ITLOTC 1-31-2023

We are once again at that time of the year where Texas gets cold or frozen. I have been incredibly used to the cold being born and raised in Nebraska. Since being down in Texas, each and every year I hope for snow and cold weather.

I know I am the crazy one hoping for this to come. But what I have had to eventually learn was that Texans don’t do cold nor do they do mildly hazardous road conditions. I have to keep telling myself this each and every year and that Texans don’t have the tools to handle this and that Texans aren’t me. You will find me out and about regardless of the road conditions. So in a way you can say I am very stubborn when it comes to cold weather.

There is one thing that is apparent, how critical it is to have the right set of tools to get the task or job done. I hope that one day Texas will learn to have the right tools to be better prepared for cold weather. Till that day comes, I will continue to navigate the roads regardless of their condition. With all of that being said, stay warm and enjoy that nice cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate. 

Office Manager

Youth Summer Camp Deadline

The Sign-Up deadline is TODAY, 31st January 2023 - we have to confirm our final numbers with Passport on February 1st, so the end of January is a hard deadline.

This is a hard external deadline. If you do not tell me you're planning to attend Youth Camp, we won't be able to open up any more spots after Tuesday.

Sign-up by emailing

The deposit is $35 for the January 31st deadline.

Payment options:

+ Cash (handed in to Kieran on Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings)

+ Cheque (made out to University Baptist Church Waco, noting it is for Youth Camp)

+ Online (Via the "Give" heading on  select "Youth Camp" and follow the prompts to input payment information) 

Passport 2023 Key Details:
Camp Location: McMurry University in Abilene, Texas:
Camp Dates: Sunday through Thursday, June 11 - 15, 2023
Camp Price: $348 per person, all-inclusive (price-drop due to scholarships received!)

Please take note of the dates - they are different from Kids Passport Camp dates! This camp takes place at the beginning of June 2023!

Exploring Gender Identities Series at Lakeshore Baptist Church

Wednesday Night Activities Cancelled

Due to inclement weather there will be no Youth, 5th & 6th Grade, or Pints w/ Toph activities this evening.

UBCYP Meetup - Thursday, 7:00 pm at Southern Roots Brewing Company

Join us for our first gathering of the year.  We will reflect on 2022 and discuss what our hopes are for 2023, and we will play some games together.  You can sign-up in the lobby, or email  We will be gathering at Southern Roots, and Will Knight will be there to greet everyone.  

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, 1:00 pm at UBC

Limits and Parenting with Wade Mackey - Sunday, 4:00 pm at UBC

Childcare will be provided.

Giving Update

UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can set up a single or recurring online gift here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Spring calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Youth Coffee w/ Kieran - Saturday, February 11th

UBC Women’s Group Galentine's Day - Saturday, February 11th

Love Lovefeast - Sunday, February 12th

Ash Wednesday - Wednesday, February 22nd

Lent Movie: Pig - Thursday, March 2nd

Save the Date for Summer Camps

  • Youth Camp - June 11th-15th

  • Kids Camp - July 22nd-25th

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are Trevor Carlson who stepped out of his comfort zone and into the pre-school Bloom Room on Sunday morning and Alex Lux & Emily McDonald who provided Youth Dinner on Wednesday evening.

📖 Preaching Schedule

2/12: Guest
2/19: Kirk
2/26: Kerri Fisher
3/5: Lilly Ettinger
3/12: Kirk
3/19: Liz Andrasi Deere
3/26: Kerri Fisher

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 1-24-2023

I have a problem…I don’t know what to wear. Every day, I wake up and look at the weather and it’s not helpful. In the morning, I may need a jacket. In the afternoon, a vest may be needed. Early evening, who knows? You get the picture. A thousand things run through my mind - will I be outside very much today? Am I even leaving the house today? All this comes into play when I try and figure out what to wear.

My spiritual life feels very similar to this. Some days I’m just not sure what I think or how I feel about much of anything. Other days, I’m quite confident in those things. Believe it or not, some days I think one thing in the morning, but by noon, I’ve gotten new information and it changes everything.

I used to think this was a bad thing - it’s only in the last few years when I’ve really discovered the beauty in not knowing everything. To finally be able to say, “I do not know everything,” or, and this is difficult to say, “I might be wrong,” has taken way too long for me to grasp. BUT this is what keeps me digging. I continue to read and study and pay attention so that I continue to learn and maybe even change my mind.

So, as we are stepping our way through this year’s season of Epiphany, let’s not even pretend we have it all figured out. The process of continuing to figure things out is where the fun is. Together, let’s forge ahead!

Kirk Hatcher
Interim Pastor

Exploring Gender Identities Series at Lakeshore Baptist Church

Lent Book Club

Want something structured for your Lenten journey this year? Let’s read a (small) book together. Email for details.

Youth - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

5th & 6th Graders - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at Pinewood

UBC Women’s Group Cozy Hangout - Friday, 7:00 pm at Brooke Reich’s House

Come join us for a cozy night in by the fireplace. Wear your comfiest clothes (pj’s encouraged!) and bring a favorite snack or drink to share. Email with questions.

The UBC Women’s Group is for those women who are out of college who want to join a group to connect with other women. Most of our members are in their 30s and 40s, but any woman past college-age is welcome! We plan monthly gatherings to just hang out and chat about life. We have themed parties sometimes too. Join us! For more information, please contact Tiffany Covert at

Youth Coffee w/ Kieran - Saturday, 1pm at Pinewood

Sunday School - Sunday, 9:30 am at UBC

Following the Way of Wisdom Jesus with Sharyl Loeung meets in the Red Room.

LGBTQIA+ Meetup - Sunday, 6:30 pm at Toph’s Casa

This is a great time to get to know other UBC’ers and learn their stories.  We will be gathering at Toph’s Casa, and would ask you bring your favorite finger food to share.  If the weather is nice, we will gather around the firepit outside, and you will also need to bring a chair.  You can sign up in the lobby at church, or email  If you have any questions, contact Toph.

Giving Update

UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can set up a single or recurring online gift here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Spring calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, February 4th

UBCYP Meetup - Thursday, February 2nd

Join us for our first gathering of the year.  We will reflect on 2022 and discuss what our hopes are for 2023, and we will play some games together.  You can sign-up in the lobby, or email  We will be gathering at Southern Roots, and Will Knight will be there to greet everyone.  

UBC Women’s Group Galentine's Day - Saturday, Feb 11th

Love Lovefeast - Sunday, February 12th

Ash Wednesday - Wednesday, February 22nd

Save the Date for Summer Camps

  • Youth Camp - June 11th-15th

  • Kids Camp - July 22nd-25th

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioner of the week is Wade Mackey, who is leading a “Parent Limits” class on Sundays this spring.

📖 Preaching Schedule

1/29: Kirk
2/5: Kirk
2/12: Guest
2/19: Kirk
2/26: Kerri Fisher
3/5: Lilly Ettinger
3/12: Kirk
3/19: Liz Andrasi Deere
3/26: Kerri Fisher

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 1-17-2023

One of my favourite spiritual thinkers is a Catholic priest from Ireland named John O’Donohue. I first encountered him via my wife, who had read a lot of his poetry and writings, and I’m so thankful to have encountered his works. John died suddenly at the age of 52 in 2008, a loss that I feel keenly when reading his words, knowing we’ll never get more of them. In a way, though, it also makes me cherish them more, and I hold them closer for his loss. 

Today, I’m sharing a blessing that John wrote - his poetry often co-mingles with blessing, in much the same way scripture itself does. He has written blessings that cover a vast array of human experiences, and today I’ll be sharing his work “For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing”. If you want to find more of his writing, I highly recommend his books “Anam Cara,” and “To Bless The Space Between Us”. 

I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. Maybe it’s the new year, maybe it’s burnout, or maybe it’s something else entirely. But I sense that maybe I’m not alone in this feeling - and so today, if you also find yourself exhausted, tired, downcast, may these words from John be a small balm of sorts for the weary soles of your heart. 

For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing
By John O’Donohue

When the rhythm of the heart becomes hectic,
Time takes on the strain until it breaks;
Then all the unattended stress falls in
On the mind like an endless, increasing weight.

The light in the mind becomes dim.
Things you could take in your stride before
Now become laborsome events of will.

Weariness invades your spirit.
Gravity begins falling inside you,
Dragging down every bone.

The tide you never valued has gone out.
And you are marooned on unsure ground.
Something within you has closed down;
And you cannot push yourself back to life.

You have been forced to enter empty time.
The desire that drove you has relinquished.
There is nothing else to do now but rest
And patiently learn to receive the self
You have forsaken in the race of days.

At first your thinking will darken
And sadness take over like listless weather.
The flow of unwept tears will frighten you.

You have traveled too fast over false ground;
Now your soul has come to take you back.

Take refuge in your senses, open up
To all the small miracles you rushed through.

Become inclined to watch the way of rain
When it falls slow and free.

Imitate the habit of twilight,
Taking time to open the well of color
That fostered the brightness of day.

Draw alongside the silence of stone
Until its calmness can claim you.
Be excessively gentle with yourself.

Stay clear of those vexed in spirit.
Learn to linger around someone of ease
Who feels they have all the time in the world.

Gradually, you will return to yourself,
Having learned a new respect for your heart
And the joy that dwells far within slow time.

Thank you team, and bless you,

Lent Book Club

Want something structured for your Lenten journey this year? Let’s read a (small) book together. Email for details.

Youth - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

5th & 6th Graders - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at Pinewood

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, 1pm at UBC

Sunday School Starts This Sunday at 9:30!

Following the Way of Wisdom Jesus

Location: The Red Room

Leader: Sharyl Loeung

Approaching Jesus from a wisdom perspective is to approach him with the realization that all of his teachings are focused precisely on ending blame, judgment, and violence - attitudes of aggression and possessiveness. His teachings are about ending all of the polarizing things we still bring into our lives today. We can let go of the Western, dualistic mentality, which is an either/or and "us" versus "them" mentality that must find answers, by reframing and reimagining Jesus's central wisdom teachings as insights on peace, subversion and communication. What we discover when we do this is the heart of Jesus's message...that communication is a spiritual practice.

In all that we do - in our thinking, in our speaking, and in our actions - we must remember that our communication is an offering of ourselves to each other. To communicate in this way is a revolution of generosity and of love.

Author Lunch with Eric Minton - Sunday, after church

We are excited to have a friend and author Eric Minton join us on January 22nd to speak at UBC.  Eric is a former pastor turned psychotherapist specializing in marriage and family therapy.  Eric’s first book came out last year, and it is an excellent read that challenges the church’s interwoven connectedness to capitalism and the American dream, and invites us to find fulfillment outside of competition, scarcity, and self interest.  Eric will be preaching on Sunday morning, and we will have a luncheon afterwards for you to be able to hear more about Eric’s work, and ask questions.  Please email by Friday if you would like to come to lunch.  Cost is $5.  We would encourage you to purchase the book and read it before he comes. You can purchase the book here:

If you have any questions, please contact Toph.

Giving Update

UBC survives on the generosity of this congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can set up a single or recurring online gift here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Spring calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Backside - Friday, January 27th

Join us for an open mic/open wall art event at 7pm on January 27th. If you would like to share something, email

Youth Coffee w/ Kieran - Saturday, January 28th

LGBTQIA+ Meetup - Sunday, January 29th

This is a great time to get to know other UBC’ers and learn their stories.  We will be gathering at Toph’s Casa, and would ask you bring your favorite finger food to share.  If the weather is nice, we will gather around the firepit outside, and you will also need to bring a chair.  You can sign up in the lobby at church, or email  If you have any questions, contact Toph.

UBCYP Meetup - Thursday, February 2nd

Join us for our first gathering of the year.  We will reflect on 2022 and discuss what our hopes are for 2023, and we will play some games together.  You can sign-up in the lobby, or email  We will be gathering at Southern Roots, and Will Knight will be there to greet everyone.  

