait Traffic

answer: bookkeeper

answer: bookkeeper


  • Text: Luke 8:26-39 (Taylor is preaching!)

  • SWCC summer movie days 6-26, 7-10, 7-24

  • Feast of Saint John 6/23

  • Youth Camp 6/29 - 7/1

  • Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7/12-14

Work is Worship

Coffee: Glovers

Mugs: Burns

Money Counter: Jen Carron

Greeters: Blaylock

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

Setlist 6-16-2019

This past Sunday was Trinity Sunday, and our songs were gathered with this in mind.  Below, you’ll find the list of the songs and artists. Clicking the song titles will take you to the lyrics.  Below the songs, you can find a brief example of one way you might think of these songs. If you want to talk about any of these, feel free to comment at the bottom of this page or email me at


Holy, Holy, Holy

Wild One by Jameson McGregor

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go by ubcmusic

Eternal Anchor by ubcmusic

Heart Won’t Stop by John Mark and Sarah McMillan


How They Fit In:

There are many ways to think about the significance of songs and the way they fit together–-this is simply one way you can look at these songs in light of this week’s theme. 

Holy, Holy, Holy: We sang this song to begin our time together on Trinity Sunday by proclaiming the mystery of the Trinity.

Wild One: This song offered us language to celebrate God’s not being pinned down by our assumptions about who God is.

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go: This song helped us proclaim the constancy of God’s love despite the contingency of the love we sometimes offer one another. Also, yesterday was Father’s Day, which, as we noted, is a difficult day for some of us; this song was to offer hope into that despair.

Eternal Anchor: This song is about God’s grafting of the seemingly least likely into the family of God.

Heart Won’t Stop: This song quotes at length Psalm 139, which was Toph’s sermon text. It celebrates the constancy of God’s love in the midst of the ebb and flow of our lives.

Doxology: We close our time together each week with this proclamation that God is worthy of praise from every inch of the cosmos.

ITLOTC 6-14-19


(In The Life Of The Church)

Vacation Bible School // UBC

Grow, Grow, Grow (Yes this song will be stuck in my head for the next month)

Grow, Grow, Grow (Yes this song will be stuck in my head for the next month)


Growing up in the suburbs of Houston Texas, VBS was a BIG DEAL. Everyone summer I would count down the days until the children would get to take over the Church. If you didn’t grow up going to VBS, Vacation Bible School is a week-long day camp (or night in our case) where kids are able to learn a Bible story, sing and dance to catchy songs, and eat yummy snacks.  Starting in May every church in town would display massive banners exhibiting their outlandish themes. Churches would magically be transformed over night from boring sanctuaries to secret spy bases and African Safaris. As a kid VBS was one of the few times I felt like the Church was a place I belonged. It was a chance for me to hang out with my friends, be invested in by adults or cool youth workers, and use my imagination within the Church walls.

This week at UBC our story was the parable of the sower, and we discussed what it meant for God’s love to be a seed that grows inside of us. We planted pizza gardens, filtered dirty water, learned about being good stewards of our planet, and ate dirt and worms. It was a BLAST!

Make no mistake for Taylor to pull off something like this it took not only takes weeks of her time planning, but also the support of volunteers. This week we had roughly 30 volunteers who showed up and loved on these kiddos. We had youths, students, and parents step up and sacrifice 5:30 – 8:30 PM every night this week to make VBS a reality. So shout out to all of our Rockstar volunteers, because of you these kids were able to call UBC their Church this week and encounter God in a special way that they will talk about all summer!


St. John’s Eve Potluck (6/23)

On Sunday, June 23rd, at 5pm, we’ll gather for a potluck and short liturgy for St. John’s Eve. This is the eve of the nativity of John the Baptist, so this is a sort of Christmas in June. We’ve never done it before, but you should come because it’s going to be your new favorite thing.

MealBaby Need:

At UBC we put together meal calendars for our families who have just had babies or who might need a little extra help for one reason or another. We are currently running three different calendars for families with new babies and have several more starting very soon!! We could really use your help to make sure that we can serve our families during these transitional seasons! If you are interested in serving in this way please contact Taylor at

UBC Summer Book Club

There is still time to pick up a copy of Understanding God’s Will by Kyle Lake, and join us for our book club discussion on the 26th.  There will be copies available to grab in the office on Sunday.  If you have any questions, contact

Parishioner(s) of the week

All the wonderful volunteers who made VBS a smashing success!


  • Text: Psalm 139

  • SWCC summer movie days 6-26, 7-10, 7-24

  • Feast of Saint John 6/23

  • Youth Camp 6/29 - 7/1

  • Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7/12-14

Work is Worship

Greeters: Richardson’s

Coffee Makers: Newman’s

Mug Cleaners: Newman’s

Money Counter:  Mike D

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

ITLOTC 6-7-19


(In The Life Of The Church)


I love Summer. I love being out in the sun. I love getting tan. I’m not sure what it is about tanning, but I really like the way I look. I feel more distinguished, and somehow more important. I felt the same way about my septum piercing. 

Side note, one thing that is both beautiful and difficult about marriage is that you each have a say in who you are. That two-become-one thing. I have thoughts about my husband, and he has thoughts about me. 

