Newsletter 11-14-2023


Today, my firstborn turns 17, and I am feeling all the feelings.  

I have several questions: How?  Why?  How dare you?  How could you?  Okay, maybe not the last two, at least not out loud, but the reality of time and its consistent marching forward is hitting me hard.  We cannot alter the carriage of time, and that is perhaps both freeing and heart wrenching.  That said, no season seems to pass more quickly, and yet somehow more slowly, than the last two months of the year.  Family gatherings, beautiful memories, painful absences, and old wounds swirl together into a blur as we head into the latter part of November and Advent.  Our bodies remember and carry the exceptional and the exhausting; my hope is that you will hold yourself gently as we approach this complicated time of the year.  If you are anticipating the joy and happy noise of the holiday season, take a breath and sink softly into the goodness that awaits you.  If you are in a different place, and the anxiety and sadness of the next handful of weeks is looming, take a breath and remember you are not alone.  In the darkness, a Light has entered the world, and that Light goes where you go and stays where you stay. I so appreciate the opportunities at UBC to be authentic and present to whatever we are experiencing, which for me, is a mix of both beauty and pain.  Sharing a meal at Love Feast spoke to a place in me that longs for connection and tradition.  I look forward to the Liturgy of Grief, which I anticipate will speak to the place in me that acknowledges what is missing and what has been stolen.  Time carries on, but it is Jesus and his community who carries us. My love is with you today. -Andie


Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm

5th & 6th Grade Gathering - Wednesday, 6pm 

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Pub

UBCYP - Thursday at 7pm @ Toph’s Casa

Join us for our next young professionals gathering this Thursday at 7pm at Toph’s place.  Please bring a finger food to share, byob, and get ready for some fun.  Email for directions, or with any questions.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Christ the King

As we near Christ the King Sunday, I’m curious what comes to mind for you when you see the phrase “Christ the King.” Does that mean something specific to you? What does the world look like when Christ is King? Are there glimmers of that around us? Or perhaps you find great discomfort with the phrase “Christ the King”—what’s that discomfort like? You get the idea—I’m curious about how that phrase finds you. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to jot some thoughts down—could be a word, a poem, a paragraph, etc.; you can do that here.

UBC Kids Merch!
While cleaning out the kids ministry supply closet, we found a bin filled with t-shirt treasures!  On November 12th and 19th, we will be selling tees in the lobby for a suggested cash donation of $5. All proceeds will be used to stock our classrooms.  We have a variety of sizes, toddler through adult, so that you can rep UBC Kids wherever you go!

Tech Booth Volunteers

We are looking for a few more folks to volunteer in the tech booth on slides, lights, and the livestream. Previous experience isn’t required—we can train you! Contact if you’re interested.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers, and are always on the look out for more! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email

Leadership Team, Finance Team, and HR Team

All of our teams will have people rotating off later this year and early next, and we are currently accepting nominations for people to serve on one of those three teams. If you know someone who would be a good fit, and would like to serve on LT, FT, or HR, please email your nomination to any team member or full-time staff member. If you have any questions, please contact



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Spiritual Direction Group

The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 1 new participant.  We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:40-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives.  We focus on the art and power of asking and listening.  Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program.  Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.

Faith of the Outsider - Sunday, 9:30am, Piano Room

Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative.


Carols, Cocktails, and Cookie - December 3 - 6pm

Join us for our 2nd annual carols, cocktails, and cookies.  We will have folks playing some of their favorite Christmas music, and UBC will be providing a big batch cocktail, and mocktail, as well as Hot Chocolate for the kids.  What we need from you?  We would love for you to make or buy some cookies to share.  Please contact for any questions.  

Liturgy of Mourning - December 7th, 5:30pm

College Hangout - December 10th - 7pm

Join us for our last college hangout of the semester at Toph’s place.  We will eat dinner together, and play some Christmas games.  Please sign-up in the foyer, or email

UBCYP Progressive Dinner Party - Thursday December 14th - 6pm

Join us for our first ever progressive dinner party.  We will have appetizers at one location, then entrees, and finally dessert.  Please contact to sign-up, or sign-up in the foyer.  If you are willing to hose one of the locations, please let Toph know.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


11/19- Andie

11/26- Christ the King Sunday

12/3- Andie

12/10- Andie

12/17- Andie

12/24 *At 5:30 pm* - Andie

12/31- Brunch Church


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team (

Ben Raley
Britt Duke
Katie Valenzuela
Andy Clark
Aleigh Ascherl
Marcus Franklin
Shelly Taylor
Katie Robinson
Margo Shanks

HR Team (

Erin Hill
Patrick Broaddus
Craig Nash
Kristen Howerton
Abbey Mackey

Finance Team (

Colton Towns
Julie Sievers
Ethan Cohen


Newsletter 11-7-2023


from jamie

Christ the King Sunday is coming up in a few weeks. This is a mix between a finale of the church calendar and a New Year’s Eve moment; an end and a beginning. In this culminating moment, we lay grasp to the hope that all of this shakes out in the end; a shaking out that has something to do with Christ’s reign as some combination of ultimate cosmic king/meek lamb that is slaughtered yet standing. The bible seems to prefer poetry to talk about things like this, leaving questions opened and unanswered and inviting us into the world of imagination. In that spirit, I’m curious what comes to mind for you when you see the phrase “Christ the King.” Does that mean something specific to you? What does the world look like when Christ is King? Are there glimmers of that around us? Or perhaps you find great discomfort with the phrase “Christ the King”—what’s that discomfort like? You get the idea—I’m curious about how that phrase finds you. I’ve created a google form that you can use to answer, and I’ll have an analog method of answering available at church on Sunday. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to jot some thoughts down—could be a word, a poem, a paragraph, etc. Here’s the form.


Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm

5th & 6th Grade Gathering - Wednesday, 6pm 

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Pub

Liturgy of Gratitude - Thursday, November 9, 5:30pm

Join us for a time to reflect on all of that for which we are thankful.

Women’s Group Hangout: Friday, November 10, 7pm, Renee Meyer’s house

We will soak in the hot tub and have an outdoor fire. Please bring drinks, snacks and a swimsuit. Email Tiffany at for directions.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Early Holiday Shopping for Arrow

The holidays are coming up, and UBC has a tradition of teaming up with our partners to provide Christmas gifts for kids who might not receive any without some support. This year we are partnering with Arrow Child and Family Ministries, and we have committed to buy gift for 14 girls who are connected to their program. This year they are doing a Christmas store for parents to shop, and also collecting gift cards for parents. If you would like to shop for gifts for one of the girls, you can sign-up in the foyer on Sunday, or email Toph. The girls ages range from 1-11yr, and they are asking for 2 or so gifts per kid, and there is no need to spend more than $30 on each gift. The gifts need to be at UBC by Sunday, November 19th. If you have any questions, please contact

UBC Kids Merch!
While cleaning out the kids ministry supply closet, we found a bin filled with t-shirt treasures!  On November 12th and 19th, we will be selling tees in the lobby for a suggested cash donation of $5. All proceeds will be used to stock our classrooms.  We have a variety of sizes, toddler through adult, so that you can rep UBC Kids wherever you go!

Tech Booth Volunteers

We are looking for a few more folks to volunteer in the tech booth on slides, lights, and the livestream. Previous experience isn’t required—we can train you! Contact if you’re interested.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers, and are always on the look out for more! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email

Leadership Team, Finance Team, and HR Team

All of our teams will have people rotating off later this year and early next, and we are currently accepting nominations for people to serve on one of those three teams. If you know someone who would be a good fit, and would like to serve on LT, FT, or HR, please email your nomination to any team member or full-time staff member. If you have any questions, please contact



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Spiritual Direction Group

The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 1 new participant.  We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:40-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives.  We focus on the art and power of asking and listening.  Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program.  Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.

Faith of the Outsider - Sunday, 9:30am, Piano Room

Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative.


Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


11/12- Andie

11/19- Andie

11/26- Christ the King Sunday

12/3- Andie


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 10-31-2023

from andie

“Nobody gets it, nobody listens, and nobody cares about me!” I cried as I sat on a front porch swing in the dark.  Next to me was the one person in the world who did indeed get it, who listened, who cared about me.  As I shook with tears of frustration, embarrassment, and adolescent rage, my Grandma Mary put her hand on my back and didn’t say a word.  She always knew when to speak and when to stay silent.  She didn’t doubt me, correct me, or scare me, which was a rarity in the volatility that marked my home life.  My grandma just sat with me. She was present to my pain, and she gave me precious space to experience it without repercussion.  When I was new in my faith, my biggest hesitation came in the form of a heavenly “Father.”  Sure, this Father was somehow less angry and punitive than my own, despite the genocide en masse that was ascribed to Him.  “He is a good Father who gives good gifts” my pastors and leaders would say, and my job was to worship Him for who He is and what He has done for me. I couldn’t.  I just could not bring myself to invite another domineering male presence into my fragile heart.  So I didn’t, despite everyone around me insisting otherwise.  Instead, in the intuitive wisdom held by most teens, I decided I would love and welcome and even worship a vision of God that resonated more true.  I decided that I needed a heavenly Grandma.  I need a divine Grandma so warm and so gracious and so safe that it would be natural for me to sit in Her presence.  I needed a Grandma God who held space and held my heart, just like my own grandmother did time and time again. 

When I light a candle on All Saints’ Day, it is for my Mary, the grandma who allowed me to breathe and question and be incensed and fall in love with justice.  I wear her pearls, and I think of the legacy she had in my life and in my faith.  I am grateful for the ministry of attending that she modeled for me, and for the countless times I have had the opportunity to put a hand gently on someone’s back in comfort, solidarity, and lament.  Whoever it is that you light a candle for this week, may you experience the warmth and light of their legacy.  We give thanks for the saints who have taught us this gentle and empowered way of being in the world, and we look to their example to more fully love those who will be here after we have gone.  My heart is with you as you reflect and remember. 

With love, Andie.


All Saints Liturgy - Wednesday, 5:30pm

Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm - this will be a Halloween Party. Costumes are encouraged, but not required, there will be a contest!

5th & 6th Grade Gathering - Wednesday, 6pm - this will be a Halloween Party. Costumes are encouraged, but not required, there will be a contest!

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Pub

UBC Bonfire - November 3rd at 630pm

Join us for annual bonfire at the Dodson’s on Friday night, November 3rd at 6:30pm.  UBC will provide drinks, and all the items needed for s’more's.  Please bring a chair or blanket to sit around the fire.  You can sign-up in the foyer on Sundays, or email to sign-up.  If you have any questions, reach out to Toph.

UBC Tailgate - November 4th - noon

Join us for our second UBC Tailgate before the Baylor vs Houston game on Saturday, November 4th.  We will be gathering at the Howerton’s tailgate, and UBC will provide the drinks and hotdogs. You can email for directions.

ubc[creatives]-Sunday, November 5, 4pm

Come hang out with other creative folks and talk about making stuff!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Tech Booth Volunteers

We are looking for a few more folks to volunteer in the tech booth on slides, lights, and the livestream. Previous experience isn’t required—we can train you! Contact if you’re interested.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers, and are always on the look out for more! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email

Leadership Team, Finance Team, and HR Team

All of our teams will have people rotating off later this year and early next, and we are currently accepting nominations for people to serve on one of those three teams. If you know someone who would be a good fit, and would like to serve on LT, FT, or HR, please email your nomination to any team member or full-time staff member. If you have any questions, please contact



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Spiritual Direction Group

The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 1 new participant.  We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:40-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives.  We focus on the art and power of asking and listening.  Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program.  Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.

Faith of the Outsider - Sunday, 9:30am, Piano Room

Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative.


Liturgy of Gratitude - Thursday, November 9, 5:30pm

Join us for a time to reflect on all of that for which we are thankful.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


11/5- Andie

11/12- Andie

11/19- Andie

11/26- Christ the King Sunday


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 10-24-2023

Early Holiday Shopping for Arrow

Hello, Toph here. The holidays are coming up, and UBC has a tradition of teaming up with our partners to provide Christmas gifts for kids who might not receive any without some support. This year we are partnering with Arrow Child and Family Ministries, and we have committed to buy gift for 14 girls who are connected to their program. This year they are doing a Christmas store for parents to shop, and also collecting gift cards for parents. If you would like to shop for gifts for one of the girls, you can sign-up in the foyer on Sunday, or email Toph. The girls ages range from 1-11yr, and they are asking for 2 or so gifts per kid, and there is no need to spend more than $30 on each gift. The gifts need to be at UBC by Sunday, November 19th. If you have any questions, please contact


Top(h) Golf - Tuesday, October 24th, 5:15-7:15pm
Join us next Tuesday, October 24th, from 5:15-7:15pm at Top Golf.  UBC will cover the bay, you just pay for whatever food and drinks you order.  No need to sign-up, just show up!   If you have any questions, contact

Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm - this will be a Halloween Party. Costumes are encouraged, but not required, there will be a contest!

5th & 6th Grade Gathering - Wednesday, 6pm - this will be a Halloween Party. Costumes are encouraged, but not required, there will be a contest!

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Pub


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Tech Booth Volunteers

We are looking for a few more folks to volunteer in the tech booth on slides, lights, and the livestream. Previous experience isn’t required—we can train you! Contact if you’re interested.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers, and are always on the look out for more! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email

Leadership Team, Finance Team, and HR Team

All of our teams will have people rotating off later this year and early next, and we are currently accepting nominations for people to serve on one of those three teams. If you know someone who would be a good fit, and woul like to serve on LT, FT, or HR, please email your nomination to any team member of full-time staff member. All of those emails are below. If you have any questions, please contact



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Spiritual Direction Group

The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 1 new participant.  We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:40-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives.  We focus on the art and power of asking and listening.  Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program.  Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.

Faith of the Outsider - Sunday, 9:30am, Piano Room

Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative.


UBC Bonfire - November 3rd at 630pm

Join us for annual bonfire at the Dodson’s on Friday night, November 3rd at 6:30pm.  UBC will provide drinks, and all the items needed for s’more's.  Please bring a chair or blanket to sit around the fire.  You can sign-up in the foyer on Sundays, or email to sign-up.  If you have any questions, reach out to Toph.

UBC Tailgate - November 4th - time tba

Join us for our second UBC Tailgate before the Baylor vs Houston game on Saturday, November 4th.  We will be gathering at the Howerton’s tailgate, and UBC will provide the drinks, and either breakfast tacos or hotdogs (depending on game time).  The time of the game hasn’t been release yet, but make plans to join us for the tailgate.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


10/29- Andie

11/5- Andie

11/12- Andie

11/19- Andie


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 10-17-2023


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid” John 14:27, NRSV.

Many of us have a complicated relationship with peace.  We have been told that God is a God of peace, that the peace of Christ surpasses understanding, that we are to be peacemakers, and that the peacemakers will be called blessed.  And yet, we are watching lives stolen, destroyed, irreparably altered with no apology.  We are bearing witness to the very worst humanity offers itself in real time.  Where is the peace in that?  

In this moment, I am especially grateful for the great grace and space UBC offers to those of us whose hearts are troubled.  We are allowed to be afraid, confused, sad, and angry.  That posture is reflective of the words of Jesus in John 14.  Jesus was assuring his friends that though he would be absent for a moment, the Spirit of God would become more and more present to them in the midst of their uncertainty and fear, not despite it.  His words are an invitation to those with heavy hearts, not a condemnation of them. Jesus does not give violence as the world does, rather, Jesus offers something profound and beautiful through the imminence of the Spirit.  Jesus gives the mercy of the Spirit: close, constant, and available in every moment of helplessness, panic, and grief.  

I don’t know how to alleviate the suffering that we are seeing in Gaza.  It is devastating, and angering, and maddening that violence is winning in so many parts of our world.  Each day, it is harder and harder to stay engaged and present to the pain that swirls around us.  Friends, peace is not the absence of hard things.  Peace is not avoidance.  Peace, in all its various forms, is something we co-create with God and one another for the flourishing and well-being of all.  May we find the resilience to bear witness to the realities of this world so that we may engage in the serious work of peacemaking.  I don't know what it looks like moment to moment, but I know it is worthy of our investment, emotion, and time. 