Love Lovefeast - Sunday, February 12th

Ash Wednesday - Wednesday, February 22nd

Save the Date for Summer Camps

  • Youth Camp - June 11th-15th

  • Kids Camp - July 22nd-25th

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioner of the week is Sharyl Loeung.

📖 Preaching Schedule

1/22: Eric Minton
1/29: Kirk

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 1-10-2023

Welcome to 2023 everyone.  I hope everyone had a good holiday season, and you were able to spend some time relaxing, gathering with friends and family, and dreaming about what 2023 might hold for you.  

We are gearing up for a busy Spring at UBC, and we would love for you to take some time and think how you might get involved in some new ways at UBC by joining a group and/or volunteering.  Our SS classes and Micasa’s will kick off the week January 22.  We have opportunities for you to volunteer with our Children’s and Youth ministries, Cesar Chavez Middles School, and on Sunday mornings.  

We would love for you to also take a look at the Calendar and see what upcoming events you might want to be a part of.  We are grateful for those of you who call UBC home, both near and far, and value your continued support.  

Lastly, we had Town Hall this past week after church, and if you weren’t able to make here is a link to the notes: Town Hall.  If you have any questions, please contact  Cheers to 2023!

Embrace Beauty,
Toph Whisnant

UBC Pastor Search

The Lead Pastor job description is now posted on our website. Please feel free to share!

Spiritual Direction Small Group Opportunity

The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 2-3 new participants.  We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:30-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives.  We focus on the art and power of asking and listening.  Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program.  Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.

Giving Update

UBC survives on the generosity of this congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can set up a single or recurring online gift here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Spring calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, December 3rd at 1pm

Author Lunch with Eric Minton - Sunday, January 22nd

We are excited to have a friend and author Eric Minton join us on January 22nd to speak at UBC.  Eric is a former pastor turned psychotherapist specializing in marriage and family therapy.  Eric’s first book came out last year, and it is an excellent read that challenges the church’s interwoven connectedness to capitalism and the American dream, and invites us to find fulfillment outside of competition, scarcity, and self interest.  Eric will be preaching on Sunday morning, and we will have a luncheon afterwards for you to be able to hear more about Eric’s work, and ask questions.  We would encourage you to purchase the book and read it before he comes. You can purchase the book here:

If you have any questions, please contact Toph.

Backside - Friday, January 27th

LGBTQIA+ Meetup - Sunday, January 29th

This is a great time to get to know other UBC’ers and learn their stories.  We will be gathering at Toph’s Casa, and would ask you bring your favorite finger food to share.  If the weather is nice, we will gather around the firepit outside, and you will also need to bring a chair.  You can sign up in the lobby at church, or email  If you have any questions, contact Toph.

UBCYP Meetup - Thursday, February 2nd

Join us for our first gathering of the year.  We will reflect on 2022 and discuss what our hopes are for 2023, and we will play some games together.  You can sign-up in the lobby, or email  We will be gathering at Toph’s Casa, and it will be byob. 

Love Lovefeast - Sunday, February 12th

Save the Date for Summer Camps

  • Youth Camp - June 11th-15th

  • Kids Camp - July 22nd-25th

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are Will Knight and Jon Davis for all their behind the scenes work.

📖 Preaching Schedule

1/15: Sharyl
1/22: Eric Minton
1/29: Kirk

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 12-21-2022

Advent begins in darkness. Throughout the season we wait and we hope. We work toward a peace that offers itself to us, even though we have yet to see its fullness on this earth. We laugh, and cry, with joy. We open ourselves to the breathtaking, heartbreaking risk of love.

We light first one candle, then another and another, watching each week as the light grows slowly, steadily stronger.

Tonight, is the winter solstice. The shortest day and the longest night. I wonder that this season of growing, glowing light can also hold the year’s deepest darkness. I wonder if there’s some promise hidden here, that Light is born to us right on the heels of our deepest darkness. I wonder at how Light seems to chase and find us, even when we least expect it. Even if it begins as the tiniest flicker.

This year has been full of beautiful and terrible and brutal and wonderful things. I wonder if you feel the same? May the light be born in us where we least expect it. May it grow and grow.


P.S. Here’s a blessing for us to carry as we journey toward the light together on this darkest of nights.

A Blessing for Traveling in the Dark

Go slow
if you can.
More slowly still.
Friendly dark
or fearsome,
this is no place
to break your neck
by rushing,
by running,
by crashing into
what you cannot see.

Then again,
it is true;
different darks
have different tasks,
and if you
have arrived here unawares,
if you have come
in peril
or in pain,
this might be no place
you should dawdle.

I do not know
what these shadows
ask of you,
what they might hold
that means you good
or ill.
It is not for me
to reckon
whether you should linger
or you should leave.

But this is what
I can ask for you:

That in the darkness
there be a blessing.
That in the shadows
there be a welcome.
That in the night
you be encompassed
by the Love that knows
your name.

-Jan Richardson

UBC Pastor Search

The Lead Pastor job description is now posted on our website. Please feel free to share!

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, 5pm at UBC

Please join us for Christmas Eve at UBC.  We will sing some carols, hear the reading of the birth of Jesus, and light some candles to celebrate.  There will be no childcare at the service, please plan to have your little ones with you during the service.  We look forward to seeing you on the 24th at 5pm.

Christmas Morning Online Worship - Sunday, 10:45am on Facebook

While we have seen a welcome increase in giving recently, we still have significant financial need to cover before the end of the year if UBC is to continue on in the same way. We hope UBC is a place you care about and benefit from and that you will consider giving as you are able. Please know your presence with us is always valued, regardless of how much you are able to give.

You can set up a single or recurring online gift here.

Brunch Church - Sunday, January 1st at 10:45am

We can’t wait to kick off the New Year together, and we will celebrate by having a special liturgy around tables as we enjoy brunch.  UBC will provide the coffee and mimosas, please bring a brunch dish to share with everyone.  If you have any questions, please contact

Town Hall - Sunday, January 8th after church

Please join us for our next Town Hall.  We will have updates from LT and the Pastoral Search Committee.  The Town Hall will be directly after the service on Sunday morning.  If you have any questions, please contact

Youth, 5th & 6th Grade, and Pints w/ Toph resume - Wednesday, January 11th

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week is Karen Carney.

📖 Preaching Schedule

12/24: Christmas Eve Service
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!
1/8: Kirk
1/15: Sharyl
1/22: Eric Minton
1/29: Kirk

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 12-13-2022

As we draw near to the end of Advent, and enter into Christmastide, I’ve had a Meister Eckhart quote on the brain. He said,“We are all meant to be mothers of God, for God is ever waiting to be born.” (**we were going to have a liturgy around this quote, but it has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances**)

You are probably familiar with the idea that you and I, and everyone else seeking to be formed in the way of Christ, are in some way the body of Christ; that the love we offer our neighbor is a love extended by God, that the care we receive from one another is an embodiment of the love of God.

So, you’ve got it. You know. Our bodies are a gateway for the love and work of God to be embodied, to be born into the world.

But I wonder if the image of being mothers of God might make this come alive for you in a new way.

As we gather up our hope and peace and joy and love in this season and direct it toward our anticipation of the Word being made flesh on Christmas, I wonder if this might ground our attention in a new way.

In our waiting for God to be God-with-us, I wonder if we might be present to God being God-in-us, God-through-and-among-us.

And I wonder how that might impact the way we love one another, the way we think about the past year, and the way we plan for the year to come.

Anyway, I hope you’ll wonder about such things as well.


UBC Pastor Search

The Lead Pastor job description is now posted on our website. Please feel free to share!

Finance Team Nominations

We have a few spots still open on our Finance Team. If you know anyone who would like to serve the church in this way, please send your nominations in.

If you have questions about serving on the Finance Team and want to learn about what is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members.  

Update Your Mailing Address

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

Youth / 5th & 6th Grade Christmas Party - Wednesday, 6pm at UBC

The Youth Group and 5th-6th Grade Group are celebrating the end of the year together with snacks, food, and games!! The dress code is cozy and festive, OR you can dress super fancy, OR some combination of both! (Why choose between festive or fancy when we could do both?! It's really just a chance to dress up however you'd like in the festive spirit!)

*This is the last Wednesday for 5th/6th grade and Youth during 2022.

While we have seen a welcome increase in giving recently, we still have significant financial need to cover before the end of the year if UBC is to continue on in the same way. We hope UBC is a place you care about and benefit from and that you will consider giving as you are able. Please know your presence with us is always valued, regardless of how much you are able to give.

You can set up a single or recurring online gift here.

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th at 5pm

Christmas Morning Online Worship - Sunday, December 25th at 10:45am

Brunch Church - Sunday, January 1st at 10:45am

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are Addie Reich and Sam Land for helping out with our preschoolers on Sunday morning.

📖 Preaching Schedule

12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/24: Christmas Eve Service
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 12-6-2022

Hello team - it’s Kieran!

You’re stuck with me this week for our weekly article, and I confess it will be a bit of a shorter one.

I thought I’d share kind of a personal story that I often reflect on at this time of year. It might sound sad to begin with, and I suppose it sort of is, but stick with me - I promise it’ll end with encouragement.

So, when I was 10, my parents got divorced. At the time, I didn’t know why or understand what was happening; at this point in my life, it’s easier to look back on their relationship and see why they weren’t a great fit for each other, and I’m very happy to report that they are both happily re-married and in relationships that really suit them down the core of who they are.

I bring this up because I remember the day they told me was the culmination of a church kids camp I’d been a part of. It was slap bang in the middle of the summer, but for some reason, it always springs to mind for me around Christmas time - I’m not sure why I formed that association, but it’s proved tenacious throughout the years.

My parents weren’t Christians, and I’d been going to this camp mainly because my friends, who were Christians, were all going, and I wanted to spend time with them. The morning my parents told me they would be splitting up, the kids camp group was due to put on performance we’d been working on all week. I can’t even tell you what it was about - for some reason that part doesn’t stick in my memory!

I remember my parents consoling me, and letting me know that I didn’t have to go to the church if I didn’t want to - but I was really insistent. I wanted to go - at the time, I remember not really understanding why; it wasn’t necessarily about being committed to this performance, though I’m sure that’s partly it. Looking back on how I felt, I remember trying not to cry, and to hold everything in, until the kids pastor, a woman named Amy, asked me if I was okay. I burst into tears, and I remember her hugging me and telling me that everything was going to be okay. I think I realised in that moment why I had wanted to go to church so badly - even if I wasn’t quite a Christian yet, even if I couldn’t really put it in to words, I knew that I would find comfort, consolation, and love at that church. At the time, that was Amy, but looking back it’s also easy to see that I was drawn to God’s presence, in whatever way that looked like or however I experienced it, and I just wanted to be held and to be told that everything was going to be okay.

I’m not sure why I think about that at Christmas time, especially given that it happened 6 months prior. If I were to guess, I think it would be this - I was a young, vulnerable child, whose world had been upended, and I just wanted to feel safe, and feel loved. I think it’s the closest I’ll ever be able to feel to how Mary must have felt in the nativity story - the details are crucially different, and despite being a child I still had enormous amounts of privilege afforded to me by virtue of being a white male living in a colonising nation, privileges that Mary, as a child in a heavily patriarchal society living under colonial powers, did not have.

But still - I think I wanted to be held by God, I wanted to know that I was safe, that I was loved, that despite a large part of my world coming undone, that it didn’t mean everything was coming undone. I wanted shelter from the cold and the dark, and I found it in a small church that functioned as my stable that day. And, like Mary, I encountered God there. And I’m so, so grateful that I did.

So, what’s the encouragement? This time of year is wonderful, but I’m also aware that for as many reasons as there are people, it can also be incredibly difficult. Whatever it is you’re feeling, whatever it is you’re going through right now, at this point in your life and at this point of the year, I want to encourage you that God is out there, right beside you, and that all she wants to do is hold you, protect you, and love you. I don’t know what form God will take for you - for me it was a little church on a hill, and it was the embrace of my kids pastor.