Ever since we were dating, he hated my septum piercing. He didn’t tell me that at the beginning but would mention occasionally that he thought I looked pretty without the ring. 

About 3 weeks ago I told him I thought he looked better with a shorter haircut and a trimmed beard. He brought up the septum ring, and we had a talk on the similarities. Then that day we both decided we loved the other person more than the perceptions we wanted to give out to the world. It was rough. He went to the barber; I went to the piercing parlor. We both let ourselves be okay with looking different and ultimately being more of who we already were.

UBC, you are a many-become-one. You are the church. You are unique. You are in a place that you’ve never been before. You’ve trimmed your beard; you’ve removed your piercing. May you find peace in your new identity, and may you find more love for each other through it. 

Vacation Bible School

Next week is VBS!! Starting on Tuesday evening (6/11) and going through Friday (6/14) our kids will be meeting at UBC from 6pm-8:30pm to learn about the Parable of the Sower! We’ll have fun activities for kids ranging from 3 years old to 5th grade! If you’re interested in reserving a place for your child or if you’re interested in helping to lead please email Taylor at!

MealBaby Need:

At UBC we put together meal calendars for our families who have just had babies or who might need a little extra help for one reason or another. We are currently running three different calendars for families with new babies and have several more starting very soon!! We could really use your help to make sure that we can serve our families during these transitional seasons! If you are interested in serving in this way please contact Taylor at

Summer Book Club

To kick off the summer, we are going to do a book study together.  The book for the month of June will be: Understanding Gods Will by Kyle Lake.  We will read the book during the month of June, then we will have a time to get together and discuss it at the end of month: June 26th.   We have copies of the book available, so if you don’t have the money to buy it, no worries.  If you have any questions, email

Youth Summer Schedule

Summer schedule.PNG


  • Text: Acts 2:1-21, “It’s 9 o’clock somewhere”

  • SWCC summer movie days 6-26, 7-10, 7-24

  • UBC VBS 6/11-13

  • Feast of Saint John 6/23

  • Youth Camp 6/29 - 7/1

  • Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7/12-14

Work is Worship

Greeters: Ricky + Rose

Coffee Makers: Davis’s

Mug Cleaners: Davis’s

Money Counter:  Ballas

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

ITLOTC 5-31-19


(In The Life Of The Church)

There Is A Balm In Gilead

A thing you might not know about me is that my undergraduate degree is in music. I have a Bachelors of Music from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR. And after I graduated I spent three years teaching music at the elementary and middle school levels. And one of my favorite parts about teaching music and leading choirs was conducting. And while there were only certain pieces and certain songs that my choirs were ready to learn and perform I spent a lot of time dreaming about what kind of music I could use if I were ever to conduct at a high school or college level. And one song I came back to again and again was a version of There Is A Balm In Gilead by René Clausen. 

There is a version of the song performed by The Concordia Choir (conducted by Clausen!) that I particularly loved – I would listen to it over and over and over again. (Watch and listen to it here if you’re interested! You should. You definitely should go listen to it.) And part of the reason why I love this song is – of course – because of the beauty of the choir, but also it is because of the beautiful simplicity of the lyrics - which are as follows:

There is a balm in Gilead

To make the wounded whole;

There is a balm in Gilead

To heal the sin-sick soul.


Sometimes I feel discouraged,

And think my work’s in vain,

But then the Holy Spirit

Revives my soul again.


There is a balm in Gilead

To make the wounded whole;

There is a balm in Gilead

To heal the sin-sick soul.


If you cannot preach like Peter,

If you cannot pray like Paul,

Just tell the love of Jesus,

And say He died for all.

There is a balm in Gilead

To make the wounded whole;

There is a balm in Gilead

To heal the sin-sick soul.


Gilead was a mountainous part of the nation of Israel – and was in fact known for plants and herbs that were used to make healing balms. So the song is referencing this - but the song is also a response to the question posed in Jeremiah 8:22, “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?”  And we now know and can say confidently – there is a balm in Gilead. There is a healing hope for our souls – and we find that balm and that hope in Jesus Christ.

A thing I know to be true about myself is that I am often focused on the present in a way that can sometimes be detrimental. Every single summer of my life I have thought, “I am never going to know what it feels like to be cool again. I am going to be hot forever.” And every single winter of my life (the majority of them relatively mild Texas winters!) I have thought, “I am never going to know what it feels like to be warm again. I am going to be cold forever.” Every time I have a sinus infection I’m sure that I’ll never breathe normally again. And every time I sprain my ankle I’m sure that I’ll never walk normally again. I know this is bizarre but it’s true. And it’s part of why this song is so meaningful to me. 

When I get discouraged and think my work is in vain – I have to trust with all of my heart that the Holy Spirit will one day revive my soul again. When it is too much to pray and too much to preach I have to remember that what I am really called to do is love – love people well and with the love of Christ that has already been given freely. And on the days when I am most aware of my own sin – the ways in which I am wounded and the ways in which I tend to wound others – on those days when I am tempted to throw in the towel, to call it a day, and give up – on the days when I am sure that a broken sinner like me is incapable of doing good in the world – those are the days when I have to cling hardest to the reminder that there is a balm in Gilead – and that balm is the saving work of Christ Jesus which has already been accomplished on my behalf and on the behalf of every person in this world. And that work is enough to make even the most wounded of us whole – and it is enough to heal this sin-sick soul.