God, we bring our siblings of every background, nationality, and belief to you.  Teach us, and them, to love as we are loved.  Make peace among all humanity, as is your nature, character, and name.  Form us more fully in the likeness and grace of Christ, so that we too may make peace. Amen.


Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm

5th & 6th Grade Gathering - Wednesday, 6pm 

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Pub

UBCYP Hangout - October 19th -7pm

Join us for our next young professional gathering at Souther Roots Brewing Company, on October 19th at 7pm.  We will hang out, eat some pizza, drink some beer, and get to know one another better.  Invite a friend, more the merrier.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church, or email to let him know you are coming.  If you have any questions, email Toph.

Belief and Belonging Festival Discount Code

Since the folks at the Belief and Belonging Festival are renting our space, they have offered a special coupon code for $10 off of general admission for ubcers. Just enter UBCWACO during checkout. For tickets and festival info, head here:

You can also contact Sharyl West Loeung at

College Retreat - October 20-22 - Cedar Creek Lake

Mark your calendars for the weekend of 10/20-22 for our Fall College Retreat.  This is a great time to get to know other UBC college students, spend some time in formation, and enjoy a great lake house on Cedar Creek Lake.  The cost is $40, and will cover all meals and lodging.  We will be carpooling from UBC on Friday afternoon, the 20th.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email to sign-up or with questions.

ubc[creatives]-Sunday, October 22, 4pm

Come hang out with other creative folks and talk about making stuff!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Tech Booth Volunteers

We are looking for a few more folks to volunteer in the tech booth on slides, lights, and the livestream. Previous experience isn’t required—we can train you! Contact if you’re interested.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers, and are always on the look out for more! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Spiritual Direction Group

The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 1 new participant.  We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:40-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives.  We focus on the art and power of asking and listening.  Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program.  Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.

Faith of the Outsider - Sunday, 9:30am, Piano Room

Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative.


Top(h) Golf - Tuesday, October 24th, 6-8pm
Join us next Tuesday, October 24th, from 6-8pm at Top Golf.  UBC will cover the bay, you just pay for whatever food and drinks you order.  No need to sign-up, just show up!   If you have any questions, contact

UBC Women’s Hangout: Dinner and Drinks-Wednesday, October 25th, 6:15pm @ Di Campli’s

Youth Group for 6th-12th graders is from 6-8 PM at UBC, so drop off your kids and come have dinner with the ladies! Must RSVP to Tiffany Covert ( by October 23rd so a reservation can be made.

UBC Bonfire - November 3rd at 6pm

Join us for annual bonfire at the Dodson’s on Friday night, November 3rd at 6:30pm.  UBC will provide drinks, and all the items needed for s’more's.  Please bring a chair or blanket to sit around the fire.  You can sign-up in the foyer on Sundays, or email to sign-up.  If you have any questions, reach out to Toph.

UBC Tailgate - November 4th - time tba

Join us for our second UBC Tailgate before the Baylor vs Houston game on Saturday, November 4th.  We will be gathering at the Howerton’s tailgate, and UBC will provide the drinks, and either breakfast tacos or hotdogs (depending on game time).  The time of the game hasn’t been release yet, but make plans to join us for the tailgate.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


10/22 Katie V

10/29- Andie

11/5- Andie


Trevor Carlson for taking care of coffee duty while Craig has been gone!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 10-10-2023


Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm

5th & 6th Grade Gathering - Wednesday, 6pm 

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Pub


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


*A Few Spots Left* Youth Group Dinner Sign Ups

Part of our youth’s weekly gathering is eating together, which is of course important for the growth of both community and teenagers. You can help foster this growth by signing up to bring food some time. You’ll find more info and a sign up sheet here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers, and are always on the look out for more! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Spiritual Direction Group

The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 1 new participant.  We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:40-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives.  We focus on the art and power of asking and listening.  Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program.  Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.

**No Sunday School on 10/15—will resume next week** Faith of the Outsider - Sunday, 9:30am, Piano Room

Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative.


UBCYP Hangout - October 19th -7pm

Join us for our next young professional gathering at Souther Roots Brewing Company, on October 19th at 7pm.  We will hang out, eat some pizza, drink some beer, and get to know one another better.  Invite a friend, more the merrier.  You can sign-up in the foyer at church, or email to let him know you are coming.  If you have any questions, email Toph.

Belief and Belonging Festival Discount Code

Since the folks at the Belief and Belonging Festival are renting our space, they have offered a special coupon code for $10 off of general admission for ubcers. Just enter UBCWACO during checkout. For tickets and festival info, head here:

You can also contact Sharyl West Loeung at

College Retreat - October 20-22 - Cedar Creek Lake

Mark your calendars for the weekend of 10/20-22 for our Fall College Retreat.  This is a great time to get to know other UBC college students, spend some time in formation, and enjoy a great lake house on Cedar Creek Lake.  The cost is $40, and will cover all meals and lodging.  We will be carpooling from UBC on Friday afternoon, the 20th.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email to sign-up or with questions.

ubc[creatives]-Sunday, October 22, 4pm

Come hang out with other creative folks and talk about making stuff!

UBC Women’s Hangout: Dinner and Drinks-Wednesday, October 25th, 6:15pm @ Di Campli’s

Youth Group for 6th-12th graders is from 6-8 PM at UBC, so drop off your kids and come have dinner with the ladies! Must RSVP to Tiffany Covert ( by October 23rd so a reservation can be made.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


10/15- Andie

10/22 Katie V

10/29- Andie

11/5- Andie


Everyone who volunteered at Out on the Brazos!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 10-3-2023


Happy October, friends! 

I’m actually wearing a flannel right now, and yes, I definitely recognize that I will regret that decision later.  It reminds me of the old saying, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”  Do our physical steps of preparation somehow manifest the realities we want over the ones we have?  Will wearing a flannel on a 90 degree day bring me the Ghosty Girl Fall of my dreams? 

I don’t have those answers, but here’s what I do know: As we look to a new month filled with possibilities, opportunities, anxieties, friendship, loneliness, and all the rest of what awaits us, we do so surrounded by the love of God and one another.  Sometimes that makes all the difference, and sometimes it doesn’t, but my hope for us is that we can find some of the courage and resilience it takes to dream about something beautiful and move towards it.  That we would grant ourselves permission to reach and grow. 

So wear the flannel, write the song, make the phone call, start the non-profit, brush your teeth, take a shower, take a breath, celebrate, grieve, rest, or whatever else it is that October offers you.  Find a rhythm and vision that grants your heart the goodness it deserves.


St. Francis Liturgy - October 4th, 5:30pm

You might have noticed we have a bunch of St. Francis statues around the building. That’s because he embodied a way to be in the world that we want to call ourselves toward. October 4th is the Feast Day of St. Francis, and we will be gathering for a short liturgy from 5:30-6.

Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm

5th & 6th Grade Gathering - Wednesday, 6pm 

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Pub

College Hangout - October 5th

Our next college hangout is Thursday night, October 5th, at UBC.  We will be playing some games, one epic version of a particular game, and enjoying tacos.  You can sign-up in the foyer at UBC, or just email to sign-up.

Out on the Brazos - October 7th

We are setting up a booth again at Out on the Brazos, and we need some help.  Out on the Brazos is Waco’s largest gay pride event, and we were only 1 of four churches last year.  This is a great opportunity to show support four LGBTQIA+ community in Waco, and let me folks know UBC is a place where they can find full inclusion and belonging.  If you would like to volunteer to be at the tent for a an hour or two, please contact  The event runs from 10am-6pm.