But I do know this - God is out there, and God is with you. In the small moments of peace amidst the chaos, in the arms of our loved ones, in the words of ones we trust, God is out there, and she is bending all her will and might and power to tell you in a thousand small ways that you are safe, you are held, and you are loved.

Thank you, UBC <3

With all my warmest,

UBC Pastor Search

The Lead Pastor job description is now posted on our website. Please feel free to share!

Leadership Team & Finance Team Nominations

We are so grateful to Jose Zuniga for serving on LT these last several year, and he will be rotating off in December. We are asking for nominations to replace his spot on LT. Thanks for considering carefully if you are interested or if you know someone who might do a good job. We also have a few spots still open on our Finance Team. If you know anyone who would like to serve the church in this way, please send your nominations in.

If you have questions about serving on the Leadership Team or Finance Team and want to learn about what is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members.  

Update Your Mailing Address

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

Youth - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

5th & 6th Graders - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at Pinewood

Youth Coffee With Kieran - Saturday, 1pm at UBC

UBCYP Gathering - Sunday, 6:30pm at Southern Roots Brewery

It is our last gathering of the year, this Sunday night at 6:30pm. We will be meeting at Southern Roots Brewery downtown for some Christmas trivia and a White Elephant gift exchange. Please wear your most festive Christmas apparel, and meet us at Southern Roots Sunday evening. For the gift exchange, please bring a $5 gift of your choosing, that is wrapped up. It can be something useful, hilarious, or something you’ve hated for so long you want to get rid of it. If you have any questions, please email See you all Sunday evening.

While we have seen a welcome increase in giving in recent weeks, we still have significant financial need to cover before the end of the year if UBC is to continue on in the same way. We hope UBC is a place you care about and benefit from and that you will consider giving as you are able. Please know your presence with us is always valued, regardless of how much you are able to give.

You can set up a single or recurring online gift here.

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Youth + 5th & 6th Grade Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 14th at 6pm

Mothers of God Liturgy - Thursday, December 15th at 7pm

Join us for a creative liturgy gathered around this Meister Eckhart quote: "We are all meant to be mothers of god, for God is ever waiting to be born".

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th at 5pm

Christmas Morning Online Worship - Sunday, December 25th at 10:45am

Brunch Church - Sunday, January 1st at 10:45am

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are Lucas & Sarah Land, Nathaniel Mosher, Colton Townes, and Andy Clark for their work for Carols, Cocktails, and Cookies.

📖 Preaching Schedule

12/11: Ryan Miller
12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 11-29-2022

We Need UBC
(by Jeff)

As we wrap up the year, I think about how we can do better as people. There is this idea that people suck and they suck for a good reason too. It's no surprise that I occasionally attend another church in town and one of the most common recurring themes that I hear is we are pretty terrible people and we still deserve the love and support regardless.

One of the things I noticed about UBC is that UBC has an open and welcoming community and that is refreshing. I am not saying that other church is NOT a welcoming place, just that they aren’t willing to affirm the LGBTQ+ community in fear of upsetting the extreme conservatives and those with "deep" pockets in their congregation.

I know that our community at UBC is small but mighty. We may not have the largest congregation in the area but we are absolutely a strong community. With that being said, I know that we need UBC and the UBCers know that we need UBC. To me the best way to ensure that we continue to have UBC is by the community contributing to the life of UBC.

I hope that as we close the year, that we can find it within our hearts and pockets to contribute to UBC in a strong and impactful way, preferably as a recurring giving rather than a one time giving. We want those who have been impacted by UBC to continue to have a place to call their worship home where they feel safe and welcomed.

An Illustrated Advent for Families: God With Us

You can find printed copies of these Advent packets to use at home on the big table in the lobby. If you’d like a digital version of this resource, you can download the packet at this link.

UBC Pastor Search

The Lead Pastor job description is now posted on our website. Please feel free to share!

Leadership Team & Finance Team Nominations

We are so grateful to Jose Zuniga for serving on LT these last several year, and he will be rotating off in December. We are asking for nominations to replace his spot on LT. Thanks for considering carefully if you are interested or if you know someone who might do a good job. We also have a few spots still open on our Finance Team. If you know anyone who would like to serve the church in this way, please send your nominations in.

If you have questions about serving on the Leadership Team or Finance Team and want to learn about what is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members.  

Update Your Mailing Address

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

Carols, Cocktails, and Cookies - Sunday at 5:30pm

Please join us for this festive inaugural event at UBC. We are excited to hear different Christmas carols song by several different UBC’ers, and participate in the merriment with our angelic voices! UBC will be making some cocktails, and mocktails, for everyone to enjoy. What we ask of you: please make some cookies to share with the crowd. We will have some bags so you can take home different cookies people bring. We will also be putting up our Christmas Tree at UBC this week. Please bring an ornament to put on the tree to help us decorate. This will be a wonderful way to help kick off the Christmas season at UBC. If you have any questions, please contact

We still have significant financial need to cover before the end of the year in order for UBC to continue in the same way. If UBC is a place you care about and benefit from, please consider giving as you are able. You can set up one-time or recurring online giving here. Your presence with us is always valued, whether you are able to give or not.

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

UBCYP Gathering - Sunday, December 11th at 6:30pm

Youth + 5th & 6th Grade Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 14th at 6pm

Mothers of God Liturgy - Thursday, December 15th at 7pm

Join us for a creative liturgy gathered around this Meister Eckhart quote: "We are all meant to be mothers of god, for God is ever waiting to be born".

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th at 5pm

Christmas Morning Online Worship - Sunday, December 25th at 10:45am

Brunch Church - Sunday, January 1st at 10:45am

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are Kailey Towns and Emily MacDonald.

📖 Preaching Schedule

12/4: Kirk
12/11: Ryan Miller
12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 11-22-2022

(by Kirk)

You know, if we weren't careful we could walk through life with very little gratitude. I am one of those who tend to think that gratitude is a decision we make, rather than a way we feel about something. Things come our way, and how we respond says a lot about us...when we respond with gratitude, at least in my eyes, we are making the decision to think beyond ourselves and to be, well, grateful.

I can't lie. I'm not always a grateful person. Many times I find myself wondering why people don't bend to my will, whether they know my will or not. Seriously, they should know.

So, this week while we're sitting around the Thanksgiving table, whatever that may look like for you, and with whomever we may be seated, make the decision to be grateful. For the turkey, for the dressing (or stuffing), for however your table holds cranberries, and for the grateful. For those who are there with you - whether they're on your very last nerve or just the first one - be grateful. For the moments you have away from the normal routine of life, be grateful.

And here's the trick...say the words, "thank you" to someone this week. While we can certainly make the decision to be grateful, until we say the words it is not quite real. Say the words. And in case you're looking for another way to show gratitude, here are a few things you might try:

1. Nurture the friendships you have.
2. Smile. Seriously, smile. It's a decision. Smile.
3. If you're cooking this week, cook with love, thinking of those with whom you will share the meal.
4. Live mindfully...not allowing the past or the future to dictate how THIS moment goes.
5. Listen. This week, practice the discipline of listening. This allows whoever is talking to you to know that they matter.

UBC Pastor Search

The Lead Pastor job description is now posted on our website. Please feel free to share!

Leadership Team Nominations

We are so grateful to Jose Zuniga for serving on LT these last several year, and he will be rotating off in December. We are asking for nominations to replace his spot on LT. Thanks for considering carefully if you are interested or if you know someone who might do a good job.

If you have questions about serving on the Leadership Team and want to learn about what is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members. 

Update Your Mailing Address

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 5pm

We hope everyone is gearing up for the Thanksgiving Holiday. We loved seeing many of you at Lovefeast this past week, and we look forward to bringing back another tradition this year: Sunday evening service the Sunday after Thanksgiving. It was a long UBC tradition that we would not have church on Sunday morning after Thanksgiving so we could give folks who were traveling time to come back for the service that evening. So, we are resurrecting the idea. On November 27th, there will be no morning service or SS at UBC. We will have our worship time that evening, at 5pm. Please join us for special UBC night service. If you have any questions, please contact

There will be no Youth, 5th and 6th Grade, or Pints events and no Sunday morning church this week. We’ll resume our regular schedule next week.

We still have significant financial need to cover before the end of the year in order for UBC to continue in the same way. If UBC is a place you care about and benefit from, please consider giving as you are able. You can set up one-time or recurring online giving here. Your presence with us is always valued, whether you are able to give or not.

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, December 3rd at 1pm

Cocktails, Carols, and Cookies - Sunday, December 4th at 5:30pm

Please join us for this festive inaugural event at UBC. We are excited to hear different Christmas carols song by several different UBC’ers, and participate in the merriment with our angelic voices! UBC will be making some cocktails, and mocktails, for everyone to enjoy. What we ask of you: please make some cookies to share with the crowd. We will have some bags so you can take home different cookies people bring. This will be a wonderful way to help kick off the Christmas season at UBC. If you have any questions, please contact

UBCYP Gathering - Sunday, December 11th at 6:30pm

Youth + 5th & 6th Grade Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 14th at 6pm

Mothers of God Liturgy - Thursday, December 15th at 7pm

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th at 5pm

Brunch Church - Sunday, January 1st at 10:45am

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are Brian, Maddie, Lucas, and Andy who shared their creative gifts with us for Christ the King Sunday.

📖 Preaching Schedule

11/27: Kirk
12/4: Kirk
12/11: Ryan Miller
12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 11-15-2022

Why We Do What We Do
(by Kieran)

Hello team! For those of you who may not have met me before, I’m Kieran, and I’m the Youth Pastor here at UBC. I wanted to use this space today to talk briefly about my philosophy in approaching Youth Ministry, and why we structure things at UBC Youth the way that we do.

Some background - I did not grow up as a Christian, nor were my parents Christian or involved in any faith practise. I became a Christian as a teenager in a Youth Group in my hometown, and it changed my life - not just because of my spiritual growth, but the ways I felt challenged and affirmed as a person at that stage in my life. Youth Group offered me the chance to figure out who I was apart from my parents, to find and develop friendships I still have to this day, and to learn what it was like to ask difficult questions and to be taken seriously as a young person.

My time in youth group and my reflection on my teenage years is really what fuels my passion for Youth Ministry. Youth Ministry is often treated as the first “stepping stone” on your way to becoming a Lead Pastor, but I would never want to do any other ministry job besides working with Youth. I feel like between the ages of 13-18, so much growth happens, so much development, so much searching and finding and questioning happens. You begin to colour outside the lines for the first time, you test limits and define boundaries, you really begin to ask the question for the first time: “Who am I?”; and that’s often followed by the question, “Who do I want to become?”.

To say that these years are formative feels like a gross understatement, to say the least. This is identity-discovering, existence-defining work that our teens are engaging in.

And so what is the role of Youth Group in all of that? The way I see it, it’s mainly 3 things. The first is to provide as safe a space as possible for teenagers to ask themselves and each other those questions. If they’re metaphorically throwing themselves from metaphorical horses to see how they metaphorically bounce, then a large part of my job is to lay metaphorical mats down for them to fall on to, and offer a very real hand and heart to help them back up when they need it.

The second thing is to answer questions they have, to the best of my ability. It’s at this age that I feel like you really begin to think about some of life’s most difficult questions - why do bad things happen? What does it mean to believe, or not, in God, or a god at all? Part of that is also being honest about the answers I don’t have - to be honest about where I struggle to find a way forward, to be honest about the questions I’m still asking. I find that often times people think that being honest with teenagers will frighten them - it has been my overwhelming experience that they tend to find solidarity in our doubts, that they find great comfort in knowing they’re not alone in how they’re feeling.

The third part of that is to facilitate community building for all of this to happen in; that’s really the most important thing to me. Despite how much I adored and grew so much from my own time in Youth Group, I don’t think I could recall any specific lessons from our Youth Evenings. What I do remember was the way I felt - I felt loved, accepted, I felt like this was a place I belonged, and that Church with a capital C was fundamentally a place that I could be safe, and it was a place I could bring my questions and my hurt. That’s not to say I don’t take teaching in Youth Group seriously - we tackle big topics on a regular basis, and I bring every ounce of theological training I’ve received over the years to bear on those lessons. But I’m also aware that I’m not really the one doing anything when it comes to the formation of our Youth - it’s Jesus working through me. What needs to stick, will stick; what isn’t all that important, will fade away. My top priority is loving each of our Youth in the way I know that Christ loves them, and how he loves me. I believe fully that God works through me to teach and minister to these kids, and that he is doing far more than I ever could on my own.