I’d love to hear where you are finding hope lately. What is it that is helping you to remember to cling to hope? Email me here to let me know or if you have any questions at all!

Meet Our Newest UBCer:

Name:  May Wallace Mackey


Birthday: 5/4/19

Birth Weight:  9 lbs. 8 oz.

Birth Height:  21 inches 

Enneagram Number: 5

MealBaby Need:

At UBC we put together meal calendars for our families who have just had babies or who might need a little extra help for one reason or another. We are currently running three different calendars for families with new babies and have several more starting very soon!! We could really use your help to make sure that we can serve our families during these transitional seasons! If you are interested in serving in this way please contact Taylor at

Summer Lovefeast - June 2 - noon

It is finally summer!!!   To kick off the summer, we are having a lovefeast after church Sunday.  We will have some yard games set up, as well as a classic summer movie playing.  The theme for this lovefeast is a summer picnic, so bring your favorite picnic foods: fried chicken, potato salad, sandwiches, fruit salad, etc....  UBC will provide the drinks and a bunch of fried chicken (but we will need more).  If you have any questions email

Summer Book Club

To kick off the summer, we are going to do a book study together.  The book for the month of June will be: Understanding Gods Will by Kyle Lake.  We will read the book during the month of June, then we will have a time to get together and discuss it at the end of month: June 26th.   We have copies of the book available, so if you don’t have the money to buy it, no worries.  If you have any questions, email

SWCC Movie Day - June 5th -1:30pm

We are hosting the first of four movie days this summer, and we would love for you to come.  The kids from the South Waco Community Center will be joining us, and we would love for you to bring your kids as well.  We will also need help passing out candy and drinks, so if you can help please sign up on Sunday in the foyer, or contact

UBC Youth Summer Schedule

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  • Text: Acts 1, “Jesus Ascending”

  • SWCC summer movie days 6-5, 6-26, 7-10, 7-24

  • UBC VBS 6-11-13

  • Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7-1

Work is Worship

Greeters: Harris

Coffee Makers: Balks

Mug Cleaners: Balks

Money Counter:  JD Newman

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

ITLOTC 5-24-19


(In The Life Of The Church)



May is like December. It’s a month of goodbyes and lasts.  

Last day of school. Last practice and game. Last test. Last time I see my friends who are graduating.  

I remember the last time I was on my college campus as a student. I loaded my car and drove around campus one last time with the Braveheart soundtrack serenading my sad soul.  

But I’ll tell you something I like about lasts. They give us a chance to reflect and be thankful.  

My son Roy has been playing soccer since he was four. He did one season at Midway and then we moved to the H.O.T. league. It just so happened that he had a few school friends who played on the same team, and when word got around that Roy had entered the draft, the coaches picked him. So Roy and about five friends have played together for six years and 13 seasons.  

Here’s another fact about Roy’s team, the Tigers: they’ve never been good. They had one miracle season when they almost finished .500, but most seasons have been filled with one or no wins. They are a kind of like the Bad News Bears.  

Now let me say a word about their wonderful coaches. Roy’s coaches (a married couple and parents of one of Roy’s friends/teammates) are some of the most loving, committed, and passionate people I have ever met--the kind of coaches who make you feel bad for not being more into your child’s athletic career because you fail to match their own enthusiasm. On top of that, and most importantly, they love our kids.  

This last Saturday I saw something I had never seen in his coaches. After the opposing team scored about their fifth goal, our coaches sat down. I’d never seen them do that. I could tell something was different. They had given up. I couldn’t blame them; they have been so generous in caring for and teaching our kids all these years without much return in terms of victory.  

The following day, they had an end-of-the year soccer party. After handing out trophies and encouraging the boys, the coaches reported through tears that this was their last season. They said they had taught the kids everything they knew, they hoped the boys kept playing, but they couldn’t coach anymore.  

I wasn’t there. Lindsay reported it to me. I knew how hard that decision was for them.  

Because of a rain reschedule, the Tigers had one more game on Tuesday. So this game had the unique quality of the players all knowing that this was the last one. Roy was wearing the pain of this last. With Lilli and Mabel’s help, I made signs that said things like “Thanks for the Memories,” “Started as Boys, Finished as Men,” and “Left It All on the Field #4” and I brought my boom speaker to the game. When the last second ticked off the clock, the parents and siblings marched across the field toward the players to the beat of “The Mighty Rio Grande” by This Will Destroy You. At first people chuckled at me, but the mood turned out to be too perfect.  With the help of a perfect sunset and my Friday-Night-Lights-kind-of-music, soon everyone was crying. Was it manipulative? Yes. Was it wrong? No.

Lasts are gifts, and we have to open them. We have to make friends with our potential pain and bless the fact that it comes from the beauty of what was.

  • My children had their last day of school this week.

  • My wife had her last day of her first pre-K class.

  • My daughter may have danced her last dance at her current dance studio.  

  • This is my last Sunday before sabbatical.  