LGBTQIA+ and Allies Potluck - October 8th

We are having our first LGBTQIA+ and Allies gathering on October 8th after church.  This will be a time in which we can get to know each other better, share some of our story, and eat some delicious food (which you will help provide!). This will be a potluck, and UBC will provide the main dish and drinks, we would like you to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  If you have any questions, please contact  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Youth Group Dinner Sign Ups

Part of our youth’s weekly gathering is eating together, which is of course important for the growth of both community and teenagers. You can help foster this growth by signing up to bring food some time. You’ll find more info and a sign up sheet here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Spiritual Direction Group

The Sunday morning UBC Spiritual Direction Small Group has space for 1 new participant.  We meet weekly during Sunday class time (9:40-10:30 AM), and ask that members be able to commit to regularly attending meetings. Our small group works together to discern the activity and presence of God in our daily, ordinary lives.  We focus on the art and power of asking and listening.  Coordinated by Laura Sepanski, who graduated in May 2022 from Truett Seminary Spiritual Direction certificate program.  Contact Laura at with questions or interest in signing up.

Faith of the Outsider - Sunday, 9:30am, Piano Room

Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative.


College Retreat - October 20-22 - Cedar Creek Lake

Mark your calendars for the weekend of 10/20-22 for our Fall College Retreat.  This is a great time to get to know other UBC college students, spend some time in formation, and enjoy a great lake house on Cedar Creek Lake.  The cost is $40, and will cover all meals and lodging.  We will be carpooling from UBC on Friday afternoon, the 20th.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email to sign-up or with questions.

UBC Women’s Hangout: Dinner and Drinks-Wednesday, October 25th, 6:15pm @ Di Campli’s

Youth Group for 6th-12th graders is from 6-8 PM at UBC, so drop off your kids and come have dinner with the ladies! Must RSVP to Tiffany Covert ( by October 23rd so a reservation can be made.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


10/8- Andie


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 9-26-2023



As Andie and her family get settled, there are three ways you can be of support:

•Meal Train: Sign up to bring a meal to the Pellicer’s here. Please note food allergies listed.

•Big Move: On Saturday, October 7th , the rest of the Pellicer’s earthly treasures will arrive in Waco. Sign up to help unload in the morning or the afternoon.

•Presents! We would like to put together a couple of themed welcome baskets. Baskets will be delivered weekly, stay tuned for more information! (Feel free to add more lines if needed.) Sign up here!

Contact Alex with any questions: 713-376-0190

2) nÜbcers Lunch (THIS SUNDAY)

If you are new to UBC in the last 6 months, we would love to invite you to lunch with the staff on October 1st after church.  This is a time in which you can learn more about how to plug into the life of UBC, and an opportunity to ask questions.  There will be sign-up sheet in the foyer, and you can email with any questions.


Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm

5th & 6th Grade Gathering - every Wednesday, 6:00-8:00 pm

Our weekly 5th & 6th Grade Gatherings have resumed! Each week we share a meal with the youth group, then break off for our own time of fun, games, and exploration. This semester we're experimenting with a bunch of (very simple) prayer practices like breath prayer, body prayer, and praying with art, attention, and imagination. 

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Pub


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Youth Group Dinner Sign Ups

Part of our youth’s weekly gathering is eating together, which is of course important for the growth of both community and teenagers. You can help foster this growth by signing up to bring food some time. You’ll find more info and a sign up sheet here.

Cesar Chavez Clothing Needs

Our friends over at CCMS have requested we collect clothing items for students who are need of clothes for this school year.  They have already encountered several students who having to wear the same clothes each day.  They are need of the following: All sizes, all genders. If shorts, they need to be longer (7" vs 3"), tights (basic black tights, cotton), and maybe some light jackets/pullovers.   You can bring the clothes to UBC and place them in Toph’s office, and if you have any questions, contact

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

St. Francis Liturgy - October 4th, 5:30pm

You might have noticed we have a bunch of St. Francis statues around the building. That’s because he embodied a way to be in the world that we want to call ourselves to be. October 4th is the Feast Day of St. Francis, and we will be gathering for a short liturgy from 5:30-6.

College Hangout - October 5th

Our next college hangout is Thursday night, October 5th, at UBC.  We will be playing some games, one epic version of a particular game, and enjoying tacos.  You can sign-up in the foyer at UBC, or just email to sign-up.

Out on the Brazos - October 7th

We are setting up a booth again at Out on the Brazos, and we need some help.  Out on the Brazos is Waco’s largest gay pride event, and we were only 1 of four churches last year.  This is a great opportunity to show support four LGBTQIA+ community in Waco, and let me folks know UBC is a place where they can find full inclusion and belonging.  If you would like to volunteer to be at the tent for a an hour or two, please contact  The event runs from 10am-6pm.

LGBTQIA+ and Allies Potluck - October 8th

We are having our first LGBTQIA+ and Allies gathering on October 8th after church.  This will be a time in which we can get to know each other better, share some of our story, and eat some delicious food (which you will help provide!). This will be a potluck, and UBC will provide the main dish and drinks, we would like you to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  If you have any questions, please contact  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

College Retreat - October 20-22 - Cedar Creek Lake

Mark your calendars for the weekend of 10/20-22 for our Fall College Retreat.  This is a great time to get to know other UBC college students, spend some time in formation, and enjoy a great lake house on Cedar Creek Lake.  The cost is $40, and will cover all meals and lodging.  We will be carpooling from UBC on Friday afternoon, the 20th.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email to sign-up or with questions.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


10/1- Andie

10/8- Andie


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 9-19-2023


Hi friends!

Thank you so, so much for a beautiful first Sunday at UBC.  Our family is incredibly grateful for the warmth and love we've already experienced here in Waco.  

I'm just going to say it: New chapters are complicated.  As I said goodbye to my life-long home in Washington, it was with great hope and tangible grief.  I cannot remember a time in my life when I've felt as sure about something as I do about moving to UBC, and yet, new chapters are complicated.  Change is wonderful and change is awful, and somehow both things are fully true at the same time.  As I consider the road UBC has walked over the last year or so, I wonder if you are experiencing something similar.  Excitement, trepidation, relief, hope, loss, all coexisting, because new chapters are complicated.  As we continue on the journey UBC has been on since the beginning, here's what I know to be true: Waco needs UBC.  As we honor the past and look to the future, my hope is that we navigate this transition with authenticity, giving space to what we need as individuals and as a church.  It is a gift to join you in this work, and I look forward to writing this new chapter together.  


Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm

Our weekly youth group gathering will resume tomorrow!

Backside - 9/22, 7pm

Join us for an open mic/open wall art event! If you’d like to share something, email


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Youth Group Dinner Sign Ups

Part of our youth’s weekly gathering is eating together, which is of course important for the growth of both community and teenagers. You can help foster this growth by signing up to bring food some time. You’ll find more info and a sign up sheet here.

Cesar Chavez Clothing Needs

Our friends over at CCMS have requested we collect clothing items for students who are need of clothes for this school year.  They have already encountered several students who having to wear the same clothes each day.  They are need of the following: All sizes, all genders. If shorts, they need to be longer (7" vs 3"), tights (basic black tights, cotton), and maybe some light jackets/pullovers.   You can bring the clothes to UBC and place them in Toph’s office, and if you have any questions, contact

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

nÜBC’ers Lucheon - October 1st

If you are new to UBC in the last 6 months, we would love to invite you to lunch with the staff on October 1st after church.  This is a time in which you can learn more about how to plug into the life of UBC, and an opportunity to ask questions.  There will be sign-up sheet in the foyer, and you can email with any questions.

St. Francis Liturgy - October 4th, 5:30pm

You might have noticed we have a bunch of St. Francis statues around the building. That’s because he embodied a way to be in the world that we want to call ourselves to be. October 4th is the Feast Day of St. Francis, and we will be gathering for a short liturgy from 5:30-6.

College Hangout - October 5th

Our next college hangout is Thursday night, October 5th, at UBC.  We will be playing some games, one epic version of a particular game, and enjoying tacos.  You can sign-up in the foyer at UBC, or just email to sign-up.