Which is really why I find space-making and community-building to be my top priorities. The lessons and knowledge are important, sure. But if these kids are anything like me, or anything like the countless other people I’ve talked to about their time in Youth Group as teenagers; if they’re anything like us, what they’ll remember is the friends they made, the love they felt, and the acceptance they knew,. They’ll remember that all of that came through people loving them for exactly who they are, because that’s exactly who God made them to be.

Leadership Team Nominations

We are so grateful to Jose Zuniga for serving on LT these last several year, and he will be rotating off in December. We are asking for nominations to replace his spot on LT. Thanks for considering carefully if you are interested or if you know someone who might do a good job.

If you have questions about serving on the Leadership Team and want to learn about what is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members. 

Update Your Mailing Address

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

Youth - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

5th & 6th Graders - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at Pinewood

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, 1:00 pm at UBC

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, 5:00 pm at Top Golf

What a better way to kick off the week, and shed some of the Monday blues, than hanging out with other UBC Families. Join us at Top Golf on Monday evening for a time of fun and fellowship. There will be free mini-golf, corn hole, and large table top games like Jenga and Connect Four. Bonus, if you need to feed your folks, Top Golf has some excellent food and beverages. No need to rsvp, but if you have questions, contact

We are so encouraged by and grateful for the increased giving in October and November that will help us begin to offset the current budget shortfall. And yet, we still have significant financial need to cover before the end of the year if UBC is going to continue along in the same way as we have been. As always, we hope UBC is a place you care about and benefit from and we value your presence, whether you are able to give or not. If you value UBC and want to see our presence in this community sustained, please consider giving as you are able. You can set up one-time or recurring online giving here.

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

We hope everyone is gearing up for the Thanksgiving Holiday. We loved seeing many of you at Lovefeast this past week, and we look forward to bringing back another tradition this year: Sunday evening service the Sunday after Thanksgiving. It was a long UBC tradition that we would not have church on Sunday morning after Thanksgiving so we could give folks who were traveling time to come back for the service that evening. So, we are resurrecting the idea. On November 27th, there will be no morning service or SS at UBC. We will have our worship time that evening, at 5pm. Please join us for special UBC night service. If you have any questions, please contact

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, December 3rd at 1pm

Cocktails, Carols, and Cookies - Sunday, December 4th at 5:30pm

Please join us for this festive inaugural event at UBC. We are excited to hear different Christmas carols song by several different UBC’ers, and participate in the merriment with our angelic voices! UBC will be making some cocktails, and mocktails, for everyone to enjoy. What we ask of you: please make some cookies to share with the crowd. We will have some bags so you can take home different cookies people bring. This will be a wonderful way to help kick off the Christmas season at UBC. If you have any questions, please contact

Youth + 5th & 6th Grade Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 14th at 6pm

Mothers of God Liturgy - Thursday, December 15th at 7pm

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th at 5pm

Brunch Church - Sunday, January 1st at 10:45am

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are Jess Smith and Roy Carney for stepping up as last-minute subs in our kids classrooms on Sunday.

📖 Preaching Schedule

11/20: Christ the King Sunday
11/27: Kirk
12/4: Kirk
12/11: Ryan Miller
12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 11-8-2022

As you’ve heard from the past few Sundays, UBC is raising awareness to the fact we have been running in a financial deficit for much of the year, and we are seeking to be transparent about our current situation.  As LT has been giving updates the past few weeks, there is a part of the conversation I am always drawn back to: Waco needs a place like UBC.  Waco needs a place where women and our LGBTQIA+ community are completely affirmed, and Waco needs a community where you will not be marginalized because of your past, your questions, your look, political/social/theological views.  Waco needs a community who celebrates how God has uniquely crafted you through your journey. 

I deeply love the community we have been able to build during my 12 years here, and I love the fact we are more diverse now in every way, than when I came onto staff in June 2010.  Back in 2019, when we entered a discernment process as community around building use and pastoral autonomy, I had the privilege of preaching the 3rd sermon, and I have been reflecting on those words this week:

“And let me be as bold to say that the world needs UBC.  In an age in which we have news at the tips of our fingers, and we are unable to control our tongues and our typing: when we quickly condemn what we see in a video, to then receive condemnation for what we didn’t, and then realize maybe we should have waited for a clearer picture along: the world needs the Church.  And in an age when more and more churches are demanding conformity and seeking to be homogenous, thus creating spaces where diversity is at worst not welcomed, or at best tolerated; the world needs UBC.”

So, for those of you reading this article (which I assume means you have a connection to our community and affinity for our thriving), I wanted to say thank you.   Thank you for ways in you which you love and care for UBC.  Thank you for your generosity in the giving of your time, your resources, and your finances.  Thank you for helping to make UBC who she has been, who she is, and who she will be in the future.  UBC would not be the same without you.  I will leave you with a quote from Cole Arthur Riley’s book, This Here Flesh, about belonging: 

“We don’t just welcome you or accept you; we need you.  We are insufficient without you.  One part’s absence renders the whole impoverished in some way, even if the whole didn’t previously apprehend it.  In mutuality, belonging is both a gift received and a gift given.  There is comfort in being welcomed, but there is dignity in knowing that your arrival just shifted a group toward deeper wholeness.”  

Embrace Beauty,

Stories from our Congregation – Listening to LGBTQIA+ voices (CW)

We are looking forward to our 2nd installment of stories from our congregation this week. We have three folks who will be sharing some of their journey with us this Sunday, and I am excited to be formed more into the people of God through their witness. I did want to offer a content warning for Sunday morning. Depending on what our friends share with us on Sunday, it is likely you will hear stories which include trauma and abuse, at the very least you will hear stories about how the church has done harm to the queer community. If you have any questions about this coming Sunday, please contact

Leadership Team Nominations

We are so grateful to Jose Zuniga for serving on LT these last several year, and he will be rotating off in December. We are asking for nominations to replace his spot on LT. Thanks for considering carefully if you are interested or if you know someone who might do a good job.

If you have questions about serving on the Leadership Team and want to learn about what is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members. 

Update Your Mailing Address

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

LGBTQIA+ and Allies Meetup - Friday, 6:30pm

We are having our monthly meetup this week at Lindsey Yaros house on Friday night. This is a great time to come hang out and get to know other UBC’ers. If you would like the address for this week’s meetup, please contact

Women's Group-Hangout - Friday, 7pm at Tiffany Covert’s

Youth Coffee with Kieran - Saturday, 1pm at Pinewood Coffee

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, 5:30pm at UBC

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! This coming Sunday is our annual Thanksgiving Lovefeast! UBC will be providing the turkey and ham, and we need you to bring a side dish or dessert to share. This is always a fantastic time, with incredible food, and you don’t want to miss out. Join us Sunday evening at 5:30pm, and get your holidays kicked off right.

We hope UBC is a place you care about and benefit from. If you value UBC and want it to stick around, please consider giving as you are able. You can set up one-time or recurring online giving here.

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

What a better way to kick off the week, and shed some of the Monday blues, than hanging out with other UBC Families. Join us at Top Golf on Monday evening for a time of fun and fellowship. There will be free mini-golf, corn hole, and large table top games like Jenga and Connect Four. Bonus, if you need to feed your folks, Top Golf has some excellent food and beverages. No need to rsvp, but if you have questions, contact

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, November 19th, 1pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Cocktails, Carols, and Cookies - Sunday, December 4th at 5:30pm

Youth + 5th & 6th Grade Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 14th at 6pm

Mothers of God Liturgy - Thursday, December 15th at 7pm

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th at 5pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are Sarah Nelson, Alex Lux, and Emily McDonald who consistently go above and beyond in their service to our children’s ministry.

📖 Preaching Schedule

11/13: Listening to Our Congregation: LGBTQ Folks
11/20: Christ the King Sunday
11/27: Kirk
12/4: Kirk
12/11: Ryan Miller
12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

UBC Kids November 2022

Hi friends,

I’m sending this email out a little later than planned because that’s the season I’m in right now. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way toward the end of each year. Life has gradually (but also kind of all at once) become abundantly full—overly packed with delights and obligations both mundane and magical—and it’s a bit more than I can gracefully manage.

This is one of the reasons why I love living alongside the rhythms of the liturgical year. By the time we reach the end of November, I need something to help slow me all the way down to a stop. It’s not that I’m bothered by the rest of the world rushing merrily into (and then often right past) Christmas. It’s just that I need reminders to slow, stop, and savor. Otherwise I wind up going so fast I start to lose focus and miss what really matters.

I say yes easily. No is harder. So for me, Advent is a season of shedding those heavy layers of obligation, of setting aside my thirst for approval and drive to perform, of intentionally “missing out” on lots of fun things and great opportunities. But that’s the best way I know of paring down to what is essential and true so I can make space for the things—and especially the people—that are uniquely mine to care for and to keep.

Advent begins on November 27 and I can’t wait to begin this season of waiting and hoping and longing with you and your kids. We’ll have some Family Advent packets for you to take home soon, to help you embrace this gift of slow time together as a family. Until then, I’m praying for us in the midst of all this fullness. May the balance of abundance tip toward delight rather than obligation, and may even the most mundane moments be shot through with the magic of grace.

In hope,

P.S. This Sunday during church, we’ll be listening some of the LGBTQIA+ voices in our congregation. We have three folks who will be sharing some of their journey with us and are excited to be formed more into the people of God through their witness.

We do want to offer a content warning: Depending on what our friends choose to share with us, it is likely we will hear stories that include trauma and abuse. At the very least we will hear stories about how the church has harmed to the queer community. If you have any questions, please contact

For the Month of November

On Sunday mornings from 10:45-noon, our 2-year-olds through 4th graders are busy learning who God is and what God is like through the stories of scripture. Our lectionary-based curriculum is fun, interactive, and tailored to each age group. In the month of November, they’ll be learning...

On Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:00, our 5th and 6th graders are exploring the overall story arc of scripture and how it connects to the foundations of our faith. They’re walking through the Old Testament with an eye toward understanding the history of God’s people and adding context for who Jesus is and why Jesus is so important. In November they'll be exploring...

We’re working on something special we can offer our offer 5th and 6th graders on Sunday mornings. In the meantime, we do want to extend a heartfelt invitation for our 5th and 6th graders to join the Youth group in the backside from 9:30-10:30.

Use the lesson links above to download the corresponding Family Pages so you can continue these conversations with your kids at home. (You can also find printed versions of the Family Pages on the UBC Kids bulletin board at church.)

For Your Calendar

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Youth + 5th & 6th Grade Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 14th at 6pm

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th at 5pm

UBC Family Retreat - Friday, March 3-Monday, March 6

For Your Family Formation

My two favorite family traditions of the year are our Advent wreath and Advent calendar. These are sweet, simple ways to mark the passing of this season together as a family—to wait and hope and watch the light grow together.

I am not crafty, so we keep our Advent wreath pretty simple. Last year I set five votive candles on a platter and put them in the center of the dining table, it doesn’t have to be fancy. Although if you happen to be crafty and that’s something that gives you life, by all means, go to town! (And send me pics, please?) The first week of Advent, we name and light one candle, then each week as we go along we add another and another until we reach Christmas day and light our fifth and final candle, the Christ candle. There are lots of different ways to name the themes and mark the time, of course. (More on that below.)

Our Advent calendar was a gift from family at Addie’s first Christmas, but there are lots of options to either make or buy here, too. We tuck pieces of a tiny nativity behind the doors of our Advent calendar (baby Jesus arrives on Christmas day), with an occasional sweet or treat. I try to include a couple notes with a “special activity” we were probably going to do anyway (like watch a Christmas movie in our pajamas with popcorn and hot cocoa or bake Christmas cookies and share them with friends and neighbors). I’ve loved finding tea Advent calendars the past couple years and I even saw a dog treat Advent calendar the other day. What I’m saying is, the world is your oyster if you want an Advent calendar! I think the point, though, is the family ritual and the shared anticipation.