Some of you may have lasts too. At UBC or outside of it.  

If you do, my prayer is that you are able to bless and be thankful for what was. Your attentivenes to the moment can be a prayer to God.   

Meet Our Newest UBCer:


Name: Simon Luther Raley
Birthday: April 30th, 2019
Birth weight: 8 Lbs
Birth height: 20.5 Inches

Enneagram Number: 7

MealBaby Need:

At UBC we put together meal calendars for our families who have just had babies or who might need a little extra help for one reason or another. We are currently running three different calendars for families with new babies and have several more starting very soon!! We could really use your help to make sure that we can serve our families during these transitional seasons! If you are interested in serving in this way please contact Taylor at

Summer Lovefeast - June 2 - noon

It is finally summer!!!   To kick off the summer, we are having a lovefeast after church next Sunday.  We will have some yard games set up, as well as a classic summer movie playing.  The theme for this lovefeast is a summer picnic, so bring your favorite picnic foods: fried chicken, potato salad, sandwiches, fruit salad, etc....  UBC will provide the drinks and a bunch of fried chicken (but we will need more).  If you have any questions email

Summer Book Club

To kick off the summer, we are going to do a book study together.  The book for the month of June will be: Understanding Gods Will by Kyle Lake.  We will read the book during the month of June, then we will have a time to get together and discuss it at the end of month: June 26th.   We have copies of the book available, so if you don’t have the money to buy it, no worries.  If you have any questions, email

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Parishioner of the Week

Kareem Shane. After church this Sunday I, Josh, left all the coffee mugs and coffee carafes to clean up on Monday. When I came in the kitchen on Monday I discovered that someone came up Sunday afternoon and washed all the mugs by hand and cleaned up the kitchen.


  • Text: Acts 16:6-10 “To Troas”

  • SWCC summer movie days 6-5, 6-26, 7-10, 7-24

  • UBC VBS 6-11-13

  • Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7-12

Work is Worship

Greeters: Blaylocks

Coffee Makers: Kareem

Mug Cleaners: Kareem

Money Counter:  Jen Carron

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair- Adam Winn:

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Bridget Heins:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

UBC’s Formal Announcement

Friends, as many of you know this last Sunday UBC announced its decision with regards to her discernment process with the LGBTQ community. The following is the formal letter that was drafted and read by the leadership team on Sunday. An audio version of the letter and the sermon that followed can be found here.

UBC Policy Announcement


Four months ago, the leadership team stood before you and asked for your prayers and your voices regarding building use and pastoral autonomy for same sex marriages. We believed then, as we do now, that UBC is a place that celebrates intellectual and theological diversity, but felt that our ambiguity on these policies had the potential to create harm for those in the LGBTQ community. 

It has felt, somehow, like both a long and short amount of time to spend in prayerful contemplation and action on such important matters—but, In these months we have been touched, time after time, as we have received your prayers and heard the many,  and varied,  perspectives of the people who call UBC home.  


In this season of devoted listening—as your leadership team

We have tried to hear God through prayer and presence

We have tried to hear new perspectives from experts on our resource list and in our learning sessions 

We have tried to hear the heart and the desires of the pastors and the people of UBC 


In the midst of this, we have experienced so much charity for differences and so much, hope for unity --without uniformity. And still, we imagine our process in this season of discernment has been imperfect –and so we mourn for any voiced or unspoken hurt, we may have contributed to. 

Today though, we enter a new phase of this conversation as we come to you with the decisions you have been waiting to hear.


On the matter of building use for same sex marriages, we have voted yes

On the matter of pastoral autonomy with regard to performing LGBTQ marriages we have voted yes.  


Though it is not our polity at UBC to take congregational votes, In January we said that it was our aim to come to our best collectivetheological conclusions on these decisions, and so it is important to share that our votes were consistent with both congregational and pastoral feedback. 


We know that for some this announcement comes with great joy and we sit with and among you today. 

We know that for some this announcement comes with loss, and we sit with and among you today,

We know that for many this is a day of uncertainty or ambiguity, too much, not enough, or some other singular or mixed emotional highs and lows --and we sit with and among you too. 


Our work here is not done, and no one, no leadership team member, nor pastor understands it to be. In fact, the pastors will talk later about dates and times for meetings and plans moving forward, so know that timelines and logistics will be addressed today. 

But for now, as we enter the teaching moment, we would like to leave you with a blessing –the message of which might feel very near or very far today, for any number of reasons, but I will speak it over you now, that we might hear the truth of it together. 


We are thankful today, for a God who sees us, 

our comings and our goings,

our fears and our longings, 

our convictions and confusion

our whole selves our broken selves. 


We are not invisible, overlooked, or alone. 

We are believers and receivers of Immanuel—God with us. 

May we, in our humanness- minds, mouths, bodies, be now the physical manifestations to one another of these spiritual truths –

today, and each day, moving forward. 


ITLOTC 5-17-19


(In The Life Of The Church)


*Yes, this is a day early. Wanted you to get it before weekend email shutdown mode begins because this is an important one.

