(In The Life Of The Church)
Coffee @ UBC
Hello friends. Riveting news. As you may remember the third week of Advent is always the week in which we talk about Joy. We wanted to do something to embolden that theme in our worshiping lives this Sunday, so we are doing so by bringing coffee back! What about the pandemic? As is the case in most restaurants, we are asking that you be masked when not drinking coffee. However, the most basic rule we are asking everyone to abide by, knowing that drinking coffee and mask policing would be a subjective endeavor, is simply this, please where your mask while/if you are singing. Happy coffee drinking, adverting and enJOYing.
Oh Tannenbaum
This Sunday UBC will be putting up our festive Christmas tree. In addition to the great ornament collection we own, which is scant, we are asking UBCers that should so desire, to bring an ornament to hang and share with the UBC community. The three will be located in the lobby near the entrance.
Top(h) Golf
The last Top(h) golf will take place tonight at Top Golf. UBC will provide the bay(s). Participants are responsible for any food purchased. So grab your clubs and meet Toph and other golf enthusiasts from 5:15-7:15.
Pints with Toph
Been itching to get a drink with some fellow UBCers. Wednesday Toph will host the final “Pints with Toph” of the semester at Pinewood Coffee Bar and Alcohol Extravaganza. 6-8 P.M.
Opportunities for Giving
Our friends at Cesar Chavez Middle School are hosting their “Make a Wish” program again this year, and they have asked for our help. Students write a short essay on what they would do with $100, and the faculty of CCMS help make some of those wishes come true. This year, instead of gifts being presented to our students, we are asking for gift cards in the amount of $25, $50, $75, & $100 along with Walmart and HEB food cards. You can bring your gifts to UBC, or just contact Toph to arrange a time to pick them up. If you have any questions, contact
Also, our friends at Arrow Child and Family Ministries is hosting their annual Christmas Party at UBC, and collecting items for their kids. They have started getting donors to sponsor presents for the children in the homes. If anyone is interested in donating, there are two ways to donate. The first is to directly donate $30 and we will buy the present. People could also sign up and receive information and gift ideas. We ask the gifts to be a minimum of $30. Here is the link to sign up
Christmas Eve Service
Champion friends, great news. We will gather again on December 24th for a worship experience that celebrates the story of the birth of Jesus by having a children re-enact it. To that end, if you will be around and plan on worshiping with us that evening, would you let know so that we can begin casting roles. If you’ve not been before, it’s very impromptu. No need to prepare ahead of time by memorizing lines or lyrics. More like a carol sing and telling of the nativity story. It’s one of my favorite nights of the year!
5th & 6th Graders Update
We will be having our Christmas Party next week! I'm looking forward to seeing everybody today and I'll send you more info about our party this week! But just so you know - parents are welcome and it starts at our normal time!! The kids will be making gingerbread houses and watching a Christmas movie. Also, one more reminder that starting in January, the 5th and 6th grade meeting time will take place on Wednesday evenings.
Youth Update
It is our second to last week of Youth Group this week! We've started a mini Advent series that will conclude on Wednesday, and I'm very excited about it! As another quick heads-up, December 15th will be our last Youth Group event of the year, and it will be our Christmas party! I'll send more details next week, but it will be our usual time and will feature Christmas-y-type games and activities.
We also have Coffee With Kieran! at Pinewood this Sunday afternoon! This will be our last one of the year, so if anyone wants a Christmassy drink on the Youth Group's dime, now is your chance!
One last reminder before we move on to our schedule for the week; we are having an in town Midwinter on January 8th 2022 - it will be free, and hosted by Lake Shore Church from 4pm-11pm. In addition, our Summer Camp planning is underway, and I will send details out in the New Year. I just wanted y'all to have those things in mind as we head into the Holidays and the New Year!
That is everything, and so let's move on to our events for the week!
December 8th// Wednesday: All Grade Groups! Youth Group, UBC Building, 6pm-8pm.
December 12th // Sunday MORNING: All Grade Groups! Youth Group Sunday School - Attention Collection, UBC Building, 9:45am-10:30pm.
December 12th // Sunday AFTERNOON: All Grade Groups! Coffee With Kieran!, Pinewood Coffee Shop, 1:00pm-3:00pm.
Parishioner of the Week
Rachel and Isaac Burkhalter. Isaac and Rachel, some of our former Wacoans, now online worshiping community, got married at UBC on Saturday, November 20th.
Upcoming Events
Weekly Pints with Toph @ Pinewood on Wednesdays from 6-8 P.M.
12/9 Study Hall
12/24 Christmas Eve Service (kids pageant) @ 5:30 PM
12/26 UBC church will be online only
1/2 PJs & Potluck
1/8 Midwinter Retreat for 7-12 Youth