My friend Jenn at Sacred Ordinary Days has been curating and sharing resources for each liturgical season, including Advent, for seven years. If you’re looking for ideas (or other traditions to make your own), this is the place to start. She shares playlists for each season, as well. And her early podcast episodes walking through the liturgical seasons are a treasure. I revisit them every year.

ITLOTC 11-1-2022

Moving back to Waco after a decade in North Carolina, one of the things I was most excited about was finding church. Our family spent ten years in a warm and wonderful yet very remote, rural town with about 3 churches to choose from. Someday I hope to fill a book with everything that small town taught me about community, caring, and what it really means to belong. Spoiler alert: I found myself profoundly formed by a place, people, and congregation that I wouldn’t necessarily have chosen if left entirely to my own devices (and given unlimited options).

And yet, I was looking forward to having more opportunities available in Waco—especially for our precocious nine-year-old. I had visions of godly play and contemplative ritual dancing in my head. A delicate balance of open-handed, non-pressurized invitation and undeniably compelling teaching that would include everything I want my daughter to internalize (and nothing that I don’t). Plenty of room for doubt and mystery but also a really solid foundation. Plus, you know, a progressive theology that included full affirmation of every Christ-follower to preach, teach, serve, and belong. In Waco, Texas. Bless my idealistic little heart.

We spent almost two years visiting church after church, all three of us talking through our hopes and fears, the places and ways we felt near to and far from God’s presence, where we felt at home or at least well welcomed, what still seemed to be missing, and what our next steps might be. God used that process to gently rearrange my priorities, reminding me that we are most profoundly formed by the people around us, so that when we walked into UBC last February we knew, pretty much instantly—these our people, this is who we want to be formed by and with.

All this was echoed and reinforced for me during our recent Children and Youth Formation Conversation. As a parent, I am so grateful for the thoughtful, compassionate, and generous ways that UBCers think about nurturing faith in our youth and children. And as your temporary/part-time/substitute children’s minister, I am blown away by the kids, youth, parents, volunteers, and staff who embody that approach day in and day out.

UBC staff left that conversation with several key takeaways. Some of them are simple and immediately actionable. Others will take a little time to build into place. All of them feel like a fit with who we are as a church—and who we want to be.

  1. 5th and 6th graders on Sunday mornings: Our 5th and 6th graders have outgrown the kid stuff but they’re not quite Youth yet, and they’re the only age group that doesn’t have something just for them. We’re still working through what we might offer that is uniquely for them during the worship hour. In the meantime, we do want to extend a heartfelt invitation for our 5th and 6th graders to join the Youth group during Sunday School from 9:30-10:30 on Sunday mornings.

  2. Clearer communication about what 5th/6th graders do on Wednesday evenings (and how it differs from youth group): On Wednesday evenings our 5th and 6th graders meet in their own group at the same time that Youth group meets. This is a time of community formation, spiritual formation, and fun. Over their two years in this group, these older kids have a chance to walk through the entire story arc of the Bible, spending one year on the Old Testament and one year on the New Testament. It’s still pretty structured, but we’re beginning to make more space for conversational learning and for their own expressions of faith.

  3. 5th and 6th grade eating with youth on Wednesday evenings: This is something we plan to begin soon, as we think it makes sense both logistically (especially for our families with kids in each group) and formationally (it’s a good way to begin easing into the youth group gradually while keeping age and maturity-level in mind for more in-depth discussion).

  4. 7th and 8th grade curriculum: This seems like the right age to begin transitioning from the highly structured curriculum we use through 6th grade and begin a shift toward more exploratory, discussion-oriented approach. At the same time, we want to continue to lay foundations of faith that will serve these young adults well as they grow. We’re looking at moving toward a study based on the Apostle’s and/or Nicene Creed, where leaders and kids walk together through these confessions of faith, perhaps pairing them with some simple yet meaningful practices.

  5. More training and resources for volunteers and parents (and everyone, really): Our volunteer training covers basic UBC policies and practices and helps ensure every child in our care is safe and loved. Moving forward, we’d like to supplement that with some additional learning opportunities, not just around faith formation, but also diversity, equity, belonging, and inclusion. Our hope would be to make these opportunities available to everyone who is interested.

Above all else, this is an ongoing conversation, one that we will continue to make space for on a regular basis. We’ll be sharing more updates here as well as on Sunday mornings as things continue to take shape. For now, thank you for being people who speak generously and listen faithfully, and who not only hope for but also work toward great things for every single member of this body.

Grace and peace,


P.S. I’m sending out another monthly UBC Kids email next Monday. I’d like to say I won’t be as long-winded there, but I can’t make any promises. ;) To get that email, please click here and check the box next to Children and Families.

📬 Update Your Mailing Address

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

It is starting to feel like Fall, and nothing says fall more than friends, fire, and s’mores. Please come join us at the Dodson’s house on Friday, November 4th. This is not a dinner party, but we will be have all the fixins needed to make s’mores. UBC will also provide some bottled water, so if you want another beverage, please bring it. You can sign up on Sunday morning, or email Toph. If you have any questions, email

Belief & Belonging Festival - Saturday, November 5th at UBC

UBC is hosting Waco's first TEDx-style event! The Belief & Belonging Festival will feature local and national speakers and performers (like our very own Jamie McGregor!) exploring ideas around how what we believe, once believed, and/or are trying to believe impacts when/where, and how we belong or once belonged. Virtual tickets are also available with access to both the livestream and a 72-replay option. Use this code ubchome at checkout and receive $10 off General Admission tickets!

For more information or ticketing, visit the Eventbrite page, Instagram or Facebook. You can also contact, Sharyl West Loeung at

Coffee with Kieran - Saturday, 1pm at Pinewood Coffee

Youth Movie Afternoon - Sunday, 1pm at UBC

ubc[creatives] meetup - Sunday, 2pm at UBC

Join us for our second gathering of ubc[creatives]. We will be bringing together some art that we have made and talking about our processes. If you'd like to create around the prompt offered at the first meeting, just email for details.

Giving for the month of October exceeded expenses! This is a strong move toward offsetting our year-to-date deficit. As always, we hope UBC is a place you care about and benefit from. If you value UBC and want it to stick around, please consider giving as you are able. You can set up one-time or recurring online giving here.

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

LGBTQIA+ and Allies Meetup - Friday, November 11th at 6:30pm

Women's Group-Hangout - Friday, November 11th at 7pm

Coffee with Kieran - Saturday, November 12th at 1pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Cocktails, Carols, and Cookies - Sunday, December 4th at 5:30pm

Christmas Eve Service - Saturday, December 24th at 5pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

🎉 Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are the Carlsons for providing Youth dinner last Wednesday.

📖 Preaching Schedule

11/6: Kieran
11/13: Listening to Our Congregation: LGBTQ Folks
11/20: Christ the King Sunday
11/27: Kirk
12/4: Kirk
12/11: Ryan Miller
12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

💭 Share Your Feedback

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 10-25-2022

Returning to Peru (by Kirk)

In the fall of 2005, I went on my first trip to Collique, Peru, a small area outside of the capital city, Lima, at the base of the Andes Mountains. I did not know that I would fall in love with a place and a people so very quickly. I had been to other third world country places, but nothing like this. The people come from the mountains, trying to fight their way to Lima, but stop in this place because they cannot go any farther. They may work in Lima, if they work, but more than likely, they weren't able to afford going any farther.

They find a plot of land, and claim it, and begin to build a house out of whatever materials they can find: cardboard, wood, sticks, newspaper, etc. Over the years, the construction has become more stable with bricks or concrete. Where there used to be no streetlights, there are lights. Where none of the roads were paved, they are now paved. Some things have changed, but other things have remained the same.

Operación San Andrés (OSA) began in 2003, founded out of a Sunday School class at a church in Houston. Each year, OSA leads two medical/dental trips to Collique, serving the locals there to improve their overall living conditions. These trips occur every six months, with the possibility of telemedicine in between trips with some of our regular doctors who serve, allowing some patients to have 30 or 60 days follow up appointments. This year we had two Peruvian dentists join us, and they began work very early each day and served many patients throughout the week.

The trip this year was OSA's first since October 2019 due to COVID. After three years, pulling up to the area on our bus felt like a trip home. I saw old friends, made new friends, all in the name of making their lives better in our little way. We love Peru for a number of reasons, but one of the greatest reasons is in the photos above this paragraph. The young girl, Anne, that I met in 2007, has been my Peruvian 'daughter' since I met her. Each year we would take a photo together, including this one after three years of not seeing each other. Her English has gotten so much better - my Spanish is still 'muy mal.' The second pitcher is of Anne as a 22 year old mother of Thiago, her son who was born during the pandemic. This was my first chance to meet him and to see her with him. She's going to be a wonderful mother.

I love missions for a variety of reasons: a chance to look beyond myself, travel, the sense that what I'm doing matters...and while all these things are true, ultimately, this trip for me was a bit of a family reunion. I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to go.

Update Your Mailing Address 📬

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

Share Your Feedback 📣

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

This week is our Halloween Party Extravaganza with 5th/6th Grade and Youth! We'll all be having a costume competition (so costumes are naturally VERY encouraged!!), eating together, there will be lots of candy (sorry in advance!), and we'll also have some various fun Disney and other age-appropriate (e.g. PG!) Halloween content to watch, along with space to just hang out for those wanting a more social second half of their evening!

We will meet at the zoo’s front entrance at 9am, just look for Jamie. The zoo is hosting a Halloween scavenger hunt, and costumes are encouraged but not required. Hopefully this will be a time where you can get to know some other families at UBC, and your kids can enjoy the scavenger hunt the zoo is putting on. If you have any questions, please email Have a booootiful time this weekend!

Coffee with Kieran - Saturday, 1:00 pm at Pinewood


We’re so grateful for the contributions that have helped make this a month where giving has exceeded our planned expenses! Although we still have a deficit to make up, this month’s giving moves us in the right direction to offset our precarious finances. As always, we hope UBC is a place you care about and benefit from. If you value UBC and want it to stick around, please consider giving as you are able. You can set up one-time or recurring online giving here.

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Children’s Ministry

Want to serve with UBC Kids but can’t but can’t say yes to a once/month commitment? We’d love to add you to our list of dedicated subs who can step in from time to time. Email to sign up.

All Saints Liturgy - Tuesday, November 1st at 5:30pm

Fall Fire Chill - Friday, November 4th at 7pm

It is starting to feel like Fall, and nothing says fall more than friends, fire, and s’mores. Please come join us at the Dodson’s house on Friday, November 4th. This is not a dinner party, but we will be have all the fixins needed to make s’mores. UBC will also provide some bottled water, so if you want another beverage, please bring it. You can sign up on Sunday morning, or email Toph. If you have any questions, email

Belief & Belonging Festival - Saturday, November 5th

UBC is hosting Waco's first TEDx-style event! The Belief & Belonging Festival will feature local and national speakers and performers (like our very own Jamie McGregor!) exploring ideas around how what we believe, once believed, and/or are trying to believe impacts when/where, and how we belong or once belonged. Virtual tickets are also available with access to both the livestream and a 72-replay option. Use this code ubchome at checkout and receive $10 off General Admission tickets!

For more information or ticketing, visit the Eventbrite page, Instagram or Facebook. You can also contact, Sharyl West Loeung at

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, November 5th at 1pm

ubc[creatives] meetup - Sunday, November 6th at 2pm

Join us for our second gathering of ubc[creatives]. We will be bringing together some art that we have made and talking about our processes. If you'd like to create around the prompt offered at the first meeting, just email for details.

LGBTQIA+ and Allies Meetup - Friday, November 11th at 6:30pm

Women's Group-Hangout - Friday, November 11th at 7pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are the volunteers who stayed to help with childcare for our Kids & Youth Formation conversation on Sunday, as well as everyone who participated in the conversation. Thank you for serving and sharing!