A Decision

I will have pastored for 12 years when August 19th rolls around. In that 12 years I guesstimate that I’ve done 50-60 weddings. As a rule, I try and steer engaged couples away from selecting 1 Corinthians 13 as a wedding text. Because the text is cliché?  Nay, the opposite. It looms so large I dare not taint it with the wedding planning that hasn’t been thoughtful. 1 Corinthians 13 is completely appropriate for marriage. Maybe the most appropriate. Marriage is a difficult relationship that requires the kind of love that can, hope, believe and endure all things. And then sometimes marriage requires even more than that. If we worked harder to offer real images of marriages before people got married, then using 1 Corinthians 13 at weddings would feel more appropriate. But I concede my thinking on this to Stanley Hauerwas who once said, “we can’t possibly know what we mean when we say our wedding vows.”

In her book Still, Lauren Winner has a chapter called “Reading the Bible In Eight Places.” The chapter is about dislocated exegesis, or reading the text in places where its salience might be felt more poignantly. Winner writes, “My colleague is in the habit of taking a Bible and a group of students to a bank and there reading Jesus’ words about money … On one occasion, I am outside an insurance building in Hartford, the insurance capital of the world, reading Jesus’ injections in Matthew : ‘Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.’” You get the idea. I suppose that applying a bible text to a church situation is not dislocated at all. The scriptures are the words for the church. But I have noticed something powerful about locating 1 Corinthians 13 in this moment instead of a wedding.

This Sunday the leadership team will announce the conclusion they have come to with regards to UBC’s relationship with the LGBTQ community. More particularly, they have reached a decision in answering the two questions we have been asking. As I said at the beginning of this process when I wrote a similar newsletter to introduce this moment, I’m sure you are eager to know what those answers are. But I’m going to ask instead that you come to church and we have this moment together. Our leadership team has been resilient, but they carry the weight of this hard work that we’ve asked them to do. A way for you to honor them and that work, is by not bombarding them with a thousand phone calls and texts between now and Sunday.

Now that we are nearing the conclusion of this process I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for coming with me. Thank you for doing this together. It is on this moment that I want to locate 1 Corinthians 13. Because you have endured, hoped, and believed all things for the sake of love, and for that I’m forever grateful.

Sarah Bessey Care

Friends, you may remember that Sarah Bessey came to preach at UBC for women’s month in 2017. As such, we consider her a friend. You may have also observed that in these last few weeks Sarah has been working tirelessly to support Rachel Held Evans and her family. Someone in our community suggested that we offer a token of our appreciation to Sarah. So we will be getting Sarah a small gift and would like to send her some encouraging notes. If you’d like to express your appreciation to Sarah, you can do so by writing a note here.

Meet Our Newest Finance Team Member

George Thornton


What do you do in Waco:  Director of Operations for Intrepid Development Group - an owners representative firm for capital construction projects. 

Do you have a favorite Bible verse, chapter book?:  Proverbs 24:3-4

Best Waco Restaurant:  Bangkok Royal

Current Show:  GOT, Billions 

Something we’d never know about you:  attended a military middle and high school

Why UBC?:  The fellowship and diversity within the community. 

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for answer click here


Parishioner of the Week

Lacy McNamee. Please read the following from the Baylor_comm instagram account:

Dr. Lacy McNamee has had a big week! 🎉 On Tuesday, she was named the 2019 Outstanding Faculty Partner by Baylor Student Life! 🏆 Then today, she was announced as the NEW#BaylorCommGraduate Program Director, effective August 1st! Dr. McNamee is taking over for Dr. Mark Morman who has served as our GPD for the last 11 years. We are very thankful for Dr. Morman’s dedicated service over the last decade+ and the growth our program has experienced during that time! 💛 Warmest congratulations and well wishes to Dr. McNamee on this new appointment (and on her recent award)!! We are extremely lucky to have her as a member of our faculty. 🙌🏾


  • Text: Ezra 3:10-13 “All the Joy & All the Pain.”

  • SWCC summer movie days 6-5, 6-26, 7-10, 7-24

  • UBC VBS 6-11-13

  • Young Adult/College Lake Retreat 7-12

Work is Worship

Greeters: Richardsons

Coffee Makers: Oliver & Michael

Mug Cleaners: Aleigh Ascherl

Money Counter:  George Thornton

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair- Adam Winn:

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Bridget Heins:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:



(In The Life Of The Church)



When is the last time you felt calm? 
Have you listened to your breath in the last week? 
How fast have you been moving through this week, and can you take some time to slow down this weekend?

When I teach yoga we begin each class focusing on our breath so that we can leave everything else outside the room and be present. Can you take 5 minutes today or tomorrow or Sunday, maybe even 5 minutes each day, to listen to your breath?

You may be feeling stressed from finals or work, anxious with the church decision or life in general, or you may not be feeling anything in particular. Come back to your breath, come back to what God breathed inside of you, inside of all of us at the point of creation. Feel the presence of God in each inhale you take, and relax in God’s presence with each exhale. 

Inhale. Exhale.
Inhale. Exhale.
Inhale. Exhale.

We are rarely aware of this simple rhythm of life. The rhythm that helps us live and move and be. 
So breathe, and be aware of God in your midst. Just like your breath, God is always there. 