Out on the Brazos - October 7th

We are setting up a booth again at Out on the Brazos, and we need some help.  Out on the Brazos is Waco’s largest gay pride event, and we were only 1 of four churches last year.  This is a great opportunity to show support four LGBTQIA+ community in Waco, and let me folks know UBC is a place where they can find full inclusion and belonging.  If you would like to volunteer to be at the tent for a an hour or two, please contact  The event runs from 10am-6pm.

LGBTQIA+ and Allies Potluck - October 8th

We are having our first LGBTQIA+ and Allies gathering on October 8th after church.  This will be a time in which we can get to know each other better, share some of our story, and eat some delicious food (which you will help provide!). This will be a potluck, and UBC will provide the main dish and drinks, we would like you to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  If you have any questions, please contact  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

College Retreat - October 20-22 - Cedar Creek Lake

Mark your calendars for the weekend of 10/20-22 for our Fall College Retreat.  This is a great time to get to know other UBC college students, spend some time in formation, and enjoy a great lake house on Cedar Creek Lake.  The cost is $40, and will cover all meals and lodging.  We will be carpooling from UBC on Friday afternoon, the 20th.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email to sign-up or with questions.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


9/24- Andie

10/1- Andie

10/8- Andie


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 9-12-2023


Howdy UBCers,

We are so excited our new lead pastor, Andie Pellicer has arrived in Waco! Listed below are several ways you can get involved, help ease their transition to Texas, and extend hospitality to the whole Pellicer Family.

Meal Train: Sign up to bring a meal to the Pellicer’s here. Please note food allergies listed.

Big Move: On Saturday, October 7th , the rest of the Pellicer’s earthly treasures will arrive in Waco. Sign up to help unload in the morning or the afternoon.

Presents! We would like to put together a couple of themed welcome baskets. This is a great opportunity for you, your family, MiCasa, friends, Sunday school class etc., to continue to welcome the Pellicers to Texas. Baskets will be delivered weekly, stay tuned for more information! (Feel free to add more lines if needed.) Sign up here!

Contact Alex with any questions: 713-376-0190


Youth Group - Wednesday, 6pm

Our weekly youth group gathering will resume tomorrow!

Women’s Group Pool Party- 9/15, 7:30pm

This group meets once a month to hang out, and is a great way to get to know other UBC women who are out of college/grad school.  The next gathering is on Friday, September 15th at the Dodsons, and will be a pool party.  If you have any questions, contact Tiffany Covert at


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Youth Group Dinner Sign Ups

Part of our youth’s weekly gathering is eating together, which is of course important for the growth of both community and teenagers. You can help foster this growth by signing up to bring food some time. You’ll find more info and a sign up sheet here.

Cesar Chavez Clothing Needs

Our friends over at CCMS have requested we collect clothing items for students who are need of clothes for this school year.  They have already encountered several students who having to wear the same clothes each day.  They are need of the following: All sizes, all genders. If shorts, they need to be longer (7" vs 3"), tights (basic black tights, cotton), and maybe some light jackets/pullovers.   You can bring the clothes to UBC and place them in Toph’s office, and if you have any questions, contact

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email



Micasas are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

Backside - 9/22, 7pm

Join us for an open mic/open wall art event! If you’d like to share something, email

nÜBC’ers Lucheon - October 1st

If you are new to UBC in the last 6 months, we would love to invite you to lunch with the staff on October 1st after church.  This is a time in which you can learn more about how to plug into the life of UBC, and an opportunity to ask questions.  There will be sign-up sheet in the foyer, and you can email with any questions.

St. Francis Liturgy - October 4th, 5:30pm

You might have noticed we have a bunch of St. Francis statues around the building. That’s because he embodied a way to be in the world that we want to call ourselves to be. October 4th is the Feast Day of St. Francis, and we will be gathering for a short liturgy from 5:30-6.

College Hangout - October 5th

Our next college hangout is Thursday night, October 5th, at UBC.  We will be playing some games, one epic version of a particular game, and enjoying tacos.  You can sign-up in the foyer at UBC, or just email to sign-up.

Out on the Brazos - October 7th

We are setting up a booth again at Out on the Brazos, and we need some help.  Out on the Brazos is Waco’s largest gay pride event, and we were only 1 of four churches last year.  This is a great opportunity to show support four LGBTQIA+ community in Waco, and let me folks know UBC is a place where they can find full inclusion and belonging.  If you would like to volunteer to be at the tent for a an hour or two, please contact  The event runs from 10am-6pm.

LGBTQIA+ and Allies Potluck - October 8th

We are having our first LGBTQIA+ and Allies gathering on October 8th after church.  This will be a time in which we can get to know each other better, share some of our story, and eat some delicious food (which you will help provide!). This will be a potluck, and UBC will provide the main dish and drinks, we would like you to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  If you have any questions, please contact  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

College Retreat - October 20-22 - Cedar Creek Lake

Mark your calendars for the weekend of 10/20-22 for our Fall College Retreat.  This is a great time to get to know other UBC college students, spend some time in formation, and enjoy a great lake house on Cedar Creek Lake.  The cost is $40, and will cover all meals and lodging.  We will be carpooling from UBC on Friday afternoon, the 20th.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email to sign-up or with questions.

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


9/17- Andie

9/24- Andie


You! Congratulations, you!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Andie Pellicer, Lead Pastor
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 9-5-2023


Greetings. I want to take a moment to highlight two important upcoming dates.

First: Town Hall! We will have our quarterly Town Hall meeting this Sunday after church. This is a time to hear updates from Leadership Team, HR Team, and Finance Team, to ask questions, and to voice any hopes and dreams you might have.

Also, don’t forget that Andie’s first Sunday with us is September 17th! I know we are all very excited to have her with us, and I’m looking forward to welcoming her and her family home.

Take care!


UBCYP Hangout - September 7th

If you are a young professional or grad students in their mid-20’s to mid-30’s, join us at Toph’s Casa on the 7th for a time of games and fellowship.  This is a great group, and a great way to get to know other UBC’ers in a similar life stage.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email with any questions.

Sunday School Returns- September 10th, 9:30am

Nick Deere is leading a class called "Faith of the Outsider," starting September 10th. Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative. 

Town Hall - September 10th, after church

ubc[creatives] - September 10th, 4pm

Come spend time with creative folks talking about creative stuff!

College Hangout - September 10th

Join us for our first college hangout of the year at Toph’s Casa.  We will be eating dinner, playing games, and getting to know each other.  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer, or you can email to sign-up.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Youth Group Dinner Sign Ups

Part of our youth’s weekly gathering is eating together, which is of course important for the growth of both community and teenagers. You can help foster this growth by signing up to bring food some time. You’ll find more info and a sign up sheet here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please email


Micasa’s are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

September Dinner Clubs

Do you eat dinner?  Would you like to get to know other UBC’ers?  If you answered yes to both questions, sign-up in the foyer for September Dinner Clubs.  Toph will connect you with two or three other UBC folks, and you commit to finding a time in September for everyone to meet up and eat dinner.  If you have any questions, contact

Youth & 5th/6th Grade Groups- September 13th

Our youth and 5th/6th grade groups will resume their Wednesday night gatherings on September 13th at 6pm.

Women’s Group Pool Party- 9/15, 7:30pm

This group meets once a month to hang out, and is a great way to get to know other UBC women who are out of college/grad school.  The next gathering is on Friday, September 15th at the Dodsons, and will be a pool party.  If you have any questions, contact Tiffany Covert at

Backside - 9/22, 7pm

Join us for an open mic/open wall art event! If you’d like to share something, email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


9/10- Craig

9/17- Andie

9/24- Andie


You! Congratulations, you!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 8-29-2023


Greetings. Hope this finds you well.

I just wanted to take a moment to make you aware that the ubc podcast is now on spotify. We went through a long patch of it not showing up on apple podcasts, followed by a long patch of just using the stream as our record of sermons, but now you should be able find it wherever you listen to podcasts. IF you happen to be a podcast person with a preferred platform that doesn’t have it, just email and we’ll see what we can do.

P.S. In case you didn’t know, you can also stream ubcmusic wherever you listen to music.