Preaching Schedule

10/23: Craig
10/30: Kieran
11/13: Listening to Our Congregation: LGBTQ Folks
11/20: Christ the King Sunday
11/27: Kirk
12/4: Kirk
12/11: Ryan Miller
12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (

ITLOTC 10-18-2022

Meet Jeff Lewis - UBC’s Office Manager

First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself. I am a dad of a wonderful 6 year old kiddo, Cal, who is filled with energy and life. It's always a pleasure to hear his laughs and giggles and listen to his multiple stories of shenanigans. Along with our wonderful kiddo, we have 3 dogs and a cat. Odie, who is supposed to be the kiddo’s dog, is really like my dog. (We understand and know how kids say they want a pet but really it's up to the parents to ensure their wellbeing.) Then we have 2 other dogs, Pixel and Milli. They are both old grouches with big, temperamental personalities. Lastly, we have a cute fluffy kitty named Gizmo. Mind you, we love him a ton but Cal is allergic to him. We can’t bring ourselves to get rid of him because one, he is a senior cat and two, he's just so soft and fluffy. Cal still occasionally smashes his face into Gizmo and gives him lots of pets despite being allergic to cats.

Now a little bit more about me. I was born and raised in Nebraska, so the cold weather is more my style. These hot Texas summers are brutal for me. I have only been in Texas now since December 2014 and so far I am liking it, with the exception of the weirdness of the political world in Texas. When I first moved to Dallas I was a salesperson for a cell phone department of a furniture company. You read that right, a furniture company. Some of you may know of this company, Nebraska Furniture Mart. I worked for them for 6 years before moving onto a new job at Boy Scouts of America as a Senior Membership Analyst. This was my first time experiencing the world of non-profit and administrative work. It turns out that I really enjoyed the administrative work a lot more than retail. I did this work for 2.5 years before moving to Waco in January of 2018.

I moved here because of my partner, who I love and care deeply about. Just like most couples, there is the playful banter, the shenanigans of giving each other a hard time and of course the pushing to make each other better than before. This is when I became a dad to Cal. Cal is my partner’s and ex-wife’s adopted kid. They adopted Cal when he was just a few days old. He really, truly has been a gift to our lives. My partner, Jeffrey (yes, he does have the same name as me), is also a CPA and works at Waco Family Medicine as the Associate Chief Financial Officer. He is about as nerdy as they come. Has a deep love for Dungeons and Dragons, loves to cuddle up on the couch with a book, and gets a huge thrill out of analyzing numbers and data. Prior to the pandemic, I had left my job at Office Depot to become a full-time stay at home dad.

Now, let's fast forward to the post-pandemic era of living in Waco. I learned that I had some pretty tough mental health battles to fight. One of those battles is learning to cope with Bi-Polar II (it's the version without the manic episodes). I am still very much navigating that world of being Bi-Polar. Mind you, I have been dealing with anxiety and depression long before my diagnosis of Bi-Polar. When I learned that I have Bi-Polar, I was taken back a bit as I never thought I would be someone with Bi-Polar. I too was thinking oh no, as what the media portrayed mental health issues to be scared me. After many therapy sessions and what seems to be a very long road of finding the right medication, I have only truly begun to understand what it means to have this. I was diagnosed with Bi-polar just over a year ago.

One of my current challenges is being able to balance a new work life at UBC and making sure to tend to my mental health. It is incredibly important to me that where I am employed also takes mental health seriously. I have so far with the few short months of being at UBC, been met with lots of support and understanding from the pastoral staff. I hope that as we continue to grow and develop together that our relationship only grows stronger. I also hope that I can be a voice for crafting policies surrounding mental health and ensure the importance of self care and support is continued. I know that my time with UBC is only just beginning and I fully expect it to be rewarding and challenging at the same time. What will make this challenging is this is my first job since my diagnosis and we are in a very unique time at UBC. I hope that with my background in providing unique solutions, providing a different perspective, and my love for finding a modern touch to everyday processes that UBC continues to grow and prosper for many years to come. I look forward to growing and fostering new relationships within the UBC community. You will occasionally see me on Sunday mornings and please don’t hesitate to come up to me and introduce yourself.

Update Your Mailing Address 📬

We’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

Share Your Feedback 📣

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

If you are in your mid 20’s to mid 30’s, this group is for you. We gather monthly to hang out and get to know each other. This month we will be gathering at Toph’s casa. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer, or you can email to sign-up or if you have questions.

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, 1:00 pm at UBC

Please join us for a conversation about our approach to formation for our kids and youth. We’d love to talk through this and hear your hopes and dreams for the future!

UBC Creatives - Sunday, 4:00 pm at UBC

Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.

-Kurt Vonnegut

Join us for our first meeting of ubc[creatives] as we get to know one another and talk about what this group will become.


We hope UBC is a place you care about and benefit from. If you’d like to help support UBC and allow it to continue, please consider giving as you are able. You can set up one-time or recurring online giving here.

Youth Volunteers

Volunteers are a critical part of UBC’s Youth Group - it’s no exaggeration to say that it literally would not run without them. We’re in need of volunteers to engage with the kids, particularly at our Wednesday night meetings, and to make sure everyone is safe. There is also plenty of room to use specific skills or experience you might have - whether that’s leading lessons, running games, or something else entirely! For more information click this link and/or email

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Children’s Ministry

Want to serve with UBC Kids but can’t but can’t say yes to a once/month commitment? We’d love to add you to our list of dedicated subs who can step in from time to time. Email to sign up.

On Wednesday October 26th, the 5/6th grade group and youth group will be combined for a Halloween celebration. We are going to eat dinner, have a costume contest, and watch a Halloween-themed movie.

We are going to meet up at the Cameron Park Zoo at 9am on Saturday the 29th. The zoo is having a Halloween themed scavenger hunt! Bring yourself and your kiddos out to the zoo for a fun day, and get to know some other UBC families. Costumes are encouraged, but not required. Email with any questions.

All Saints Liturgy - Tuesday, November 1st at 5:30pm

Fall Fire Chill - Friday, November 4th at 6pm

Belief & Belonging Festival - Saturday, November 5th

UBC is hosting Waco's first TEDx-style event! The Belief & Belonging Festival will feature local and national speakers and performers (like our very own Jamie McGregor!) exploring ideas around how what we believe, once believed, and/or are trying to believe impacts when/where, and how we belong or once belonged. Virtual tickets are also available with access to both the livestream and a 72-replay option. Use this code ubchome at checkout and receive $10 off General Admission tickets!

For more information or ticketing, visit the Eventbrite page, Instagram or Facebook. You can also contact, Sharyl West Loeung at

Women's Group-Hangout - Friday, November 11th at 7pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are the Lands for hosting the LGBTQIA+ meetup on Friday.

Preaching Schedule

10/23: Craig
10/30: Kieran
11/13: Listening to Our Congregation: LGBTQ Folks
11/20: Christ the King Sunday
11/27: Kirk
12/4: Kirk
12/11: Ryan Miller
12/18: Patrick Broaddus
12/25: Special Christmas Stream (Online Only)
1/1: Brunch Church!

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Mike Dodson (
Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (

ITLOTC 10-11-2022

An Announcement from Leadership Team

Dear UBCers,

Over the last several weeks, you've likely noticed additions to the weekly newsletter and the slides on Sunday mornings detailing UBCs current finances. And if you attended the last town hall meeting, you know in greater detail that UBC is at a critical point financially. 

As a Leadership Team, we are committed to transparency with you about the state of our finances and what is at stake for us as a community. We want to avoid any surprises about significant changes at UBC due to financial need and we want the congregation to be able to make informed decisions regarding your contributions.

Recently the Finance Team let us know that we are currently averaging $15,000 less per month than our operating expenses. Additionally adding strain, as discussed in recent town halls, are several major, unavoidable upcoming expenses, including mandatory parking lot and air conditioning repairs.  

At this point with no significant changes in giving or spending, we will have completely depleted our savings and be unable to meet monthly expenditures by August 2023. This all means we are in danger of significant changes to the current fabric of UBC - including the possibility of losing or reducing staff positions. UBC has been at a similar crossroads before, and the congregation was unaware until those changes happened. We do not want anyone to be in the dark about what is currently at risk for UBC. The Leadership Team, Finance Team, HR Team, and staff believe wholeheartedly that Waco needs UBC - as a church, for the theological space we hold and for the community that is currently here, and for those who will find themselves here in the coming weeks, months, and years. 

For this reason, we are launching an intentional and swift fundraising effort through the end of December; at which point we will re-evaluate the type and degree of changes that must be made. We understand not everyone will be able to give any more than they already have, but we also know some of us might be able to make changes that can have a direct impact on the future of the UBC community. Maybe you are in a place to increase your monthly giving, perhaps you are ready to set up monthly giving via Church Center for the first time. Or maybe you’re looking to make a year-end gift somewhere. Whatever the case may be, the time to give is now. 

You can give in the baskets passed each week during the service. You can set up monthly giving here or using the QR code available during each service.

We also want to invite you to be a part of our Fundraising Team. If you have experience in fundraising, grant writing, or are compelled to serve UBC in this unique season, please reach out to our Leadership Team Chair, Katie Valenzuela (

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Leadership Team. You can find our emails at the bottom of this newsletter and in the slide rotation on Sunday mornings.

We Want to Send You Snail Mail 🐌

Following on the above update from Leadership Team, we’re asking everyone to please share their current address so we can send you things like your annual giving statement, information about our fundraising efforts, and other important information from UBC. You can update your address at this link:

Share Your Feedback 📣

You’re invited to share your feedback (good, bad, or in-between) about the goings-on at UBC! All comments will be shared directly with the UBC Human Resources team who will then share it with Leadership Team, Finance Team, or Pastoral Staff as needed. Share your feedback here:

If you are in your mid 20’s-mid 30’s, we would love for you to join us for a retreat. We will leave on Friday afternoon from UBC and return in time for church on Sunday morning. We are headed to a lake house on Cedar Creek Lake, and the cost is $40 for all meals and lodging. Email to sign-up, or if you have questions.

Please join us this month on the Lands’ for another potluck. This is a great time to meet other folks at UBC, and show our unequivocal support for the LGBTQIA+ community. Email with any questions or to sign up.

If you are new to UBC within the last 6 months, and would like to learn more about our community and ways you can get involved, please consider staying after church this Sunday, October 16th. We will provide lunch and drinks, and will be done by 1:30pm at the latest. Email to sign up.


If UBC is a place you care about and benefit from, we hope you’ll consider financially supporting this work as you are able. You can give online here.

Youth Dinner

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Children’s Ministry

Want to serve with UBC Kids but can’t but can’t say yes to a once/month commitment? We’d love to add you to our list of dedicated subs who can step in from time to time. Email to sign up.

We are starting a monthly small group, a family sensory worship space. Come as you are! The group will have a loose structure in short durations: a time of meditation, a time of yoga, a very short time of listening to biblical or testimony stories, a time for creative play, a time of music/dance, a time for sharing/visiting. Visual and/or sound needs will be considered. Movement is encouraged as needed.

It will be based on the Quaker Montessori curriculum Sparkling Still, in which short inspirational and interactive stories are provided on simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship, mindfulness, empathy, discernment, and other virtues for the whole family.

Please sign up in the lobby to be involved in the planning or first gatherings. You can also email We hope to launch in early 2023.

If you are in your mid 20’s to mid 30’s, this group is for you. We gather monthly to hang out and get to know each other. This month we will be gathering at Toph’s casa. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer, or you can email to sign-up or if you have questions.

Please join us for a conversation about our approach to formation for our kids and youth. We’d love to talk through this and hear your hopes and dreams for the future!

On Wednesday October 26th, the 5/6th grade group and youth group will be combined for a Halloween celebration. We are going to eat dinner, have a costume contest, and watch a Halloween-themed movie.