Grace and Peace,

Last Order of Phoenix Meeting

Parents the last spring meetings for the order of the Phoenix will be (5-6 grade) this Sunday, May 12th and (7-12) the following Wednesday, May 15th.

Meet Our Newest Finance Team Member

Name: Mike Dodson


What do you do in Waco?: For many years I was in the music scene - David Crowder Band, The Digital Age...right now for the foreseeable future, I manage a veterinary hospital that my wife Kristin and I purchased a few years ago - Hewitt Veterinary Hospital.  I’m passionate about helping our staff realize that who they are is enough and that they have incredible inherent worth. They pour so much love and energy into the pets that come through our doors that I’m constantly floored. 

Do you have a favorite Bible verse, chapter, book?: Luke 10:25-37.   I love this one because it explores the concept of exactly who a neighbor is - the one that we are to love as ourself.  We learn that it includes the person who people avoid, are afraid of, or fear coming into contact with. This person is our neighbor, and I am asked to love him or her as myself.  Sounds like there are some fears I had better get over soon.  

Best Waco Restaurant: I’m gonna have to do top 3 - 135 Prime, Moroso, Ninfa’s 

Current Show: Nothing to see here...just rewatching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel over and over until they come out with a new season. 

Something we’d never know about you: I began keeping honey bees very recently I’m incredibly fascinated with them.  They are so interesting to watch.

Why UBC?: I’m a little known UBC old-timer - started coming in 1997, when UBC was filled with orange pews, cargo pants, and Dave Matthews Band CDs.  Anyways, I think UBC is one of the unique places that really does try to live out the Good Samaritan story.  It tries to live in the space in between the many extremes which demand exclusion - not the “safest” place to be, that’s for sure.  Sometimes that is difficult, because culture often wants you to choose a side or banish the unloveable or the unloving, but I think UBC tries to choose to examine, question, and discern instead of to blindly adhere to the way things have always been for the sake of safety.  What I’m trying to say is UBC tries to be like the man who helps the injured man on the road while others, including the religious elite cross the road to avoid those people.  That’s what I like about the place.  UBC doesn’t always succeed in every effort, but its intentions are good and it also isn’t afraid to try, fail, learn, repeat and celebrate the successes along the way - I love that.

Mother’s Day Night Out

This year - in an effort to show gratitude for the mothers of UBC - we are going to be having a Mother’s Night Out! TONIGHT from 6pm-9pm we will be having Mother’s Night Out at UBC. If you are going to bring your children or if you are would like to volunteer because you love your own mother or all mothers - please send an email to Taylor here. Mothers - please feel free to use this time any way you want!! Do you, boo.

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answer here




Work is Worship

Greeters: Ricky and Rose

Coffee Makers: Dilan and Hannah

Mug Cleaners: Cooleys

Money Counter: 

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair- Adam Winn:

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Bridget Heins:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

Liturgy 5-6-2019

This blog is a record of the call to worship, Scripture readings, and prayers from our Sunday liturgies.  If you are interested in writing something for the liturgy, or if you have a concern about any aspect of our liturgy, please email

Call to Worship

we have gathered to worship the Living God

to direct our attention to the Risen Christ

to enter the story of God and the people of God

and find our own stories changed

seeking the Spirit of God
to form us into Resurrection people

that we might reflect the light of Christ
in our ordinary lives



Psalm 30

I will extol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up,
and did not let my foes rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
and you have healed me.

O Lord, you brought up my soul from Sheol,
restored me to life from among those gone down to the Pit.
Sing praises to the Lord, O you his faithful ones,
and give thanks to his holy name.

For his anger is but for a moment;
his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may linger for the night,
but joy comes with the morning.

As for me, I said in my prosperity,
“I shall never be moved.”
By your favor, O Lord,
you had established me as a strong mountain;
you hid your face;
I was dismayed.

To you, O Lord, I cried,
and to the Lord I made supplication:
“What profit is there in my death,
if I go down to the Pit?

Will the dust praise you?
Will it tell of your faithfulness?
Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me!
O Lord, be my helper!”

You have turned my mourning into dancing;
you have taken off my sackcloth
and clothed me with joy,
so that my soul may praise you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.

Acts 9:1-20

Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any who belonged to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

Now as he was going along and approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" He asked, "Who are you, Lord?" The reply came, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But get up and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do."

The men who were traveling with him stood speechless because they heard the voice but saw no one. Saul got up from the ground, and though his eyes were open, he could see nothing; so they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus. For three days he was without sight, and neither ate nor drank.

Now there was a disciple in Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to him in a vision, "Ananias." He answered, "Here I am, Lord." The Lord said to him, "Get up and go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul. At this moment he is praying, and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight."

But Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to your saints in Jerusalem; and here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who invoke your name." But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is an instrument whom I have chosen to bring my name before Gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel; I myself will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name."

So Ananias went and entered the house. He laid his hands on Saul and said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and his sight was restored. Then he got up and was baptized, and after taking some food, he regained his strength.

For several days he was with the disciples in Damascus, and immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying, "He is the Son of God."