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Micasa’s are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

September Dinner Clubs

Do you eat dinner?  Would you like to get to know other UBC’ers?  If you answered yes to both questions, sign-up in the foyer for September Dinner Clubs.  Toph will connect you with two or three other UBC folks, and you commit to finding a time in September for everyone to meet up and eat dinner.  If you have any questions, contact

UBCYP Hangout - September 7th

If you are a young professional or grad students in their mid-20’s to mid-30’s, join us at Toph’s Casa on the 7th for a time of games and fellowship.  This is a great group, and a great way to get to know other UBC’ers in a similar life stage.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email with any questions.

Sunday School Returns- September 10th, 9:30am

Nick Deere is leading a class called "Faith of the Outsider," starting September 10th. Inspired by the work of Frank Anthony Spina, this class will look at the ‘outsider’ motif running throughout the Bible, seeing how outsiders are often welcomed into and become a part of God’s plan. Each week we will look at one Biblical story of an outsider and broaden our view of inclusion and exclusion in the Biblical narrative. 

ubc[creatives] - September 10th, 4pm

Come spend time with creative folks talking about creative stuff!

College Hangout - September 10th

Join us for our first college hangout of the year at Toph’s Casa.  We will be eating dinner, playing games, and getting to know each other.  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer, or you can email to sign-up.

Youth & 5th/6th Grade Groups- September 13th

Our youth and 5th/6th grade groups will resume their Wednesday night gatherings on September 13th at 6pm.

Women’s Group Pool Party- 9/15, 7:30pm

This group meets once a month to hang out, and is a great way to get to know other UBC women who are out of college/grad school.  The next gathering is on Friday, September 15th at the Dodsons, and will be a pool party.  If you have any questions, contact Tiffany Covert at

Backside - 9/22, 7pm

Join us for an open mic/open wall art event! If you’d like to share something, email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


9/3- Kerri

9/10- Craig

9/17- Andie

9/24- Andie


Kirk for being our interim pastor for the last year. August 27th was his last Sunday with us, and we wish him the best!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 8-22-2023


Brace yourselves for another installment in the critically acclaimed “everyone on staff answers the same question” series. This week, Taylor is curious about showcasing local cuisine:

If you met someone new to Waco, what restaurant would you recommend to them?"

Taylor- Saffron
Jeff- Taqueria #9
Jamie- Poppa Rollos
Kirk- George’s or Hecho en Waco
Toph- [Toph is in Thailand, but he for sure took Andie to Helberg when she was visiting Waco]


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Micasa’s are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

September Dinner Clubs

Do you eat dinner?  Would you like to get to know other UBC’ers?  If you answered yes to both questions, sign-up in the foyer for September Dinner Clubs.  Toph will connect you with two or three other UBC folks, and you commit to finding a time in September for everyone to meet up and eat dinner.  If you have any questions, contact

UBCYP Hangout - September 7th

If you are a young professional or grad students in their mid-20’s to mid-30’s, join us at Toph’s Casa on the 7th for a time of games and fellowship.  This is a great group, and a great way to get to know other UBC’ers in a similar life stage.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email with any questions.

ubc[creatives] - September 10th, 4pm

Come spend time with creative folks talking about creative stuff!

College Hangout - September 10th

Join us for our first college hangout of the year at Toph’s Casa.  We will be eating dinner, playing games, and getting to know each other.  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer, or you can email to sign-up.

Women’s group - 9/15- Pool Party

This group meets once a month to hang out, and is a great way to get to know other UBC women who are out of college/grad school.  The next gathering is on Friday, September 15th at the Dodsons, and will be a pool party.  If you have any questions, contact Tiffany Covert at

Backside - 9/22, 7pm

Join us for an open mic/open wall art event! If you’d like to share something, email

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


8/27- Katie

9/3- Kerri


Holly Duke for attending the Baylor church fair with the pastoral staff, and Maggie Griffin for designing the graphics for our church fair hand out, as well as our beautiful new ubc sail sign thing.


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 8-14-2023


Hello friends - it’s Kieran. The plan was for me to write the article this week, and talk about my final days - but I actually think that I ended up saying everything I wanted to say in my sermon on Sunday, so please do go and catch the end of that!

Instead what I’ll do is leave you with a blessing - John O’Donohue to the rescue once more! I remember reading this to the youth group at the beginning of last year - it’s strange how appropriate it’s become for me now, and I hope that as UBC goes on into the next bright chapter, these words might offer strength, gentleness, and encouragement. 

For a New Beginning
by John O'Donohue

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.

Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life's desire.

Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.


Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Public House

Kindergarten Commissioning- This Sunday

We are commissioning ou kindergarteners as they begin their formal educational journeys!

Welcome Back Lunch - This Sunday

We can’t wait to have everyone back from all their summer travels, and all our college kids!  Come hungry to church Sunday, we are catering El Crucero afterwards.  Please plan to join us for lunch after church, and don’t worry, we will have a vegan gluten free option for all those who either want or need such an option.  If you have any questions, contact


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Toph in Thailand

If you recall, we spent several years partnering with Wendy and Neiko Tase in northern Thailand, assisting in their work with South Asian immigrants in the northern part of Thailand.  Their sending organization is hosting a conference at the end of the month for all of their Asia personnel, as well as some folks from Nagaland, India  Wendy and Neiko have been training.  They have asked me to come over and be the Bible teacher for the conference.  I will be flying out to Thailand on August 21st, and will return on September 5th.  While there, I will also have the opportunity to fly down to Malaysia and visit Tim and Adrienne Lee, who were UBC members and now Tim serves on staff at a church in Kuala Lumpur.  Since this was not a planned trip, we also did not budget for it.  If you would like to give towards the cost of the trip, you can do so here, just click the Thailand fund:  If you have any questions, please contact

UBCYP Hangout - September 7th

If you are a young professional or grad students in their mid-20’s to mid-30’s, join us at Toph’s Casa on the 7th for a time of games and fellowship.  This is a great group, and a great way to get to know other UBC’ers in a similar life stage.  You can sign-up in the foyer, or email with any questions.

ubc[creatives] - September 10th, 4pm

Come spend time with creative folks talking about creative stuff!

College Hangout - September 10th

Join us for our first college hangout of the year at Toph’s Casa.  We will be eating dinner, playing games, and getting to know each other.  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer, or you can email to sign-up.

Women’s group - 9/16- Pool Party

This group meets once a month to hang out, and is a great way to get to know other UBC women who are out of college/grad school.  The next gathering is on September 16th at the Dodsons, and will be a pool party.  If you have any questions, contact Tiffany Covert at


Micasa’s are designed to build more intentional community within the larger community of UBC.  They meet on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday night.  If you would like to get plugged into a Micasa, sign-up in the foyer or contact for questions.

September Dinner Clubs

Do you eat dinner?  Would you like to get to know other UBC’ers?  If you answered yes to both questions, sign-up in the foyer for September Dinner Clubs.  Toph will connect you with two or three other UBC folks, and you commit to finding a time in September for everyone to meet up and eat dinner.  If you have any questions, contact

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


8/20- Craig

8/27- Katie

9/3- Kerri


All the youth who helped put together the video for Kieran’s final UBC Sunday!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 8-8-2023



This is Kieran’s last Sunday. He is also preaching. It would be a good idea for you to be there not only to bid farewell to the dude who has formed our youth group into a bastion of belonging, but also to hear one of our very best preachers one last time.

Also, Kieran asked me to play “Heavenly Father” by Bon Iver for the offering. But I must tell you: I don’t know if I can pull it off. It is one of my favorite songs. It is sacred to me. Doing it any sort of justice is a tall order. It also has the “gd” word in it twice, which is a bit of a pickle in the Sunday morning setting. Anyway, I don’t know what is going to happen. But I wanted to be sure you had the song on your mind this week regardless because Kieran wanted it in the mix.

So, behold: This is an a cappella version at the Sydney Opera House. I watch it every couple of months and weep in awe. You should watch it.


Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Public House

Parent's Night Out (This Friday, August 11, 5:30pm-8pm)

This Friday we are having a Parent's Night Out! We're going to  do some crafts, eat some snacks (but please eat dinner beforehand), and watch a movie together! Feel free to sign up until 5pm on Wednesday! And volunteer to help if you want! You can sign up or volunteer by sending an email to Taylor at!

Move-Up Sunday

Our kids are changing Sunday School Classes at church on Sunday Morning.

Kieran’s last Sunday :(

With no joy in our hearts, the time has come.  This Sunday will be Kieran’s last Sunday at UBC, as he and Vanessa move soon to the cooler temps of the northeast for Kieran to attend Yale University.  Kieran will also be preaching this Sunday.  We would love for you to come to church on Sunday, and help us thank Kieran for all the wonderful work he has done with our youth group. 


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Kindergarten Commissioning (August 20)

We are commissioning ou kindergarteners as they begin their formal educational journeys!

Welcome Back Lunch - August 20th

It’s that time of year again, and we are excited to welcome everyone back and kick off the school year.  We will be gathering for lunch after church on August 20th.  No need to bring anything, just plan to stay and hang out with other UBC’ers.  We will be having El Crucero again, and will have a delicious gluten free, vegan option.  If you have any questions, please contact

Toph in Thailand

If you recall, we spent several years partnering with Wendy and Neiko Tase in northern Thailand, assisting in their work with South Asian immigrants in the northern part of Thailand.  Their sending organization is hosting a conference at the end of the month for all of their Asia personnel, as well as some folks from Nagaland, India  Wendy and Neiko have been training.  They have asked me to come over and be the Bible teacher for the conference.  I will be flying out to Thailand on August 21st, and will return on September 5th.  While there, I will also have the opportunity to fly down to Malaysia and visit Tim and Adrienne Lee, who were UBC members and now Tim serves on staff at a church in Kuala Lumpur.  Since this was not a planned trip, we also did not budget for it.  If you would like to give towards the cost of the trip, you can do so here, just click the Thailand fund:  If you have any questions, please contact

ubc[creatives] - September 10th, 4pm

Come spend time with creative folks talking about creative stuff!

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


8/13- Kieran

8/20- Craig

8/27- Katie V


Our tech booth volunteers for navigating some audio issues on the stream on Sunday!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 8-1-2023


In another hotly anticipated installment of our “the staff all answer the same question” series, Jeff is curious about extreme culinary hypotheticals:

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Jamie: Breakfast Tacos

Toph: Tacos

Taylor: Tacos

Kirk: Enchiladas of almost any sort

Kieran: <insert British delicacy>

Jeff: Chicken tenders with his choice of sauce


Waco Dives - Wednesday, 12pm at Sascees Southern Eatery

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch. If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Public House


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email

Updated giving data will be in the slides on Sunday


***Ubc Family In Need***

One of your fellow Ubc families is in need of some financial support as they navigate their immigration/education journey! You can learn more and donate here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Summer calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Waco Dives - Wednesdays at Noon

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch.  This is a great time to meet other UBC’ers.  If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

UBCYP Summer Retreat – August 4th – 6th

We are having another summer retreat for those in your 20’s and 30’s at UBC.  We will be heading to a lake house in East Texas, and come back in time for church Sunday morning.   The cost is $50.  You can sign-up on Sunday mornings, or email to sign-up or with questions.  

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


8/6- Kirk

8/13- Kieran

8/20- Craig

8/27- Katie V


All of our kids volunteers for investing in our littles!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 7-25-2023


A little over thirteen months ago, I began a journey alongside the rest of the staff at UBC. I had been out of ministry life for a few years at that point, after having spent the previous twenty-five years on church staffs in Texas and Oklahoma. I didn’t know what was about to happen as I agreed to join UBC’s staff as the interim lead pastor. All of the typical trepidations found their way to me: would you like me? can I do the job? will UBC let me do the job? Will I like the job? These were questions among a long list as I began in June 2022.

On my first Sunday at UBC, the anxieties were no longer a thing. It had been a long time since I had been welcomed like you welcomed me. UBC has allowed me to be me in the midst of this transition to a new lead pastor. During this year, I have learned a few things about myself that I’d like to share in my final newsletter article for UBC:

  • While it initially mattered to me whether or not UBC “liked” me, once I was here, that mattered less. What became more important for me was to consider how I could best love UBC during this time. You allowed me to love you in a variety of ways - Thank you!

  • There are lots of ways to do church, and UBC has found the way that fits this group of people. No system is perfect, and UBC lives into the imperfect to find the best possible outcome in any number of situations. Thank you for showing me how to be church!

  • I love being able to have a group of people for whom I get the privilege to love, to pastor. It had been a number of years since I had been in that position - at least on a church staff, and UBC allowed me to discover that desire again. Thank you!

  • In baseball terms, no one hits a home run every time they preach. You have put up with the foul balls, the strike outs, and the occasional double or triple with my preaching - and you pointed it out when I laid down a terrible bunt. Thank you for letting me live into the joy I find when I preach. Thank you!

  • Because of your generosity, I’ve been able to make new friends - hopefully the kind that stay long after my time at UBC is up. Thank you!

As UBC heads into a new season with a new lead pastor, I look forward to seeing you show all of us how to be a people of God who Love God, Embrace Beauty, and Live Life to the Fullest.


Waco Dives - Wednesday, 12pm at Veronica’s Restaurant

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch. If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

Pints w/ Toph- Wednesday, 6pm, Pinewood Public House

Ubc Family Movie Night (ft. pizza)- Thursday, 5:30pm

This Thursday, July 27 we are having a UBC Family Movie Night! If you want to come and be a part you can email taylor at The night will begin at 5:30pm and we will eat pizza. Then we'll watch a movie!! So see you Thursday night, July 27, at 5:30pm for pizza and a movie! And email Taylor at to let her know if you're coming! 


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


***Ubc Family In Need***

One of your fellow Ubc families is in need of some financial support as they navigate their immigration/education journey! You can learn more and donate here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Summer calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Waco Dives - Wednesdays at Noon

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch.  This is a great time to meet other UBC’ers.  If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

UBCYP Summer Retreat – August 4th – 6th

We are having another summer retreat for those in your 20’s and 30’s at UBC.  We will be heading to a lake house in East Texas, and come back in time for church Sunday morning.   The cost is $50.  You can sign-up on Sunday mornings, or email to sign-up or with questions.  

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


7/30- Kirk

8/6- Kirk

8/13- Kieran

8/20- Craig

8/27- Katie V


Our drivers and volunteers who have helped make kids camp happen!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 7-18-2023


Hello UBC Family,

This has been an exciting weekend in the life of UBC, and it was good to see so many of you at Lovefeast Saturday night, and church on Sunday. We hope you have had the opportunity to meet Andie Pellicer and her family this weekend or had the opportunity to tune in on-line Sunday. We (the Pastoral Search Committee and Staff) have been looking forward to this weekend for some time, and we have loved the energy felt among the community this weekend. We would love to hear your thoughts on the weekend, and your thoughts on moving forward with Andie Pellicer as UBC’s next Lead Pastor. The PSC has created a survey to collect those here. This survey is your opportunity to share your voice, and will close at 9am tomorrow morning. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any staff member, Leadership Team, or the Pastoral Search Committee.


Waco Dives - Wednesday, 12pm at Cathay House

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch. If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

Ubc Kids Hangout - Thursday, 2pm, Cameron Park Splash Pad
Hey UBC Families and Kiddos! If you are interested in having some fun and getting to know some other UBCers then come meet us Thursday afternoon at 2:30pm at the Cameron Park Splash Pad! We are going to be having UBC Kids Hangouts all summer long! We'll meet Thursday at 2:30pm and we'll have a great time hanging out! If you think you're interested in coming let me know so I can be on the lookout for you!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


***Ubc Family In Need***

One of your fellow Ubc families is in need of some financial support as they navigate their immigration/education journey! You can learn more and donate here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Summer calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Waco Dives - Wednesdays at Noon

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch.  This is a great time to meet other UBC’ers.  If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

Ubc Family Movie Night (ft. pizza)- Next Thursday, 5:30pm

Next Thursday, July 27 we are having a UBC Family Movie Night! If you want to come and be a part you can email taylor at The night will begin at 5:30pm and we will eat pizza. Then we'll watch a movie!! So see you Thursday night, July 27, at 5:30pm for pizza and a movie! And email Taylor at to let her know if you're coming! 