UBC Women’s Costume Party - Friday, October 28th at 7pm

Wear a costume and bring a Spooky Snack or Drink to share!

We are going to meet up at the Cameron Park Zoo at 9am on Saturday the 29th. The zoo is having a Halloween themed scavenger hunt! Bring yourself and your kiddos out to the zoo for a fun day, and get to know some other UBC families. Costumes are encouraged, but not required. Email with any questions.

All Saints Liturgy - Tuesday, November 1st at 5:30pm

Fall Fire Chill - Friday, November 4th at 6pm

Belief & Belonging Festival - Saturday, November 5th

Women's Group-Hangout - Friday, November 11th at 7pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

Parishioner of the Week

The parishioners of the week are all the volunteers who helped with Out on the Brazos on Saturday.

Preaching Schedule

10/16: Kerri
10/23: Craig
10/30: Kieran
11/13: Listening to Our Congregation: LGBTQ Folks
11/20: Christ the King Sunday
11/27: Kirk

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Jose Zuniga (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Mike Dodson (
Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (

ITLOTC 10-4-2022

in the life of the church | ordinary time

St. Francis (by Jamie)

When we think about saints, we think of people who were particularly adept at embodying being formed in the way of Christ in their particular time and place, and thus look to them as examples as we seek to do the same.

Today we mark the life of St. Francis of Assisi. You have probably noticed that we have several statues of Francis around Ubc, and this is for good reason, as some of the core values Francis embodied are our own.

He is known for having an understanding of the interconnectedness of things.  He referred to animals, plants, planets, emotions, and, of course, all people, as his siblings; knowing that we are wholly connected by the love and attention of God. 

He had deep concern for beauty, famously rebuilding a crumbling chapel in the hills outside his home town.  He was also a poet, prone to break into verse to declare the innate beauty of the world around him. This drive to embrace and embody beauty was born of his awareness of God’s care for the same.

Further, Francis invites us to reorient our relationship to material goods and wealth, shining a light onto the life of simplicity where God’s care and provision burns brightest.  He did this in his own life, and embodied it further in his care for the poor and cast-away of society.

I’ll elaborate on all this more at our St. Francis Liturgy tonight (at 5:30), but if you can’t make it, I hope that you’ll give Francis a google and take a moment to reflect on his life.

But if you don’t have time for that, I leave you with this quote from a Franciscan community about one of the primary lessons of Francis’ life:

Conversion, or rather living in a state of constantly being converted, is what Francis' life was about. Drawn by the love of God, drawn away from worldly ambitions for glory, Francis instead found his treasure in the total surrender of self to God.

For those of us who follow Jesus in the footsteps of St. Francis, the example of conversion to God, of living each day in a deeper state of conversion, to die to self a little more each day that we might live entirely for God, this is the important thing to see in Francis.

This has always struck me as a place where the life of Francis draws near to the heart of Ubc—we who are seeking to be formed more fully in the way of Christ, to love God, embrace beauty, and live life to the fullest.  If nothing else, may this day draw your attention back to that common cause.

And as you do so, receive this benediction:

May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers,
half-truths, and superficial relationships,
so that we will live deeply in our hearts.
May God bless us with anger
at injustice, oppression, and exploitation
of people and the earth,
so that we will work for justice, equity, and peace.
May God bless us with tears to shed
for those who suffer,
so that we will reach out our hands
to comfort them and change their pain to joy.
And may God bless us with the foolishness to think
that we can make a difference in the world,
so that we will do the things which others say
cannot be done.


We are starting a monthly small group, a family sensory worship space. Come as you are! The group will have a loose structure in short durations: a time of meditation, a time of yoga, a very short time of listening to biblical or testimony stories, a time for creative play, a time of music/dance, a time for sharing/visiting. Visual and/or sound needs will be considered. Movement is encouraged as needed.

It will be based on the Quaker Montessori curriculum Sparkling Still, in which short inspirational and interactive stories are provided on simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship, mindfulness, empathy, discernment, and other virtues for the whole family.

Please sign up in the lobby to be involved in the planning or first gatherings. You can also email We hope to launch in early 2023.

October Dinner Parties

Want to get to know other UBC’ers? Do you enjoy dinner? Then this is for you! Each month we have a sign-up sheet in the foyer for dinner parties. You can sign-up to host, attend, or go out to eat. I (Toph) will connect 2-3 households each month, and you commit to having dinner with those folks. If you have any questions, please contact

Join us at 5:30PM on Tuesday, October 4th, as we celebrate the life of St. Francis of Assisi.  We'll be using the story of his life as a lens to worship God, and also as a tool of our own formation.  If you'd like to submit a photo of a beloved animal in your life, email

Youth - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

5th & 6th Graders - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

We are having our first table at Out on the Brazos this year, and we need a few folks to come out and share about UBC. The festival is from 11am-6pm, and we are looking for people to come out and help us with our booth. If you would like to volunteer, please contact

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, October 8th at 1pm

Children’s Ministry

Want to serve with UBC Kids but can’t but can’t say yes to a once/month commitment? We’d love to add you to our list of dedicated subs who can step in from time to time. Email to sign up.

Youth Ministry

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.


If UBC is a place you care about and benefit from, we hope you’ll consider financially supporting this work as you are able. You can give online here.

If you are in your mid 20’s-mid 30’s, we would love for you to join us for the retreat in a few weeks. We will leave on Friday afternoon from UBC, and return in time for church on Sunday morning. We are headed to a lake house on Cedar Creek Lake, and the cost is $40 for all meals and lodging. Email to sign-up, or if you have questions.

LGBTQIA+ Meetup - Friday, October 14 at 6pm

Please join us this month on the Land’s for another potluck. This is a great time to meet other folks at UBC, and show our unequivocal support for the LGBTQIA+ community. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer. Email with any questions.

If you are new to UBC within the last 6 months, and would like to learn more about our community and ways you can get involved, please consider staying after church on October 16th. We will provide lunch and drinks, and will be done by 1:30pm at the latest. You can sign-up on Sunday morning, or email

UBCYP Hangout - Thursday, October 20th at 7pm

If you are in your mid 20’s to mid 30’s, this group is for you. We gather monthly to hang out and get to know each other. This month we will be gathering at Toph’s casa. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer, or you can email to sign-up or if you have questions.

Children & Youth Formation Conversation - Sunday, October 23rd after church

Please join us for a conversation about our approach to formation for our kids and youth. We’d love to talk through this and hear your hopes and dreams for the future!

Women’s Group-Costume Party - Friday, October 28th at 7pm

UBC Families Meetup-Waco Zoo - Saturday, October 29th at 9am

We are going to meet up at the Cameron Park Zoo at 9am on Saturday the 29th. The zoo is having a Halloween themed scavenger hunt! Bring yourself and your kiddos out to the zoo for a fun day, and get to know some other UBC families. Costumes are encouraged, but not required. Email with any questions.

All Saints Liturgy - Tuesday, November 1st at 5:30pm

Fall Fire Chill - Friday, November 4th at 6pm

Belief & Belonging Festival - Saturday, November 5th

Women's Group-Hangout - Friday, November 11th at 7pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

Van Davis is hosting a 6-week fitness program at UBC and would like to offer UBCers all 12 sessions for $25, instead of $60. Use the QR code above to register.

Parishioner of the Week

Our parishioners of the week are Kyle & Kristen Howerton for hosting an awesome UBC tailgate.

Preaching Schedule

10/9: Patrick

10/16: Kerri

10/23: Craig

10/30: Kieran


11/13: Listening to Our Congregation: LGBTQ Folks

11/20: Christ the King Sunday

11/27: Kirk

UBC Kids October 2022

Hi friends,

Welcome to the very first UBC Kids email. My hope is to send you a care package on the first Monday of each month that you can refer to throughout the month. Each one will include news and information for children and families at UBC, a resource I've found to be helpful, and an occasional idea or two for family faith formation at home.

I want to take a second to say how much I love your kids and what a privilege it is to catch glimpses of their growth and formation on Sunday mornings. Jillian and I take turns walking the halls each week in case we're needed for anything. As we walk, we pray. I’ll confess, I indulge in some eavesdropping, too.

Last week, I listened to our 2- and 3-year-olds baaaa boisterously as they learned about God's love through the story of the lost sheep. I overheard our 1st and 2nd graders cheer each other on as they found lost coins just like Jesus searches for—and finds—us. The sounds of giggles and good questions and kind instruction filled the air. I found myself grinning and thinking this, right here, is a parable.

The kingdom of God is joyful and contagious and a little bit wild, like a child's belly laugh. It can't be contained, but instead spreads to all who hear it. The kingdom of God is playful and fun and sometimes silly like a game. It beckons us to bring our holy curiosity to its pursuit. The kingdom of God is like arms open wide in welcome. We can trust all our fears and questions, our needs and hopes to its endless embrace.

As our children come to know God, they’re learning that God is good and that God can be trusted. My hope, as always, is that they will choose to trust and follow God in their own lives. (That’s my hope for you and for me, as well.)

Grace and peace,

For the Month of October

On Sunday mornings from 10:45-noon, our 2-year-olds through 4th graders are busy learning who God is and what God is like through the stories of scripture. Our lectionary-based curriculum is fun, interactive, and tailored to each age group. Here's what they'll spend the next few weeks learning about.

On Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:00, our 5th and 6th graders are exploring the overall story arc of scripture and how it connects to the foundations of our faith. They’re walking through the Old Testament with an eye toward understanding the history of God’s people and adding context for who Jesus is and why Jesus is so important. In October they'll be busy exploring...

Click the titles of any of the weeks above for the corresponding Family Pages so you can continue these conversations with your kids at home. (You can also find printed versions of the Family Pages on the UBC Kids bulletin board at church.)

For Your Family Formation

I’m so grateful for Meredith Anne Miller and the way she has shaped by approach to children and faith formation. Meredith is a pastor and parent with over 20 years of experience helping families follow Jesus. She spent five years as Curriculum Director for the children’s ministry at Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago, Illinois, where she created a framework for lessons that responds to the latest research on kids and faith formation. She's also worked with Fuller Youth Institute since 2007.

I love Meredith's vision for helping parents re-examine the notion of using the Bible to raise “good kids” and instead move toward becoming a Jesus-centered, justice-seeking, joy-filled family. She is a delightful human being and one of my favorite follows on Instagram! (I've especially appreciated her highlights on obedience, anti-racism, deconstruction, and affirmation).

Oh, and she also makes a podcast for kids and their grownups called Ask Away. In each 10-minute episode, she and her kids tell a Bible story and then talk about questions kids listeners send to the show.

For Your Calendar

UBC Families Meetup-Waco Zoo - October 29th at 9am

Fall Fire Chill - Friday, November 4th at 6pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

UBC Family Retreat - Friday, March 3-Monday, March 6

ITLOTC 9-27-2022

(In The Life Of The Church)

Ordinary Time

Well, hello and happy Tuesday team!

For those of you who may not have met me before, my name is Kieran and I’m the Youth Pastor here at UBC. I wanted to take just a short amount of time to talk about Youth formation here at UBC; the ways in which we’ve fostered it over the years, and how we’re approaching it this semester to keep learning new and exciting for all the kids in the youth group.

Traditionally, back when the youth group first started, we began by taking one book of the bible per semester - typically an Old Testament book in the spring, and a New Testament book in the autumn. This worked really well, and allowed us to dive in deep each week to a specific part of whatever text we were studying - say, for example, the Gospel of Luke.

Now, taking a slow approach like this did bring its problems. For all our good intentions and theological training, at the end of the day, the youth group is still comprised of teenagers - brilliant, thoughtful, intelligent teenagers, but they’re always going to get bored easily when they feel like they’re doing school on a Wednesday night after having done school all week already. It’s tricky to keep engagement up, and therefore tricky to actually keep comprehension and engagement up. This was especially true during the first year or so of the pandemic - they would sit on Zoom all day doing school, and the idea of doing the same thing for youth group was, understandably, galling.