Setlist 5-6-2019

This past Sunday was the third Sunday of Eastertide, and our songs were gathered with this in mind.  Below, you’ll find the list of the songs and artists. Clicking the song titles will take you to the lyrics.  Below the songs, you can find a brief example of one way you might think of these songs. If you want to talk about any of these, feel free to comment at the bottom of this page or email me at


Wild One by Jameson McGregor

Wayward Ones by The Gladsome Light

Death In His Grave by John Mark McMillan

Inbreaking by Jameson McGregor

Pulse by ubcmusic


How They Fit In:

There are many ways to think about the significance of songs and the way they fit together–-this is simply one way you can look at these songs in light of this week’s theme. 

Wild One: We sang this song to celebrate God’s not being bound by our expectations of who God is.

Wayward Ones: This is our communion hymn, and it contemplates Christ's self-giving love that is displayed and remembered in the eucharist.

Death In His Grave: We sang this song to rehearse the death and Resurrection of Christ.

Inbreaking: This song is a petition for the Slaughtered Lamb to work Resurrection in our midst.

Pulse: We sang this song to look over our shoulder at last week’s songs. This is what we said about Pulse then: This song is a petition for the Spirit to work Resurrection in our hearts and form us in the way of Christ.

Doxology: We close our time together each week with this proclamation that God is worthy of praise from every inch of the cosmos.

ITLOTC 5-3-19


(In The Life Of The Church)


During this Easter season I have been doing a lot of reflecting. Reflecting about the way that my life ought to look in light of the things I profess to be true. I think Easter can sometimes be a challenge for me – not because I don’t enjoy it, I think the Easter season is full of joy and beauty – but because I often struggle to understand what work is mine to do in the Easter season. 

The work that is mine to do in Lent seems obvious. Lent is a season of reflection and preparation and sacrifice. A season in which we ready ourselves to celebrate Easter. I am very comfortable thinking about the ways in which I come up short. I am constantly doing self-assessment and measuring the ways in which I could be a better Christ-follower (and a better pastor and a better friend and a better daughter and a better person, but I digress). And so Lent comes pretty naturally to me.

But Easter is a little more foreign to me – what does it mean to live into Christ’s victory over sin and death? What does that look like? How can I live that out?

There’s a Barabra Brown Taylor reading that Jamie uses at Ash Wednesday and Good Friday every year – and I think it has helped me to make sense of this in some ways. Here’s a bit of it: 

“I remember being at a retreat once where the leader asked us to think of someone who represented Christ in our lives. When it came time to share our answers, one woman stood up and said, "I had to think hard about that one. I kept thinking, ‘Who is it who told me the truth about myself so clearly that I wanted to kill him for it?"’ According to John, Jesus died because he told the truth to everyone he met. He was the truth, a perfect mirror in which people saw themselves in God’s own light. 

What happened then goes on happening now. In the presence of his integrity, our own pretense is exposed. In the presence of his constancy, our cowardice is brought to light. In the presence of his fierce love for God and for us, our own hardness of heart is revealed. Take him out of the room and all those things become relative. I am not that much worse than you are nor you than I, but leave him in the room and there is no place to hide. He is the light of the world. In his presence, people either fall down to worship him or do everything they can to extinguish his light.”

I think that Easter is confounding to me because it can sometimes feel like the equivalent of a spiritual sunburn. It is my own personal struggle to constantly be comparing myself against the people around me – constantly trying to work for self-improvement in ways that are ultimately meaningless. Because in the light of the goodness and greatness of the risen Christ it becomes clear that none of that comparison matters. The only thing worth striving for is Christ-likeness. The only image we should be looking to be formed into is the image of Christ.

Sometimes in Scripture God is compared to a refiner’s fire – a fire that burns out impurities. And I have certainly experienced in my life seasons of refinement – when it felt as though God was burning things out of my life and out of me left and right. But I have also, often, been surprised by those seasons. Been surprised by the things within myself that have been refined – sometimes they were things I considered good, holy even. Friendships, relationships, hobbies, vocational pursuits, passions – all of these things have been refined in my life, not because of my own self-assessment but, because they were laid bare in the light of Christ.

During Easter we celebrate that Christ is risen and among us. That we do not walk this earth alone and without hope because Christ has already won the battle for us. And this has deep implications for how we live our lives. So friends – as I figure this out for myself I would love to hear from you – how are you living this year in light of the risen Christ? How are you acting, thinking, or behaving differently because Christ has shown God’s truth on your life? Please let me know. Send me an email here: I look forward to hearing from you.

Meet Our Newest Finance Team Member

Recently some of our fearless champions Doug McNamee, Hannah Kuhl and Justin Pond finished their terms on the finance team. Thanks Doug, Hannah and Justin. They leave our financial situation the best it has ever been. We are grateful for your service and care to UBC.

In light of these transitions, we’d like to introduce you to our new finance team members over the next few weeks.

Name: Jen Carron


What do you do in Waco: I work at Baylor leading enrollment management.  Basically, we have a huge team of amazing people working to recruit, admit, provide aid, enroll students- and keep them until graduation!

Do you have a favorite Bible verse, chapter book?: Numbers 6:24-26

Best Waco Restaurant: currently- Alpha Omega. It’s delicious, but not too fussy so you can bring the kids!