UBCYP Summer Retreat – August 4th – 6th

We are having another summer retreat for those in your 20’s and 30’s at UBC.  We will be heading to a lake house in East Texas, and come back in time for church Sunday morning.   The cost is $50.  You can sign-up on Sunday mornings, or email to sign-up or with questions.  

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


7/23- Kerri F

7/30- Kirk

8/6- Kirk

8/13- Kieran

8/20- Craig


The Pastor Search Committee for coordinating Andie’s visit this past weekend!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 7-11-2023


In another installment of our critically acclaimed, hotly anticipated “one person on staff asks the rest of staff a question” series, Taylor is curious about CDs.

Question: what is the best CD you ever owned?

Kirk: U2 - The Joshua Tree

Jeff:  Spice Girls - Stop *hides*

Jamie: Manchester Orchestra- Mean Everything To Nothing

Taylor: NSync  - No Strings Attached 

Toph: Weezer- Blue Album

Kieran: My Chemical Romance- Welcome To The Black Parade


Our final candidate for lead pastor is Andie Pellicer! Andie and her family will be visiting us the weekend of July 16th! Here are a few things to mark on your calendar for that weekend:

Saturday, July 15th
-Coffee for Youth and Caregivers at Pinewood (1-3pm)
-Love Feast/Meet and Greet @ 6pm (bring some food to share!)

Sunday, July 16th
-Sunday Liturgy at 10:45 am (Andie is Preaching)
-Lunch with Andie after church (bring $5 if you want to eat)

You can learn more about Andie here.


Waco Dives - Wednesday, 12pm at Route 77 Food Park

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch. If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at Pinewood

Meals with Andie Pellicer this Weekend

Hello UBC Family!  We would love for you to join us for two meals this weekend to get to know Andie Pellicer and her family!  The first is Saturday night at 6pm at UBC.  This is a Lovefeast, so please bring a dish to share with the crowd.  The second opportunity is a luncheon after church on Sunday.  We will be having Jimmy Johns, so please bring $5 cash or check to contribute to the cost of the meal.  We will also have a QR code, if you prefer to pay that way.  To sign-up for lunch, please email by Friday at noon.  If you have any questions, contact Toph!


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Backpacks for Arrow Child and Family Ministry

One of our partners, Arrow Child and Family Ministries, is collecting backpacks for foster children for the start of the school year.  UBC has agreed to provide 20 backpacks and supplies for 20 foster kids.  Over the course of July, please buy one clear backpack, and the list of supplies below.  You can signup in the lobby.  If you have any questions, please contact 

Supplies we need:
Clear backpacks for both younger & older children
Composition books
Pink erasers
Glue sticks
Markers and colored pencils
3-ring binders
Kleenex boxes
Ziploc bags

***Ubc Family In Need***

One of your fellow Ubc families is in need of some financial support as they navigate their immigration/education journey! You can learn more and donate here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Summer calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Waco Dives - Wednesdays at Noon

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch.  This is a great time to meet other UBC’ers.  If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

Passport Kids Camp - Sunday, July 22nd-Tuesday, July 25th

UBCYP Summer Retreat – August 4th – 6th

We are having another summer retreat for those in your 20’s and 30’s at UBC.  We will be heading to a lake house in East Texas, and come back in time for church Sunday morning.   The cost is $50.  You can sign-up on Sunday mornings, or email to sign-up or with questions.  

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


7/16- Andie Pellicer

7/23- Kerri F

7/30- Kirk


Ben Simmons for taking care of music while Jamie was out of town!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (


Newsletter 7-4-2023


Greetings. I’d like to direct your attention once again to the information in the section below. The pastor search committee is bringing their final candidate, Andie Pellicer, to meet the congregation in a couple of weeks. I had a chance to meet Andie a few weeks ago and can confirm: she is a good hang. But please don’t take my word for it. Come meet Andie and her family for yourself the weekend of July 16th. Details in the next section.



Our final candidate for lead pastor is Andie Pellicer! Andie and her family will be visiting us the weekend of July 16th! Here are a few things to mark on your calendar for that weekend:

Saturday, July 15th
-Coffee for Youth and Caregivers at Pinewood (1-3pm)
-Love Feast/Meet and Greet @ 6pm (bring some food to share!)

Sunday, July 16th
-Sunday Liturgy at 10:45 am (Andie is Preaching)
-Lunch with Andie after church (bring $5 if you want to eat)

You can learn more about Andie here.


Waco Dives - Wednesday, 12pm at Cultura Mia Waco

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch. If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

Pints w/ Toph - Wednesday, 6:00 pm at Pinewood


UBC survives on the generosity of our congregation. Your tithes and offerings allow us to continue to create a space that is welcoming to all, embraces beauty, and seeks to live life to the fullest.

You can give, as you’re able, on Sunday mornings or set up a single or recurring online gift here.

If you ever have trouble with giving online or have a question about how to give, feel free to email


Backpacks for Arrow Child and Family Ministry

One of our partners, Arrow Child and Family Ministries, is collecting backpacks for foster children for the start of the school year.  UBC has agreed to provide 20 backpacks and supplies for 20 foster kids.  Over the course of July, please buy one clear backpack, and the list of supplies below.  You can signup in the lobby.  If you have any questions, please contact 

Supplies we need:
Clear backpacks for both younger & older children
Composition books
Pink erasers
Glue sticks
Markers and colored pencils
3-ring binders
Kleenex boxes
Ziploc bags

***Ubc Family In Need***

One of your fellow Ubc families is in need of some financial support as they navigate their immigration/education journey! You can learn more and donate here.

Kids Volunteers

We are so thankful for our UBC Kids Volunteers! And it's that time again - to make a Summer calendar! If you are available to help on Sunday mornings or other times this semester please reach out to Taylor at


Waco Dives - Wednesdays at Noon

It is the most wonderful time of the year, Waco Dives is back.  Each week we meet at a different Waco hole in the wall spot for lunch.  This is a great time to meet other UBC’ers.  If you have any questions, contact #yourbestlunchnow

Sign up for Lunch with Andie!

If you are planning to stay for lunch with Andie on July 16th, go ahead and email so we can have a good idea for how much food to buy. There will also be a sign up sheet in the lobby on Sunday!

Passport Kids Camp - Sunday, July 22nd-Tuesday, July 25th

UBCYP Summer Retreat – August 4th – 6th

We are having another summer retreat for those in your 20’s and 30’s at UBC.  We will be heading to a lake house in East Texas, and come back in time for church Sunday morning.   The cost is $50.  You can sign-up on Sunday mornings, or email to sign-up or with questions.  

Find more details and our full calendar of events on our website. This calendar is updated frequently, so check back often! 


7/9- Katie V

7/16- Andie Pellicer

7/23- Kerri F

7/30- Kirk


You! Congratulations, you!


Share Your Feedback

Have feedback for us? Feel free to reach out to staff directly with any praises, curiosities, or concerns. You are also invited to submit feedback to the HR team and allow them to pass it along! You can do that with this form:

Pastoral Staff

Taylor Post, Children and Families Pastor (
Toph Whisnant, Community Pastor (
Jameson Mcgregor, Worship & Arts Pastor (
Kieran Cressy, Youth Pastor (
Kirk Hatcher, Interim Lead Pastor (

Leadership Team

Ben Raley (
Britt Duke (
Katie Valenzuela (
Andy Clark (
Aleigh Ascherl (
Marcus Franklin (
Shelly Taylor (
Katie Robinson (
Margo Shanks (

HR Team

Erin Hill (
Patrick Broaddus (
Craig Nash (
Kristen Howerton (
Abbey Mackey (
Jess Smith (

Finance Team

Colton Towns (
Julie Sievers (
Evan Kidd (
Ethan Cohen (