So, I endeavored to change things up a bit. Last year we tried a process of teaching thematically - we would go through a series of topics, let’s say Prayer, Reading the Bible, Love, and so on, and each evening I’d pull from a range of Biblical sources to provide context for those themes throughout the Bible. This, alongside changing up how discussion groups were organised (we went from a purely-based-on-age model to more of an “interest-level” model - those more interested in how the topic applied to daily life would form one group, whilst those seeking to dive deeper into the theology and philosophy of the topic would form another group, for example), led to a much better level of engagement.

It also had another factor - we have seen dramatic change and growth in our kids as they’ve been able to engage in the material in the way they find most edifying. This is natural as they grow up, and it’s a huge part of it, but I got lots of feedback that taking a sense of ownership in some small way helped them feel more involved, and they were more likely to engage in discussions, ask questions, and overall really come out of their shells.

That leads us to this semester - building on top of the foundations we set last year and the feedback that ownership was a really motivating factor, we’ve moved into that space even more. In the youth room there is a Halloween Yoda’s head with pens and paper in it, and each week at various youth group events, I remind and encourage the kids to write down any questions they have - about Christianity, the Bible, theology, what it means to live as a Christian, etc. Then, at the end of our weekly youth group sessions, I have someone come up and pick a topic randomly from the hat (Yoda’s head) - and that’s the topic of next week’s session!

So far I think this approach has been working wonderfully. Each week prompts new questions, and the kids feel like they’re actually getting to learn about the things they actually have questions about, rather than just me making informed, but ultimately arbitrary, decision about what I think they might have questions about.

UBC youth group is first and foremost a place of formation and discovery. We build on the phenomenal curriculum in our kids’ ministry, a curriculum used nationwide with robust and easy-to-learn lessons, and take time to strengthen those foundational tenets of Christianity whilst also exploring more advanced topics.

This age is such a pivotal one, as we all remember in our own lives. The kids are figuring out for the first time, what it means to have a faith or belief in something that is their own, and comes from them, rather than simply being inherited from their parents. It’s a time of growth, and sometimes stretching pains, but it is deeply humbling and rewarding to create a safe space for them to ask those questions and make those discoveries.

With all my warmest,

P.S. Want to get our weekly Youth Email? Sign up by checking the box next to Youth at this link (or email

UBC Pastoral Search Survey

This is the last week to share your feedback by completing the Pastoral Search Survey or scheduling an in-person listening session (link here). This survey will close after Sunday, October 2nd. If you have questions, please email

Leadership & Finance Team Nominations

We continue to seek Leadership Team and Finance Team nominations. These positions are incredibly important for our community and an important way to serve! Thanks for considering carefully if you are interested or if you know someone who might do a good job.

If you have questions about serving on either the Leadership or Finance Team and want to learn about what is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members. 

This Week at UBC

Youth - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

5th/6th Graders - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Women’s Group: The Light in the Piazza - Thursday, 7:30pm at 
Waco Civic Theatre

Backside - Friday, 7 pm at UBC

UBC Tailgate at Baylor - Saturday, 11am at Baylor: Join us in revelry and anticipation at the Ubc Tailgate. There will be free beer and hotdogs, as well as free memories and laughs. It's going to be a real touchdown of a time. Stay tuned for specific time and location. Contact with questions.

Youth Coffee w/ Kieran - Saturday, 1pm at Pinewood Coffee

Youth Sunday - Sunday, October 2nd

First Sunday Meal (Foster Care Focus) - Sunday, October 2nd: We will be hosting two different ministries/non-profits who work in foster care, Arrow Child and Family Ministries, and CASA, to share about their work and ways you might support children in foster care. Each have a brief opportunity to share at the end of the service and we will be having a luncheon after church to hear more about their work. Sign-up here or contact with any questions.

Needs of the Church

Children’s Ministry: We looking for one last very special person to volunteer in our Bloom (2/3-year olds) classroom once a month.

We’re also looking for dedicated subs who can step in when scheduled volunteers are ill or have scheduling conflicts. This is a great option if you want to serve with our kids but can’t say yes to a once/month commitment!

If you’re willing to serve or would like to learn more, please email

Youth Ministry: If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Giving: Click here to give online.

Upcoming Events

St. Francis Day Liturgy - Tuesday, October 4th at 5:30pm: Join us at 5:30PM on Tuesday, October 4th, as we celebrate the life of St. Francis of Assisi.  We'll be using the story of his life as a lens to worship God, and also as a tool of our own formation.  If you'd like to submit a photo of a beloved animal in your life, email

Out on the Brazos- Saturday, October 8th, 11am-6pm: We are having our first table at Out on the Brazos this year, and we need a few folks to come out and share about UBC. The festival is from 11am-6pm, and we are looking for people to come out and help us with our booth. If you would like to volunteer, please contact

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, October 8th at 1pm

Nübcers Lunch - Sunday, October 9th after church: If you are new to UBC within the last 6 months, and would like to learn more about our community and ways you can get involved, please consider staying after church on October 16th. We will provide lunch and drinks, and will be done by 1:30pm at the latest. You can sign-up on Sunday morning, or email

Young Adult Retreat - Friday, October 14th-Sunday, October 16th: If you are in your mid 20’s-mid 30’s, we would love for you to join us for the retreat in a few weeks. We will leave on Friday afternoon from UBC, and return in time for church on Sunday morning. We are headed to a lake house on Cedar Creek Lake, and the cost is $40 for all meals and lodging. Email to sign-up, or if you have questions.

Women’s Group-Costume Party - October 28th at 7pm

UBC Families Meetup-Waco Zoo - October 29th at 9am

Neighborhood Parties - Friday, November 4th at 6pm

Women's Group-Hangout - Friday, November 11th at 7pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday, November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - Monday, November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

Parishioner of the Week

Our parishioner of the week is Sarah Miller for hosting last week’s LGBTQIA+ meetup.

Preaching Schedule

10/2: Youth Sunday

10/9: Patrick

10/16: Kerri

10/23: Craig

10/30: Kieran

ITLOTC 9-20-2022

(In The Life Of The Church)

Ordinary Time

Dear UBC Family,

I find myself wanting to begin with a disclaimer. I’m not an ordained minister, children’s or otherwise. I don’t have a seminary degree. I don’t have any formal training. And yet…

I did spend the last several years walking alongside, listening to, and learning with and from ministers of all types, demographics, and denominational backgrounds like it was my job (because it was literally my job). I am a former kid who spent a lot of time in Sunday School and Bible studies and D-Now weekends and praying around various flagpoles. And I’m a parent, doing my best to guide and teach and encourage my child as she is formed in the way of Christ.

Perhaps most importantly, I’m a human being—created in the image of God—and a Christ-follower—formed and being formed to be more like Jesus, and called to share that love with the help of the Holy Spirit. As are you, my friend.

All this to say, it has been really cool to dive into the deep end of children’s ministry at UBC over the past several weeks. Our kids are awesome! They’re fun and goofy and unique and a little bit nuts. They’re aware of the world and their place in it in ways I’m still trying to grasp. They have big imaginations and ask amazing questions. They are so honest and their hearts are so tender. If you’re not in our classrooms on Sunday mornings you may not get to experience all of this, so I thought I’d share a bit with you here.

On Sunday mornings, our 2-year olds through 4th graders are learning who God is and what God is like through the stories of scripture. Our lectionary-based curriculum is fun, interactive, and tailored to each age group. This semester our kids are in Luke’s gospel learning about The Lost Sheep and Lost Coin (this Sunday), Two Masters (10/2), The Parable of the Rich Man (10/9), A Seed of Faith (10/16), Ten Men Healed (10/23), The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (11/6), and Zacchaeus (11/13), plus a brief detour into Genesis for Jacob Wrestles (10/30).

On Wednesday evenings, our 5th and 6th graders are exploring the overall story arc of scripture and connecting it to the foundations of Christian faith. This year they’re walking through the Old Testament with an eye toward understanding the history of God’s people and adding context for who Jesus is and why Jesus is so important. Next year, they'll continue with the New Testament, learning all about Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection.

Our hope is that as our children come to know God, they learn that God is good and God can be trusted and they choose to trust and follow God in their own lives. That’s my hope for you and for me, as well.

Grace and peace,

P.S. We’re trying out a special, monthly-ish UBC Kids & Families email with more details about what and how our kids are learning, as well as some resources for faith formation at home. If that’s something you want, please hit this link and check the box next to Children & Families (or email

UBC Pastoral Search Survey

Please take some time to share your feedback by completing the Pastoral Search Survey or scheduling an in-person listening session, which you can do here. If you have questions, please email

Leadership & Finance Team Nominations

We continue to seek Leadership Team and Finance Team nominations. These positions are incredibly important for our community and an important way to serve! Thanks for considering carefully if you are interested or if you know someone who might do a good job.

If you have questions about serving on either the Leadership or Finance Team and want to learn about what all is involved, please feel free to read our bylaws or email Nominations can be sent to our email address or to any of our staff members. 

This Week at UBC

Youth - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

5th/6th Graders - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Lgbtqia+ Meetup - Friday, 6:00 pm at Sarah Miller’s house: This will be a potluck, so please bring a dish to share and let us know how many people to expect by signing up here. If you have any questions, please contact

Youth PowerPoint Party - Friday, 6:00 pm at UBC

Youth Games Afternoon - Saturday, 1:00 pm at UBC

Needs of the Church

Children’s Ministry: We still need 5 more volunteers to serve once a month in our Bloom (2/3-year olds) and Branch (Pre-K/K) classrooms.

We’re also looking for dedicated subs who can step in when scheduled volunteers are ill or have scheduling conflicts. This is a great option if you want to serve with our kids but can’t say yes to a once/month commitment!

If you’re willing to serve or would like to learn more, please email

Youth Ministry: We’re still looking for a few great volunteers to help with our Youth! For more information you click this link and/or email

If you’d like to get involved with the Youth Group but can’t volunteer on Wednesday nights you can sign-up to provide youth dinner (cooked, bought, or otherwise!) instead. Sign up for that here and Kieran will reach out to you at the beginning of the week you sign up for to arrange details.

Giving: Click here to give online.

Get Involved

All of our groups and volunteer opportunities for the fall started up last week. If you haven’t yet, we would love to for you take a look at this form and find some ways to plug into the life of the church here at UBC. If you have any questions, please contact

Next Week at UBC

Backside - Friday, September 30th at 7 pm

UBC Tailgate at Baylor - Saturday, October 1st: Join us in revelry and anticipation at the Ubc Tailgate. There will be free beer and hotdogs, as well as free memories and laughs. It's going to be a real touchdown of a time. Stay tuned for specific time and location. Contact with questions.

Youth Sunday - Sunday, October 2nd

First Sunday Meal (Foster Care Focus) - Sunday, October 2nd: We will be hosting two different ministries/non-profits who work in foster care, Arrow Child and Family Ministries, and CASA, to share about their work and ways you might support children in foster care. Each have a brief opportunity to share at the end of the service and we will be having a luncheon after church to hear more about their work. Sign-up here or contact with any questions.

Upcoming Events

Top(h) Golf - Tuesday, September 27th at 6pm

Women’s Group: The Light in the Piazza - Thursday, September 29th at 7:30pm

St. Francis Day Liturgy - Tuesday, October 4th at 5:30pm

Nübcers Lunch - Sunday, October 9th after church

Young Adult Retreat - Friday, October 14th-Sunday, October 16th

UBC Families Meetup-Waco Zoo - October 29th - 9am

Neighborhood Parties - Friday, November 4th at 6pm

Women's Group-Hangout - Friday, November 11th at 7pm

Thanksgiving Lovefeast - Sunday November 13th at 5:30pm

UBC Families Meetup-Mini Golf - November 14th, 5-7pm

Post-Thanksgiving Evening Service - Sunday, November 27th at 6pm

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often!

Parishioner of the Week

Our parishioner of the week is Nathanael Mosher for leading worship on Sunday.

Preaching Schedule

9/25: Kieran

10/2: Youth Sunday

10/9: Patrick

10/16: Kerri

10/23: Craig

10/30: Kieran