Current Show: RE-watching every season of the Office

Something we’d never know about you: so many things? I have photic sneeze reflex and 50% of my children have it too. ☺

Why UBC?: Because Burt Burleson told us to…

Study Hall

It’s that time of the semester, and you UBC is here for you. We will be open from 10am-midnight on Dead Days (May 6 and 7). We will have the usual: snacks, drinks, coffee, wi-fi, and fun. On the 7th at 9pm, we have surprise this year that you definitely don’t want to miss out on. If you have any questions, email

Mother’s Night Out

This year - in an effort to show gratitude for the mothers of UBC - we are going to be having a Mother’s Night Out! On Friday May 10th from 6pm-9pm we will be having Mother’s Night Out at UBC. If you are going to bring your children or if you are would like to volunteer because you love your own mother or all mothers - please send an email to Taylor here. Mothers - please feel free to use this time any way you want!! Do you, boo.

Image to generate clickbait traffic

A brief word on the images whose purpose is to generate clickbait traffic. Of all the series of pictures of have done (1980s toys, 1990s bands, etc.) riddles have generated the most feedback. Some of you have expressed frustration either through the internet, email or in person, suggesting that you would like to see the answers. So I have decided to add a feature to this section where you can click here to see the answer.


Work is Worship

Greeters: Ricky & Daniel

Coffee Makers: Clarks and Co.

Mug Cleaners: Order of Phoenix

Money Counter:  Hannah

Leadership Team

If you have a concern or an idea for UBC that you’d like to share with someone that is not on staff, feel free to contact one of our leadership team members. 

Chair- Adam Winn:

Byron Griffin:

Kerri Fisher:

Bridget Heins:

Jeremy Nance:

Joanna Sowards:

Kathy Krey:

Student Position, Samuel Moore:

Student Position, Anna Carol Peery:

UBC Finance Team

Do you have a question about UBC’s financial affairs? Please feel free to contact any of your finance team members.

JD Newman: 

Catherine Ballas:

Jen Carron:

Mike Dodson:

George Thornton:


If you have concerns about staff and would like contact our human resources team, please feel free to email any of the following members.

Josh Blake:

Ross Van Dyke:

Jared Gould:

Rebekah Powell:

Kristen Richardson:

Liturgy 4-28-2019

This blog is a record of the call to worship, Scripture readings, and prayers from our Sunday liturgies.  If you are interested in writing something for the liturgy, or if you have a concern about any aspect of our liturgy, please email

Call to Worship

we have gathered to worship the Living God

the One whom death could not contain

to enter into the story of God and the people of God

and find our own stories there

that we might learn to love our neighbor as our self

and to join in the work of Resurrection
in our ordinary lives



Psalm 118:14-29

The Lord is my strength and my might;
   the Lord has become my salvation.

There are glad songs of victory in the tents of the righteous:
“The right hand of the Lord does valiantly;
   the right hand of the Lord is exalted;
   the right hand of the Lord does valiantly.”

I shall not die, but I shall live,
   and recount the deeds of the Lord.
The Lord has punished me severely,
   but did not give me over to death.

Open to me the gates of righteousness,
   that I may enter through them
   and give thanks to the Lord.

This is the gate of the Lord;
   the righteous shall enter through it.
I thank you that you have answered me
   and have become my salvation.

The stone that the builders rejected
   has become the chief cornerstone.
This is the Lord’s doing;
   it is marvelous in our eyes.

This is the day that the Lord has made;
   let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Save us, we beseech you, O Lord!
   O Lord, we beseech you, give us success!

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
   We bless you from the house of the Lord.
The Lord is God,
   and he has given us light.
Bind the festal procession with branches,
   up to the horns of the altar.

You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
   you are my God, I will extol you.
O give thanks to the Lord, for the Lord is good,
   for the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever.

John 20:19-31

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you."

After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."

When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."

But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe."

A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe."

Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe."

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.

Setlist 4-28-2019

This past Sunday was the second Sunday of Eastertide, and our songs were gathered with this in mind.  Below, you’ll find the list of the songs and artists. Clicking the song titles will take you to the lyrics.  Below the songs, you can find a brief example of one way you might think of these songs. If you want to talk about any of these, feel free to comment at the bottom of this page or email me at


Hope by Jameson McGregor

All Creatures of Our God and King by David Crowder* Band

Pulse by ubcmusic

Eternal Anchor by Jameson McGregor

Mystery by ubcmusic (adapted from Charlie Hall)


How They Fit In:

There are many ways to think about the significance of songs and the way they fit together–-this is simply one way you can look at these songs in light of this week’s theme. 

Hope: This song proclaims the hope of Easter, that the Living God is working to redeem the entire cosmos.

All Creatures of Our God and King: We sang this song to join our voices to all of creation in celebrating God as our Creator, Sustainer, and Re-Creator.

Pulse: This song is a petition for the Spirit to work Resurrection in our hearts and form us in the way of Christ.

Eternal Anchor: This song is about the Living God’s saving love for God’s creatures, and God’s making all things new.

Mystery: We sang this song to celebrate the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.

Doxology: We close our time together each week with this proclamation that God is worthy of praise from every inch of the cosmos.